
Monday, September 30, 2019

Last day of September...

Last day... If you have been good (and I haven't), there's a lot of things you can cross over from your bucketlist today.

If you haven't been good, remember that this is the first day of the Jewish year, and you can start over. You can start over any way. Just remember how it feels not having done what you were supposed to do, and promise yourself never to let yourself feel like that again.

Keep your promise.

You don't need me to tell you what to do.

I have posted the list of national days, so you can make your own list, so that you can't do what you are supposed to do, because I haven't posted anything for the day.

You don't need to follow my list at all. Make your own list of things that can be completed in one day, and just do it. Do it the first thing in the morning, if you can. Don't procrastinate. Don't push it forward and think you can do it later. Yes, you can, but you won't. We both know it.

Also, choose some things that need more days to be completed, like learn to play an instrument or run 5K or so, and write in your everyday to do list a step on the way to that goal.

And keep saving money to achieve your goals that require money to be completed, like travel and bungee jumping and going to a restaurant. Don't think about the money as something you could use in case of an emergency. See it as if you had spent it already and it doesn't exist.


So, today is
Hot Mulled Cider Day

Mud Pack Day - give yourself a clay mask.

and International Podcast Day. Either start a podcast or listen to your favorites :-)

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 30. Today's "stretch" is standing split.

Remember that when it comes to 100 pushups and 20 pullups, you don't necessarily follow the same schedule I do. You need to check up your own form and choose the plan that fits you!

100 pushups

12 - 14 - 11 - 10 - 16+
60 seconds between each set (longer if required)

20 pullups

4 - 3 - 4 - 3 - 4
rest 120 seconds

Sunday, September 29, 2019

29th of September

The day before the last day...

St. Michael's Day

Rosh Hashanah

World Heart Day, so do something to make your heart happy, whether it is finding love or aerobic exercise :-)


Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:

Jog 800m (or 5 minutes)
Walk 400m (or 3 minutes)
Jog 800m (or 5 minutes)
Walk 400m (or 3 minutes)
Jog 800m (or 5 minutes)

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 29. Today's stretch is the dancer's pose.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


Again a Saturday and time for reflection and a look back at the past week and the month - because there's only three days left of this September.

How has it been?

Before we go there, let's remind us of what should happen today.

It's the National Good Neighbor Day; do something nice to your neighbors.
Watch The Great Mouse Detective or Lady and the Tramp, both with good neighbors

It's Strawberry Cream Pie Day. So - of course - make and eat strawberry cream pie. Now, it's September and I don't think one should eat strawberries this late in the year. They are summer fruits. But - let's make strawberry cream pie.

It's also the International Poke Day.

The split stretch today is - the split. 1-5 and the split.

Now... let's get back to the review of the week.

I haven't done anything. :-( Oh, except we celebrated the Autumn Equinox in Monday. But I haven't run, done pullups or pushups or stretched, so I'm still at nothing.
I have excuses... oh, boy, do I have excuses... some of them are really good, like the fact that my fibromyalgia has been acting out and I haven't even got up from the bed. That's why some of this weeks installments have been posted day after - which you know if you have been following my blog and this series. 

I am very displeased with myself. :-(
I would so like to be able to do the splits and at least one pull-up, push-ups I can do, but... not 100.

Well, well, no use wallowing in self-pity and accusations here. It doesn't change anything. I'll do better next time. I'll start again, from the start.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Complete A Goal A Day For A Year - October 2019

I had problems last month, partly because the "national day" based goals don't feel like goals. I would want it to be a bit more challenging than "making and eating pigs in blanket while watching a movie about a pig, in a blanket, on the "national pigs-in-blanket day"". I mean, that sounds like fun and I am going to do that, but I'd rather cross "climb a mountain" from my bucketlist than "bake brownies". Especially when I'm far more advanced in baking than that.

Partly because I'm lazy and apathetic and don't do anything. :-(

It would be nice to hear from you, but as far as I know, I'm the only one who even knows about the existence of this blog, and who reads it. So, as far as I know, I'm talking to myself...

Anyway... I am going to have a couple of themes here for October.

1) Reach a goal on many bucketlists.
2) Prepare for Halloween/Samhain
3) Month name based challenges, like Inktober, Socktober, Rocktober, Stoptober, Gosober, Snacktober, Spooktober, Dogtober, Frocktober...
4) Breast cancer awareness
5) Prepare for National Novel Writing Month

A challenge for this month is to become a better photographer.

Here's 30 Day Photography Challenge Project
Here's 30 Day Photo Challenge: Become a Better Photographer in One Month
31+ days to better photography
31 days to better photography 

30 things to photograph to become better photographer

52 weeks' photo challenge

A lot of people want to do a 365 photo challenge. So - let's make it happen! Find at least 5 different October photo-a-day challenge prompt lists online - not difficult - and pick one prompt each day. The first thing in the morning, you go take the photo.
You don't need to use the "good" camera, or take "good" photos, just take the first camera at hands, and take a photo, and post it online. This is about getting the habit in, teaching yourself to commit.
Now you have the rest of the day free to take any photos you like, spend the rest of the day trying to capture the perfect photo, potter and play and be artistic and professional. Just get the photo-a-day out of the way. If you do this every day, in the end of October, you will have posted 31 photos. To be able to tick off the "365 photo challenge", you just have to repeat it 11 times.

Also, special for October, for me, is that it's Inktober. I want to draw and ink a superheroine every day of October; to become better at drawing and to fix some problems I have with some superheroines...

This is the month before Halloween, and a lot of people want to do Halloween things, so I will be having some such themes going on.

One thing on a lot of bucket lists is "attend a masquerade party". Why not arrange one and invite your friends? You could even have a potluck if you don't have that much money. You could also go and crash a masquerade. Put on your best costume and take some alcohol and a couple of bags of chips with you, and you'll most likely will be more than welcome. :-)

So - use this month to make your costume. That will also get some things off your list.

Now... you could watch the 30 best horror movies ever made

We will also be watching the rest of the Disney animated feature films this month.

01.10 World Vegetarian Day - Independence days of China, Cyprus, Nigeria, Palau and Tuvalu - International Coffee Day
Learn a new vegetarian recipe. You could try making the impossible burger.
Choose a country, learn more about it, cook something they eat there
Learn to appreciate coffee

Watch Mulan

02.10 world farm animals day - international day of non-violence - batik day
learn about the intelligence and emotions of farm animals. They are more like us than you'd think. Then make the choice to either not eat meat or see that the meat you eat is from farms where animals are treated well and butchered as humanely as possible. You have the power as the consumer and customer.
Learn to make wax batik
Study the philosophy and tradition of non-violence. 

