
Monday, September 30, 2019

Last day of September...

Last day... If you have been good (and I haven't), there's a lot of things you can cross over from your bucketlist today.

If you haven't been good, remember that this is the first day of the Jewish year, and you can start over. You can start over any way. Just remember how it feels not having done what you were supposed to do, and promise yourself never to let yourself feel like that again.

Keep your promise.

You don't need me to tell you what to do.

I have posted the list of national days, so you can make your own list, so that you can't do what you are supposed to do, because I haven't posted anything for the day.

You don't need to follow my list at all. Make your own list of things that can be completed in one day, and just do it. Do it the first thing in the morning, if you can. Don't procrastinate. Don't push it forward and think you can do it later. Yes, you can, but you won't. We both know it.

Also, choose some things that need more days to be completed, like learn to play an instrument or run 5K or so, and write in your everyday to do list a step on the way to that goal.

And keep saving money to achieve your goals that require money to be completed, like travel and bungee jumping and going to a restaurant. Don't think about the money as something you could use in case of an emergency. See it as if you had spent it already and it doesn't exist.


So, today is
Hot Mulled Cider Day

Mud Pack Day - give yourself a clay mask.

and International Podcast Day. Either start a podcast or listen to your favorites :-)

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 30. Today's "stretch" is standing split.

Remember that when it comes to 100 pushups and 20 pullups, you don't necessarily follow the same schedule I do. You need to check up your own form and choose the plan that fits you!

100 pushups

12 - 14 - 11 - 10 - 16+
60 seconds between each set (longer if required)

20 pullups

4 - 3 - 4 - 3 - 4
rest 120 seconds

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