
Saturday, September 28, 2019


Again a Saturday and time for reflection and a look back at the past week and the month - because there's only three days left of this September.

How has it been?

Before we go there, let's remind us of what should happen today.

It's the National Good Neighbor Day; do something nice to your neighbors.
Watch The Great Mouse Detective or Lady and the Tramp, both with good neighbors

It's Strawberry Cream Pie Day. So - of course - make and eat strawberry cream pie. Now, it's September and I don't think one should eat strawberries this late in the year. They are summer fruits. But - let's make strawberry cream pie.

It's also the International Poke Day.

The split stretch today is - the split. 1-5 and the split.

Now... let's get back to the review of the week.

I haven't done anything. :-( Oh, except we celebrated the Autumn Equinox in Monday. But I haven't run, done pullups or pushups or stretched, so I'm still at nothing.
I have excuses... oh, boy, do I have excuses... some of them are really good, like the fact that my fibromyalgia has been acting out and I haven't even got up from the bed. That's why some of this weeks installments have been posted day after - which you know if you have been following my blog and this series. 

I am very displeased with myself. :-(
I would so like to be able to do the splits and at least one pull-up, push-ups I can do, but... not 100.

Well, well, no use wallowing in self-pity and accusations here. It doesn't change anything. I'll do better next time. I'll start again, from the start.

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