
Monday, September 23, 2019

Autumn Equinox

It's Autumn Equinox. Celebrate it in some ways. For inspiration, you can see what Wiccans do with Mabon. There's plenty of ideas there.

You could try to brew wine.

Also, watch The Black Cauldron. It's loosely based on Mabinogion which is associated with Mabon.

The splits stretch today is 1-5 + 23. I think that stretch is the butterfly and then over... Makko Ho fire stretch, perhaps?

Week four... let that sink in for a moment here. You have been doing this for almost a month now, and can do a lot more pushups and pullups (yes, pullupS - more than one...) than just 3 weeks ago. Some of us couldn't even do one! Doesn't that feel good?

100 pushups
12 - 14 - 11 - 10 - 16+
60 seconds rest between each set
20 pullups

3 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 3
rest 120 seconds between each set

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