Watch Dinosaur

03.10 Techies day - Virus Appreciation Day - Germany's Independence day - Boyfriend's day
Learn something about your computer and technology so that you can fix some common problems that arise
Learn something about viruses that make you appreciate them
Celebrate the Germany by eating something German and watching a German movie
Celebrate your boyfriend if you have one as if it was his birthday

Watch Meet the Robinsons 

04.10 St.Franciscus and world animal day - Taco day - ship in a bottle day - kanelbullens dag
bake cinnamon buns
read Dr. Doolittle
make tacos
build a ship in a bottle

Watch Big Hero 6

05.10 balloons around the world day - world teachers' day - Apple Betty Day - Get Funky Day
- send a message in a balloon
- make Apple Betty
- send flowers and cookies to your teachers
- learn to dance 70s funk

Watch Wreck-It Ralph and Ralph Breaks the Internet

06.10 badger day - national noodle day - plus size appreciation day - mad hatter day
- wear a mad hat
- eat noodles
- watch Phat Girlz, The Nines, Pitch Perfect, Hairspray, Fried Green Tomatoes

Watch Alice in Wonderland

07.10 Bathtub Day - National Frappe Day - National LED Light Day - National Inner Beauty Day

Watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame

08.10 World Octopus Day - National Fluffernutter Day - American Touch Tag Day - National Pierogi Day

Watch Little Mermaid

09.10 Fire Prevention Day - Moldy Cheese Day - National Leif Erikson Day - World Post Day - Curious Events Day

Watch Pinocchio

10.10 National Angel Food Cake Day - National Cake Decorating Day - World Mental Health Day - World Porridge Day

Watch Sleeping Beauty
15 layers with pink and blue forget-me-nots and blue, runny frosting
- with yeast and spices 
- and 15 pink tapers

11.10 International Day of the Girl Child - National Sausage Pizza Day

Watch Cinderella and Frozen

12.10 National Savings Day - National Freethought Day - National Farmer’s Day - National Gumbo Day - Spain's National Day - World Arthritis Day

Watch  The Princess and the Frog

13.10 National Train Your Brain Day - National Yorkshire Pudding Day - Navy Birthday - National No Bra Day

Learn to solve Sudokus and other such puzzles; and puzzle cubes
Make a puzzle cube like Devil's Knot

Watch Atlantis: The Lost Empire

14.10  National Dessert Day - Be Bald and Be Free Day - International Top Spinning Day
- Shave your head. Especially if you are a woman. All women should realize that their womanhood and femininity isn't attached to their hair. Give the hair to Locks of Love or some other charity that collects hair to make real hair wigs to cancer patients. You could also learn to make wigs, or hair jewelry.

Watch Snowwhite and Lilo and Stitch - both with a notable bald character

15.10 National Cheese Curd Day - National I Love Lucy Day - National Grouch Day - World Maths Day

Watch Beauty and the Beast

16.10 National Liqueur Day - Global Cat Day - Feral Cat Day - World Food Day
- make liqueur
- go help your local cat shelter

Watch Reluctant Dragon and Tarzan

17.10 National  Edge Day - National Pasta Day - World Trauma Day - Wear something gaudy day - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Watch Aladdin

18.10 National Chocolate Cupcake Day - Azerbaijan independence day - Bad King John Died on this day

Watch Robin Hood

19.10 Seafood Bisque Day - Evaluate Your Life Day

Watch  Hercules

20.10 International Sloth Day - National Youth Confidence Day - National Brandied Fruit Day

Watch Moana

21.10 National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day - National Reptile Awareness Day - count your buttons day - apple day

Watch Tangled (and then learn more about the chameleons)

22.10 National Make a Dog’s Day Day - National Nut Day - National Color Day

Watch 101 Dalmatians

23.10 National Boston Cream Pie Day - National Mole Day

Watch The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad.

24.10 UN Day - National Bologna Day - World Polio Day

Watch The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under

25.10 Greasy Food Day - Chucky The Notorious Killer Doll Day - Sourest Day - Punk for a day Day - International Artists Day

Watch Make Mine Music

26.10 Howl at the moon Day - Mincemeat Day - Pumpkin Day - Mule Day - Austrian Independence Day

Watch Pocahontas

27.10 The International Teddy Bear Day - National American Beer Day - National Black Cat Day
Have a teddy bears' picni

Watch Bolt and Brother Bear

28.10 Animation Day - Chocolate Day - Plush Animal Lovers' Day - National Internal Medicine Day

Watch Fantasia and Fantasia 2000

29.10 National Oatmeal Day - Hermit Day - World Stroke Day - Turkish Independence Day - National Cat Day

Watch Frozen

30.10 Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression - Checklist Day - Candy Corn Day - Haunted Refridgerator Night - Create a Great Funeral Day
- write your "white book" - your wishes about your funeral

Watch The Lion King

31.10 Caramel Apple Day - Magic Day - National Doorbell Day - Knock Knock Joke Day - All Hallow's Eve

Watch The Sword in the Stone the first thing you do in the morning, because you won't have time later. Tick the "Watch All Disney Animated Feature Films from your list.

2 + 7 = 9

It's National Scarf Day. Learn 20 ways to tie a scarf and make a video of yourself tying them.

It's corned beef hash day, so make some. You can also learn how to make corned beef.

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 26. Today you'll go down to front split as far down as you can, support yourself with your hands in front of you.

 100 pushups
16 - 18 - 13 - 13 - 20+
120 seconds rest between

20 pullups

3 - 3 - 3 - 2 - max
120 seconds rest between each set

Thursday, September 26, 2019

5 more days to go...

This is a good day, so much to do!

It's Lumberjack Day. So learn about lumberjacks, learn how to correctly cut a tree, and wear plaid.

It's Pancake Day. So learn to make the best, fluffiest pancakes in the world.

It's Johnny Appleseed day. So watch the Disney's Melody Time - there's one section called Johnny Appleseed - and plant some appleseeds of your own. Grow them a year and then next year go plant the saplings somewhere.

