
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Nineteenth of nine, nineteen

And so the palindrome week has reached its end... sad, but what a glorious finish! 91919

Talk like a Pirate Day! Really easy to find things to do for today :-D

You could also start learning to sail.

Or get a parrot and teach it to speak.

Of course, watch Peter Pan.

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 19. 19 is the pancake split.

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:

    Jog 200 metres
    (or 90 seconds)
    Walk 200 metres
    (or 90 seconds)
    Jog 400 metres
    (or 3 minutes)
    Walk 400 metres
    (or three minutes)

This week's last time running... enjoy it. :-)

Another real goal from someone's bucket list to complete today: create a terrarium

Now, again I wish to remind you of that you choose from your own bucketlist a goal that can be reached in a day, and then just commit to doing it. You can learn to do a lot in an afternoon, after work, using the free time there's plenty of in a day, like waiting... waiting for the elevator, waiting for the light to change, waiting in line, waiting for the bus to arrive, waiting... or while doing automated things, like brushing your teeth, or sitting on the toilet...

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