
Saturday, September 7, 2019

And on the seventh day...

So, last day of the week.

Today there will be no pullups, pushups or running. It's a rest day and cheat day, if you are on a diet.
You are to do your split stretches, though, 1-5 + 7. Seven is the Garland Pose from yoga.

It's also Brazilian independence day!
I will celebrate that by cooking something Brazilian - like Salpicao and Feijoado - and by learning to dance Samba. It doesn't take long to learn enough to be able to dance, but, of course, as with anything, it takes time and practice to get good at it :-D

Watch Saludos Amigos and Nosso Lar, a Brazilian movie, to tick off a movie starting with letter N from your alphabetical movie list.

I want you to look back at the week that has passed. What went right? What went wrong? What do you want to do differently?

I didn't manage to do these things.
Sunday started all right, Monday went well. But I had overextended myself on Sunday with the split stretches. Because I didn't warm up properly. I also did my Pinterest things, and I had sore muscles, which caused me to not do much, which caused my hip to act out, and I was in pain most of the week. Which makes it really hard to do anything. Which caused me to get depressed and lose spirit, so I failed with my first week.

This is why I ask you to look back at the week that passed and see what can be done differently and better so that you will succeed next week.

I am going to get a real warmup and actually do it before I start stretching for splits, and I am going to start again from day 1 tomorrow. And I am going to take it easy. Gentle stretches, twice a day, 30 seconds stretches. That's 10 minutes a day.

I also decided not to start the 5K running plan today, because I am not fit enough. I am going to do some cardio though, in a safe way, rowing. That doesn't stress my hip and doesn't cause me pain. It takes on arms a little, though, so it's going to help me do my pushups and pullups in the future. There is a study that says that 2 minutes HIIT twice a week is enough cardio to improve my fitness level, and that is what I am going to do next week. I'll do 3 minutes HIIT 7 times a week, just to keep me mobile. I have done it before and I know it won't have negative consequences. 

I am also going to do my Callanetics and my Jane Fonda, because I know that works.
I'll be also doing some balance exercises and some weight exercises, perhaps kettlebell or so.
Keep it gentle, keep it slow.

Another thing I wasn't happy about was that... of course it's great to follow the holiday list, because that really gives one something to do for every day of the year, but... these aren't bucket list goals. Of course it's great to learn from different cultures of the world, it's great to cook different things and try different foods, but that is not something on my list of things I want to do. None of this brings me any closer to the "real" goals on my list.
So... I'll need to fix that for next month. It will take too much time for now, so I'm going to follow this plan for September.

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