It's Batman day. So if you started your Batman movie marathon yesterday, you can continue today with good conscience :-D


 Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:

Jog 400m (or 3 minutes)
Walk 200m (or 90 seconds)
Jog 800m (or 5 minutes)
Walk 400m (or 2-1/2 minutes)
Jog 400m (or 3 minutes)
Walk 200m (or 90 seconds)
Jog 800m (or 5 minutes)

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 26. Today's stretch is "standing frog stretch" or "frog squat". I think in Yoga talk it's called the garland pose.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Six days to go...

It's a National Comic Book Day. So, of course, you'll see your favorite comic book movie(s).

Also, you could watch Kick-ass or Kingsmen, to get a movie starting with K to your list, or Ironman for I.  

It's also the National lobster day and National Crab Meat Newburg day, so if you have always wanted to taste lobster, today is the day. Or if you want to cook a lobster. (Now, I don't eat shellfish. I have never understood people who go all lyrical over shrimps and crayfish. I see no difference between those and insects. It's all legs and antennae and shells and... all those legs... brr....)

I love Julie & Julia, btw. I think it was a pity Julia thought Julie wasn't being serious, because she totally was. I am also a bit chuffed (the negative way) about how some people react to the movie, thinking Julie was in it for a stunt or something, and that Julia was correct getting all... bitchy about it. Here's Julie's original blog, BTW. Now, I'm not a fan of Julia, and Julie's idea of cooking through a cook book fits perfectly this blog, so I suppose I'm bound to take her side in this discussion... though I'm not a big fan of hers either :-D

BTW, cooking through a cook book is on some bucket lists... I wonder how many of them are inspired by Julie and how many got the idea like Julie did :-D

My cook book to bake through would be Jan Hedh's Bread.

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 25. Today's stretch is "half frog"

 100 pushups
14 - 16 - 12 - 12 - 18+
60 seconds rest between each set

20 pullups

3 - 3 - 2 - 3 - 3
rest 90 seconds between each set

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

24th of September

today is Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving,  Cherries Jubilee day, and South African Heritage Day.

Learn about South African Heritage and celebrate the day with Braai.

Make pap and condiments to your braai.

Learn about Schwenkfelders

Make Cherries Jubilee.

Cherries Jubilee was created to celebrate queen Victoria's Jubilee, and if you make it, you can check "flambé food" and "eat flambéed food" from your list. :-)


 Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:

Jog 400m (or 3 minutes)
Walk 200m (or 90 seconds)
Jog 800m (or 5 minutes)
Walk 400m (or 2-1/2 minutes)
Jog 400m (or 3 minutes)
Walk 200m (or 90 seconds)
Jog 800m (or 5 minutes)

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 24. Today's stretch is a variation of the Lizard Pose.

 Some suggestions to a goal that can be completed in a day, from real bucketlists:
  • Try some natural products for your skin routine
  • Take a walk in the rain
  • Write a list of 25 lessons I’ve learned in 25 years
  • Buy a star in honor of someone
  • Get hypnotized

Monday, September 23, 2019

Autumn Equinox

It's Autumn Equinox. Celebrate it in some ways. For inspiration, you can see what Wiccans do with Mabon. There's plenty of ideas there.

You could try to brew wine.

Also, watch The Black Cauldron. It's loosely based on Mabinogion which is associated with Mabon.

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 23. I think that stretch is the butterfly and then over... Makko Ho fire stretch, perhaps?

Week four... let that sink in for a moment here. You have been doing this for almost a month now, and can do a lot more pushups and pullups (yes, pullupS - more than one...) than just 3 weeks ago. Some of us couldn't even do one! Doesn't that feel good?

100 pushups
12 - 14 - 11 - 10 - 16+
60 seconds rest between each set
20 pullups

3 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 3
rest 120 seconds between each set

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sunday, 22nd day of September

It's the Hobbit Day.
Read J.R.R.Tolkien's The Hobbit and the beginning of The Lord of the Rings, the prologue and the first chapter. Then you know exactly why and how to celebrate the Hobbit Day.
You could watch the movies, if you want to, if they are on your bucket list. (Letters F, T, R, U, D and B, because "Lord of the Rings" and "Hobbit" don't count...)

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 22. 22 is the single leg straddle.

Here's some stretches for tight hamstrings.

In case you have forgotten, do a simple warm-up; keep each stretch 30-60 seconds, stretch both sides equally, and cool down after stretches. It helps if you massage your leg muscles, with a foam roller, because it might be difficult to reach the back of the thigh otherwise, and that you take a hot bath or shower after stretching.

C25K it's already week 4. 1/3 of the program is done.

 Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:

Jog 400m (or 3 minutes)
Walk 200m (or 90 seconds)
Jog 800m (or 5 minutes)
Walk 400m (or 2-1/2 minutes)
Jog 400m (or 3 minutes)
Walk 200m (or 90 seconds)
Jog 800m (or 5 minutes)

Some "complete in one day" goals:
Go on an opera date
cook s'mores on the BBQ
do a cheese tasting
Make candy apples
Visit a hospice care

Saturday, September 21, 2019


It's the international peace day, pecan cookie day and miniature golf day.

So, bake some pecan cookies, and take with you when you go play miniature golf, and share with the other golfers, to promote peace between people :-D

It's also World Alzheimer's Day. Get some habits that keep your brain healthier, like learn to solve Sudoku or cross word puzzles, learn a new language (you should be studying Vietnamese!) etc.
What can you do to avoid Alzheimer's disease

Watch some movies about Alzheimer's. (I recommend Iris so that you can check off I from your alphabet movie list.)

Also, the Oktoberfest starts in Munich, so if that's on your Bucketlist, you might want to go - or arrange something fun to do with friends here at home. It lasts two weeks, over three weekends, so there's plenty of time to do something.

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 21. I don't know what that stretch is... maybe Half-Reclining Hero... but here's 12 exercises to improve hip flexibility. I suppose it does the same.


So... another week gone. We have been doing this for three weeks. How is it going?

If you have been doing this the first thing in the morning every day - except for the food and movie to watch, which you are supposed to do in the evening, as a reward for having been good the whole day - you are able to do a pull-up by now, about 20 push-ups, and you are very close to doing a full split.
You will be fitter, because you are running 3 times a week. You will be on your way to being in best physical condition you have ever been.
IF you are doing this.

I haven't done any of this.

And I feel awful about it.

Yes, I have excuses. I have fibromyalgia. It has been acting out. It's very hard to motivate oneself to do anything when your whole body aches, and one shouldn't really do anything when fibromyalgia flames - because it's a sign of inflammation in one's body, and one shouldn't exercise with inflammation. But that is just an excuse. 

I really don't know how I could get me doing these things.

Here's some suggestions of goals that can be completed in one day.

Send someone balloons for no reason
Play a prank on someone
Go on a road trip
Go to a new restaurant
Make a list of 10 things I am happy about in my life
Pull an all-nighter
Make hummus
Tie a Windsor knot
Come up with an art prompt
Do a cheese tasting

Friday, September 20, 2019

20th - the palindrome week is over :-)

It's the feast day of St. Eustace, the patron saint of hunters.

I'd arrange a medieval hunting picnic to this day.

Start my training to become a hunter. Here in Sweden you have to take a test and pass a shooting test, so it's not something you do in a day.

And if you think hunting is disgusting, hunt with a camera. Wildlife photography is a skill.
How to Take Great Pictures of Animals

I think The Fox and The Hound might fit for this day. Or perhaps Bambi.

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 20. 20 is a lunge stretch.

100 pushups

11 - 13 - 9 - 9 - 13+
120 seconds rest between sets

20 pullups

2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - max
120 seconds rest between sets

Wow... two pullups. In the beginning of September I couldn't do one. :-)

Then some suggestions of REAL goals that can be completed in a day:

Make green eggs and ham
Light a match with teeth

Make real hot chocolate (of chocolate, not of cocoa)
Mix a Sex on the Beach
Make a paper crane
Organize your closet
Roll down a really big hill
Have dessert for breakfast
Finish a ‘wreck it’ journal

Eat out at --- - pick a restaurant near you you have always wanted to visit

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Nineteenth of nine, nineteen

And so the palindrome week has reached its end... sad, but what a glorious finish! 91919

Talk like a Pirate Day! Really easy to find things to do for today :-D

You could also start learning to sail.

Or get a parrot and teach it to speak.

Of course, watch Peter Pan.

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 19. 19 is the pancake split.

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:

    Jog 200 metres
    (or 90 seconds)
    Walk 200 metres
    (or 90 seconds)
    Jog 400 metres
    (or 3 minutes)
    Walk 400 metres
    (or three minutes)

This week's last time running... enjoy it. :-)

Another real goal from someone's bucket list to complete today: create a terrarium

Now, again I wish to remind you of that you choose from your own bucketlist a goal that can be reached in a day, and then just commit to doing it. You can learn to do a lot in an afternoon, after work, using the free time there's plenty of in a day, like waiting... waiting for the elevator, waiting for the light to change, waiting in line, waiting for the bus to arrive, waiting... or while doing automated things, like brushing your teeth, or sitting on the toilet...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


So... have you missed me?

Probably not.

This day is a bit boring... it's Cheeseburger day, but we had a double cheeseburger day just a week ago, so it feels really stupid to do that.

It's "Hug a Greeting Card Writer Day", which feels very random :-D But you could watch a movie about a greeting card writer, and perhaps try writing greeting cards yourself.

Some movies: Girlfriend’s Day, The Lonely Guy, Mr. Deeds, Season's Greetings, 500 Days of Summer (for the alphabet movie list; G, L, M, S and F)

 The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 18.  Today's stretch is "the one-legged down-ward facing dog" :-D

100 pushups

10 - 12 - 8 - 8 - 12+
60 seconds rest between sets

20 pullups

2 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 3
90 seconds rest between sets

Then a goal from someone's bucket list that can be completed in a day:
write a letter to a future self. 10 years from now, 20 years from now...
Write a bunch of letters to the future you 10 years from now, "to open when..."
or maybe just half a year... 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


It's International Country Music Day.

Live up to your inner cowgirl or -boy.

Take some riding lessons, or hire a horse and ride a bit today.

You could also start learning how to play guitar.

Serve Nashville style fried chicken with biscuits, mashed potatoes and sweet tea, and apple dumplings as dessert (it's the Apple Dumpling Day as well :-D)

Also, watch Home on the Range

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 17.  17 is the yoga pose Revolved Triangle

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:

    Jog 200 metres
    (or 90 seconds)
    Walk 200 metres
    (or 90 seconds)
    Jog 400 metres
    (or 3 minutes)
    Walk 400 metres
    (or three minutes)

365 days of giving

Here's 365 ideas of how to give. Not all of them work all over the world. Ask before starting to carry food to a shelter or the local fire department or so.

* Join the "piece of garbage a day" movement - it's that easy, pick up a piece of litter and put it in the garbage can (or, if there are none around, put it in a doggy bag you carry with you so that you can put it in garbage can when you find one.)

* learn the art of writing thank you notes

* smile at people - look them in the eyes to mark that your smile is meant to them

* Donate old towels or blankets to an animal shelter

* Take out your neighbor's trash on garbage day

* Feed the birds

* pay for the next in line

* create a Tzedakah box for your loose change

* donate food

* leave money taped to vending machines

* make soup for someone

* bring someone a Christmas wreath

* click to donate free

* go vegan for a day

* open doors for others

* donate unused items

* give someone a hug

* walk a friend's dog

* volunteer for charity

* hand out balloons to kids outside the public library

* buy a lottery ticket to someone

* send a card to someone to let them know you care

* donate books

* return a shopping cart for someone

* buy a gift certificate and give to the person behind you in line

* tape a gift certificate for a car wash (or something other such) to a stranger's car

* send a care package to a soldier

* volunteer to work at a charitable organization

* send a funny old photo to a friend just to make them laugh

* give diapers to low-income families

* send a note to a manager about an employee that does a great job

* leave a good book in a hospital waiting room with a note that it's free for taking.

* hand out coupons

* bring flowers to the personnel of a place you visit/use often, like a school, restaurant, gym...

* create pet toys for animal shelter

* take a walk and clean up your neighborhood

* give the gift of recognition

* write cheerful poems for lonely neighbors (but be careful)

* create encouraging bookmarks to put in library books

* donate toys

* donate children's craft kits to children's hospital

* Take hot soup and bread rolls to homeless people in your neighborhood

* pay the toll for the car behind you

* leave a good book at bookcrossing

* blessing bags

* make a snuggle toy for someone with dementia or Alzheimer's

* Knit, crochet or make in some other manner something useful for charity

* Grow flowers and give them to people who would enjoy them

* organize a neighborhood garage sale and donate the proceeds to a local charity

* become a Big Sister

* Buy food for a homeless person

* wash someone's car

* give the gift of patience

* treat someone to a luxury they couldn't otherwise afford

* offer to watch the neighbor's children for an afternoon

* Find a way to volunteer in your community

* be polite on the road

* include as many people as possible in your celebrations

* be a mentor to someone

* collect coats to donate

* after shoveling your own driveway, continue with your neighbors

* remember to say "Thank you!"

* Give a generous tip

* Volunteer in your child's classroom

* Be the designated driver

* pass on a gift card to someone who needs it more

* hold the door open for others

* give credit where credit is due

* go through your closet and donate unused clothing to goodwill

* tutor a child

* pick up groceries for a neighbor

* select a charity to give to regularly, even if it is a small amount

* Teach a child something you wish you knew at that age

* Take little care packages to a Cancer center. Fill them with a travel size hand lotion, chapstick, and purse size package of antibacterial wipes. They will be much appreciated!

* Pat someone on the back

* Collect canned food for a food bank

* Hand out Valentine cards with lollipops on Valentine’s Day.

* Write a letter to someone who made a difference in your life.

* Pick up trash.

* Plant a tree

* Praise your boss

* Instead of asking for gifts ask your friends to do random acts of kindness on your birthday.

* Donate stuffed animals, coloring books, crayons, stickers, and little toys to the police station to hand out to sick, abused, or scared kids.

* Give someone a hug

* Help someone whose car is broken down

* Send a sunshine box to someone that is sick (put in Kleenex, their favorite cough drops, magazines, and anything that might cheer them up. Don’t forget the get well card )

* Hand out pennies at a wishing well or fountain. You never know whose wish you may help come true.

* Surprise someone with a cup cake, muffin, cookie, etc.

* Pre-stamp some thank you notes and hand them out, letting the recipient know to send it to someone they appreciate

* click to donate to several causes

* Hide notes in library books for someone else to find.

* Make or buy hats for kids that are suffering from cancer and donate them.

* Be a friend who listens

* Stick your change in the Ronald McDonald box at McDonald’s

* Leave your newspaper for someone

* Donate blood

* Donate school supplies to a school or preschool (And if you live in a country where schools and preschools arrange their own school supplies, there's always schools in developing countries who need things like this.)

* Call a friend and let them know you are thinking about them

* Donate a $1 (when asked in line at grocery/convenience store “would you like to donate” say yes)

* Thank the police or fire department

* Return a shopping cart for someone and save them the trip

* Take new parents a date night kit. (Movie rental, popcorn, 2 liter of soda, and candy.)

* Tip a waitress more than you normally would

* Praise a parent for their child

* Buy that young mother a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, and a jar of peanut butter.

* Donate coupons to a military family (Even expired coupons, they are honored at the military commissary)

* Tell your family you love them.

* Bring flowers to a co-worker, friend, or someone that may be having a hard time.

* Help someone for free

* Give your box tops to a school ( found on General Mills products)

* Donate books to a school or library

* Spend some time with a senior citizen

* click for animals (yes, it's in French, but it's not rocket science. Just click.)
* Compliment a stranger

* Put a quarter in a meter that is about ready to expire

* Leave the mail person a thank you card

* Donate items to a homeless shelter

* Donate suits to a place that caters to single moms re-entering the work force or older workers re-entering the work force.

* Help someone learn something new

* Bake someone a cake

* Carry someone’s bags to the car at the grocery store

* Walk or run for charity

* Thank a soldier

* Let someone go in front of you in line

* Say “thank you” to the cashier

* Share inspirational quotes

* pick up litter

*leave your favorite restaurant a great review

*offer to help someone carry something

*surprise someone with a coffee

*participate in You Matter Marathon

*Check in with an elderly relative

*Donate old clothes to a local charity

*Hide a scratch-off ticket for someone to find

*Sig up for a 5K to support a local charity

*Leave a few books at a Little Free Library

*Buy lunch for a homeless person

*Offer to babysit for a friend

*Hide money in random places for strangers to find

*Reconnect with old friends

*Buy groceries for the person behind you

*Wash a neighbor’s dog for free

*Buy your waiter/waitress dessert

*Offer compliments to strangers and friends and family

*Ride your bike or walk to work

*Volunteer to work some overtime at your job

*Give your umbrella to a stranger

*Donate your hair after a haircut

*Help out the janitors at school

*Leave some change on a wishing fountain

*Feed the birds in the park

*Make someone a homemade blanket or scarf

*Help sick animals find homes

*Recycle things that you see on the road

*Take the time to listen to someone

* care2click to donate for free

*Ask someone how you can help them - and do it

*Offer to give a friend a ride home

*Pay for another student’s lunch

*Help tutor a struggling student

*Celebrate your own best friend appreciation day

*Send Coloring Books to sick kids in the hospital

*Write someone an encouraging poem

*Take the time to appreciate the sunrise and sunset

*Make hot chocolate for your family on a cold day

*Recommend someone your favorite book/movie

*Lend a friend a favorite book/movie

*Offer someone your pen

*Pay for someone’s bus/cab fare

*Give up your seat on the bus to another person

* Hide inspirational quotes and messages for strangers to find

* Share your favorite quote and post it to the company billboard

* Instead of posting negativity online, spread some encouragement

* Participate in Pack-A-Backpack for a child

* Pay for someone’s morning coffee

* Write a list of things that you adore about a friend

* The Greater Good - click to give

* Take the day not to complain

* Mow the lawn for your neighbors

* Volunteer at your local food bank

* Give someone a "just because" gift

* Help a neighbor with yard work

* Pay it forward at your favorite drive-thru

* Rake the leaves for your neighbors

*Write a thank you not to someone who made a difference in your life

* drop a toy for someone to find

* Invite your neighbors over for dinner

* Let someone else pick what to watch on TV

* Help someone who has a flat tire

* Offer to take a shopper’s cart to the line outside

* Do a sibling’s chores without them asking

* Write a kind or encouraging message on a napkin

* Pack someone a lunch for the day

* Pay for someone’s dry cleaning

* Hold the elevator for someone

* Make a family member breakfast in bed

* Make a ‘things I love about you’ book

* Spend time with your grandparents

* Start mentoring a younger child

* Leave your waiter a generous tip

* Save your pop tabs for a children’s hospital

* Help do chores at a farm/harvest ranch

* Perform a concert at a retirement home

* Plan a surprise birthday party for someone

* Read to kids at the library for storytime

* Wash someone’s car

* Give someone a gift card that you don’t intend to use

* Snap a photo of a couple

* Water a neighbor’s lawn/flowers

* Help a child or older person cross the street

* Bring in donuts for your co-workers

* Send a letter to a good friend instead of a text

* Give someone foot massage

* Shovel a neighbor’s driveway when it snows

* Bake cookies for the elderly

* Serve at a homeless shelter

* Do a 5k for a good cause

* Help at a veterinarian office

* Pick up litter on the beach

* Let someone go in front of you in line

* Give a stranger a compliment

* Make dinner for a family in need

* Insert coins into someone’s parking meter

* Buy flowers to hand out on the street

* Leave letters of encouragement on people’s cars

* Buy a movie ticket for the person behind you

* Pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant

* Write letters to soldiers

* Donate Christmas gifts to an orphanage

* Participate in a fundraiser

* Use your allowance to donate to a charity

* Hold open the doors for people

* Thank a teacher with a gift

* Donate your old clothes to the Salvation Army

* Help a senior with their groceries

* Walk a neighbor’s dog

* Babysit for free

* Plant a tree

* Do a favor without asking for anything in return

* Take someone new in your neighborhood on a tour of the city

* Show the new kids around your school

* Buy an ice cream cone for a child

* Learn to say hello in a different language to different people

* Prepare a meal for your family

* Pay for a stranger’s library fees

* Send Valentine’s Day cards to everyone in your class

* Spend a day at a homeless shelter

* Give drinks out to people on a hot day

* Popcorn, candy and video rental to a family

* leave a treat in the mailbox for the mailman

* give hot chocolate for people waiting at the bus stop

* leave nice notes on people's cars

* befriend someone who seems lonely

* offer your seat to someone

* show up at a friend's house and offer to clean

* leave a funny note in a library book to make someone smile

* leave dollar bills all around the dollar store

* make a lunchbox to some kid in your child's school, put a nice note in it

* leave a basket of dinner on someone's doorstep

* donate diapers to a women's shelter

* donate canned goods to the local food bank

* drop off muffins at the fire station or police station (check first if it's OK)

* take a cup of coffee or cocoa to your child's teacher

* leave small toys with notes on them at the local playground

* leave tennis balls at a dog park

* write encouraging notes to runners on a running path

* leave a box of baby wipes in a public restroom with a baby changing station

* Give up your spot in line.

* Donate money to an organization you participate in.

* Tell jokes to make someone smile.

* Donate food to your food bank.

* Donate pet supplies to the shelter.

* Help someone do a chore or other job.

* Do yard work or shovel for a neighbor.

* Donate books you no longer need.

* Pick up litter.

* Donate to a charity

* Leave a popcorn surprise for strangers to find.

* Donate toys to a children’s hospital.

* Donate a pair of new pajamas for foster kids.

* Put money in the Salvation Army bucket.

* Make get well cards for someone who needs them.

* Donate meals to No Kid Hungry.

* Donate new toys to Toys for Tots.

* Feed the birds.

* click to help Brother Earth

* Candy cane bomb a parking lot. (Or chewing gum or some other thing like that)

*  Pay for someone’s groceries behind you in line.

* Invite someone you suspect will be alone to spend your holiday celebrations with you.

* Give a hot drink to the person ringing the Salvation Army bell.

* Drop off a toy or game at a hospital or a homeless shelter.

* Leave nice comments on Twitter, and Facebook.

* Put a comment on someone’s webpage that you really like……let them know you enjoy it. ;-)

* Paid past due library fees for 5 people and while there, put dollar bills in some of your favorite books.

* Volunteer an afternoon at a soup kitchen.
* Help someone load their groceries.

* Be understanding of traveling parents with the grumpy or noisy kids.

* Pay for the coffee, the toll, or the bus fare for the person behind you.

* Bring coffee to construction workers, police on detail, or anyone working outside.

* Hand out gloves and mittens to the homeless, or leave them on park benches.

* Purchase some extra dog or cat food and drop it off at an animal shelter.

* Take flowers to the nurse’s station at your local hospital – the nurses will know who needs them most.

* Pay for the lunch of people behind you at a fast food restaurant or behind you in the drive thru.

* Take lunch, cookies, or cupcakes to your local fire department and/or police department.

* Donate stuffed animals to police and fire departments to use during emergencies to help calm frightened children.

* Buy extra groceries for the local food bank.

* Pick up the tab when dining out. Approach the waiter and pay when no one is watching.

* Leave a nice waiter or waitress a generous tip.

* Buy dessert for someone eating out alone.

* Pick up the tab for a random table at a restaurant.

* Tape cash or a gift card on a random gas pump.

* Put sticky notes with positive messages in public places.

* Sing Christmas Carols, play board games, or just visit with senior citizens at a nursing home.

* have a “earth day” every day – 1 hour of no electricity

* use water as if it was a rarity

* use electricity as if it was a rarity

* get a bike

* start walking at least one hour every day

* get a monthly bus pass and get to know your town.

* get good curtains to every window – black curtains and thick side curtains

* turn off lights

* unplug items not in use

* get more houseplants

* plant more trees

* keep the electric appliances clean

* learn to use no fire cookers

* minimize your belongings – take the 100 things challenge. Only keep things you love and that make you feel good

* eat more veggies and fruits. Have at least one vegetarian day every week.

* eliminate disposable products - make reusable pads, reusable produce bags, reusable handkerchiefs, reusable shopping bags, sandwich bags, reusable bowl covers for the fridge etc.

* buy minimally packaged goods, and make things of the packaging

* use less clothes and use them wisely. Get work clothes and use clothes-protecting items like aprons and sleeve covers. Air your clothes often, wash them less.

* change electric appliances to manpowered, crank or treadle powered

* eat more locally produced and organic food

* use less dishes and wash them by hand, air dry

* write a food plan and keep it

* stop throwing food away

* cook from scratch

* eat less

* shorter showers

* take the stairs. Elevators and escalators use electricity.

* get a capsule wardrobe, buy less clothes

* get a compost and start composting everything that can be composted

* recycle all your garbage

* sign petitions

* give your time, work and energy to charity, volunteer

* find a peaceful demonstration nearby you can support and go there

* adopt a family through the Box Project

* Make microloans through KIVA

* give free rice by clicking

* Hand out water bottle to joggers on the bike path

* Mail neighbor a note that day volunteering to clean out her garage

* Online donation to zoo for an artificial tree for a panda

* Assemble homeless bags and put in our cars to give out a later time.

* Give coupons out to customers waiting to make their purchase at Michaels

* Donate children’s pajamas at sleep train  for foster children

* clean a public toilet (Yes, I know it's disgusting, but totally worth it.)

*  Share your umbrella with a stranger on a rainy day

* adopt a pet from a shelter

* donate 5 % of your income to charity

* write a positive review about a local business

* ask for donations instead of presents for birthdays and holidays

* learn CPR

* help a friend move house

* stick up for someone being treated badly, bullied

* spread good news

* buy housewarming gift for a new neighbor

Monday, September 16, 2019


Is Mexican Independence Day. Not, it's not May fifth.
So have a fiesta and go wild. Try to avoid stereotypes and other such crap.
Also, watch a Mexican movie. I recommend ¿Quién diablos es Juliette?, because it starts with Q.
(And watch The Three Amigos)

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 16.  16 is the yoga pose Triangle

100 pushups
So, a new test, and new start level :-) If you have been doing your pushups as you should have, it's not 0 any more :-D You should be able to do at least 15 pushups now.

10 - 12 - 7 - 7 - 9+
60 seconds rest between sets

20 pullups
The same thing here... if you - like me - started with 0 pullups, you need to do the initial test again, and you WILL be able to do pullups :-D

2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3
120 seconds rest between sets

So... maybe learn how to build a house of cards and build one?

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Palindrome week!

It's "make a hat day", "linguine day" and "double cheeseburger day".

So, make a hat. You can learn to knit or crochet to make a hat.
It's pretty quick to make a hat, and you should be able to learn to knit or crochet enough in a day to finish the hat today as well.
You could also sew a hat or felt a hat.
Or go all out and learn how modists make hats with blocks and steam and all that. That won't be done in a day.

Learn to make linguine. It's basically spaghetti that's flattened to get the oval shape. Linguine is not flat, it's oval.

Learn to make a perfect hamburger. If you're vegan, learn to make the perfect vegan burger. Duh. :-D

You could also watch the Emperor's New Groove while you knit yourself an Andean Chullo hat

So... a new week starts.

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:

    Jog 200 metres
    (or 90 seconds)
    Walk 200 metres
    (or 90 seconds)
    Jog 400 metres
    (or 3 minutes)
    Walk 400 metres
    (or three minutes)

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 15. 15 is the pigeon pose.

We have come to the half point of the month long challenge.

I haven't done anything. Just written this blog. It's kind of an achievement to me, but I'd rather have done all the things I write about.

Or not the food. I'm trying to lose weight, so I am not going to eat a hamburger or any of the food described. I have a very strict diet, and it's the same thing every day, come shine, come rain. Except once a week I may have a "cheat day", when I don't exercise and I eat what ever my heart desires.

I don't know why I don't do this. I mean, it's easy. Someone did all the planning and everything, I just need to get my lazy butt off the bed, put away the laptop and go do what I want to do! That's the most stupid part of it all! I WANT TO DO IT! I want to get it done. I do want everything on my bucket list! From going to moon to becoming a Finnish Zigi Li. From doing all kinds of extreme sports and adventures to becoming an able 19th century homestead wife.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Good morning this Saturday!

It's Eat a Hoagie Day and Cream Filled Donut day. Learn to make them yourself, and make yourself a Philly Cheese Steak. :-)

Watch Fun and Fancy Free and Reluctant Dragon while you eat :-D

It's the second rest day. How does it feel, having done two weeks of the programs? You should be able to do a pullup and several pushups, be able to run at least a minute and perhaps are closer to a split than two weeks ago :-D

You have to do the split stretches today too, though. 1-5 + 14

I want you to look back at the week that has passed. What went right? What went wrong? What do you want to do differently? 

I have come to regret my decision to watch all Disney animated feature films.

And I just can't get this to work... This feels petty and stupid... :-( I want to achieve more and better things, do more and better things, complete bigger and better goals.

One thing that makes it harder for me to do what I am supposed to do is that I don't know what I am supposed to do.
I can't go online to find out, I have to have "it" on paper, straight next to my bed in the morning, so that I can read it immediately after I wake up.

I also need to find more of the goals that I really want to reach that can be achieved in one day.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday the 13th

My favorite day...

Roald Dahl was born this day, 1916. There's TONS to do on this day!
What is on your Bucket list that fits the day's theme?
You could learn to mec like Danny, the Champion of the World or perhaps learn how to make perfect donuts, like farmer Bunce from Fantastic Mr. Fox. I don't recommend goose liver paté with them. But learning to make liver paté wouldn't be at all bad. Or learn to make cider like farmer Bean.

It is also the Moon Cake Day or Mid-Autumn Festival. 

There's room for a lot of goals to tick off your list! Like "release a paper lantern" or "watch the full moon". It would be a good opportunity to see the sunset, sleep under the stars, watch the sun rise the next morning... hopefully it isn't cloudy where you live. It is cloudy today here :-D

The splits today; 1-5 + 13 - 13 being the pike stretch sitting

100 pushups
I couldn't do one pushup, so it's column 1 for me. 5-7-5-5-8+ - 120 seconds rest between sets

20 pullups
1 positive pullup - 1 negative pullup - 1 positive pullup - 1 negative pullup - 1 positive pullup
120 seconds rest between sets :-)

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Celebrate Enkutatash, the Ethiopian New Year, with some Injera meal.
You could watch the Phat Girlz, which is directed by Nnegest Likké, who has Ethiopian roots.

It is also the Banana day.  There's a lot of things to do on the Banana day. You could "dress dangerously", as Carmen Miranda, with a banana hat, the whole day and see how your experience of the world and self image changes :-D

Maybe watch Zootopia?

Brisk five-minute warmup walk.
Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking
for a total of 20 minutes.

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 12. 12 is side leg raises lying down.

So... about the more satisfying goals to complete in a day?

I want you to book a trip somewhere out of the country. If you have wanted to see the pyramids your whole life, book a trip to Egypt. If something else, then something else. It's not rocket science! Come on! EVERYBODY has travel on their bucket list! Just go and pick a random place you have always wanted to see, and do something about it today!

If there's a reason to why you don't do something about it today, do something about that.

If you can't afford it, start saving money. Maybe you don't need that thing and could sell it, maybe you don't need to buy that right now. Look at how people pay their study loans and debt, and follow their lead. Money is easy.

You could write the itinerary.
You could shop around to find the best way to travel.
You could learn the language while you save.
You could find a friend in the country with whom to live while you are there, and who could show you the place from a local's point of view.
You could "practice" living in a suitcase, that is, pack a suitcase and live in your home as if it was a hotel room - don't use anything but what you packed. Note what you forgot to pack and what was too much.
You could be planning the souvenirs - from you to your host, and what you plan getting while there.
You could practice photographing and travel journaling.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


It's the National 911 day. 

It might be a good day to remember your local first responders and take some cookies and flowers to them.
 Check the restrictions and ask the people first. Read that whole thread.

Also, learn first aid and CPR, and how you can best aid first responders in an emergency.

Disaster Preparedness – Advice from a First Responder

Bucket list goal: Assemble an emergency kit for the house

Watch Chicken Little, which is kind of a movie about emergency preparedness. :-D

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 11. 11 is the seated hamstring stretch, variant of the day 8 stretch.

100 pushups
I couldn't do one pushup, so it's column 1 for me. 5-6-4-4-7+ - 90 seconds rest between sets

20 pullups
Week -1 for me :-D
1 positive pullup - 1 negative pullup - 1 positive pullup - 1 negative pullup - 1 negative pullup
90 seconds rest inbetween pullups.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tuesday 10th

It's the World Suicide Prevention Day. Find out what you can do to prevent suicide or make people aware of it, and do it.

How to help someone who is suicidal and save a life 

Wear yellow today to signal that you care.

Light a candle at 8 p.m. tonight near a window. 

It's also the Gibraltar day. You could make Rosto and Calentita. Maybe you could invite a friend over? To tell them they matter and you care, and that they don't need to do anything or be anything else than what and who they are.

Perhaps watch Dumbo?

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 10. 10 is a variant of 5, where you try to get your leg straight up, not to the side.

Brisk five-minute warmup walk.
Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking
for a total of 20 minutes.
then for something that's on a many person's bucket list; let's learn to solve the Rubik's cube


Monday, September 9, 2019


It's the Teddy Bear Day, Care Bears Share your Care day, and Wiener schnitzel day.

Now, a Wiener Schnitzel is always, always, always, no exceptions, made with veal, but it's OK to eat some other schnitzel on this day, if you don't want to eat veal. JUST DON'T CALL IT A WIENER SCHNITZEL, OK?
Eat German potato salad and green salad to it.
Also, traditionally there's a specific decoration to this: you take a disc of lemon, make a ring or nest of anchovy on top of it and fill it with capers.  It isn't done usually anymore which I think is a pity, because it's pure flavor. And you would get some "try new ingredients" on your bucket list,

 Watch Care Bears the movie and Winnie the Pooh

For splits
today it's 1-5 + 9. 9 is the sumo squat or Deep Squat Groin Stretch.
Remember to warm up first and keep the stretch for a minute. 10 minutes or more every day.
Also take care of your muscles afterward - massage, foamrolling, hot shower

100 pushups
I couldn't do one pushup, so it's column 1 for me. 4-6-4-4-6+ - 60 seconds rest between sets

20 pullups
Week -1 for me :-D
It's 1 pullup and 4 sets of 1 negative pullup with 2 minutes rest inbetween.

So... today I suggest you learn to do five tricks with yoyo, or cards or coins or what ever thing like that is on your bucketlist.That can easily be done in a day.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

it's a new day, it's a new week, and I'm feeling good!

It's Star Trek day - so have a Star Trek marathon, and make some Star Trek food :-D There's plenty of recipes out there, from obviously fake to... disturbingly real.

Watch the Treasure Planet today.

Brisk five-minute warmup walk.
Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking
for a total of 20 minutes.

1-5 + 8
today's stretch is "Head-to-Knee Forward Bend"

So... to make this list a more... satisfying, why not use this Sunday to make a kite and fly it? This goal is on many Bucket lists, and it's totally achievable in a day.

Of course, if you don't have it on your bucketlist, don't do it :-D Just do something!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

And on the seventh day...

So, last day of the week.

Today there will be no pullups, pushups or running. It's a rest day and cheat day, if you are on a diet.
You are to do your split stretches, though, 1-5 + 7. Seven is the Garland Pose from yoga.

It's also Brazilian independence day!
I will celebrate that by cooking something Brazilian - like Salpicao and Feijoado - and by learning to dance Samba. It doesn't take long to learn enough to be able to dance, but, of course, as with anything, it takes time and practice to get good at it :-D

Watch Saludos Amigos and Nosso Lar, a Brazilian movie, to tick off a movie starting with letter N from your alphabetical movie list.

I want you to look back at the week that has passed. What went right? What went wrong? What do you want to do differently?

I didn't manage to do these things.
Sunday started all right, Monday went well. But I had overextended myself on Sunday with the split stretches. Because I didn't warm up properly. I also did my Pinterest things, and I had sore muscles, which caused me to not do much, which caused my hip to act out, and I was in pain most of the week. Which makes it really hard to do anything. Which caused me to get depressed and lose spirit, so I failed with my first week.

This is why I ask you to look back at the week that passed and see what can be done differently and better so that you will succeed next week.

I am going to get a real warmup and actually do it before I start stretching for splits, and I am going to start again from day 1 tomorrow. And I am going to take it easy. Gentle stretches, twice a day, 30 seconds stretches. That's 10 minutes a day.

I also decided not to start the 5K running plan today, because I am not fit enough. I am going to do some cardio though, in a safe way, rowing. That doesn't stress my hip and doesn't cause me pain. It takes on arms a little, though, so it's going to help me do my pushups and pullups in the future. There is a study that says that 2 minutes HIIT twice a week is enough cardio to improve my fitness level, and that is what I am going to do next week. I'll do 3 minutes HIIT 7 times a week, just to keep me mobile. I have done it before and I know it won't have negative consequences. 

I am also going to do my Callanetics and my Jane Fonda, because I know that works.
I'll be also doing some balance exercises and some weight exercises, perhaps kettlebell or so.
Keep it gentle, keep it slow.

Another thing I wasn't happy about was that... of course it's great to follow the holiday list, because that really gives one something to do for every day of the year, but... these aren't bucket list goals. Of course it's great to learn from different cultures of the world, it's great to cook different things and try different foods, but that is not something on my list of things I want to do. None of this brings me any closer to the "real" goals on my list.
So... I'll need to fix that for next month. It will take too much time for now, so I'm going to follow this plan for September.