
Monday, September 9, 2019


It's the Teddy Bear Day, Care Bears Share your Care day, and Wiener schnitzel day.

Now, a Wiener Schnitzel is always, always, always, no exceptions, made with veal, but it's OK to eat some other schnitzel on this day, if you don't want to eat veal. JUST DON'T CALL IT A WIENER SCHNITZEL, OK?
Eat German potato salad and green salad to it.
Also, traditionally there's a specific decoration to this: you take a disc of lemon, make a ring or nest of anchovy on top of it and fill it with capers.  It isn't done usually anymore which I think is a pity, because it's pure flavor. And you would get some "try new ingredients" on your bucket list,

 Watch Care Bears the movie and Winnie the Pooh

For splits
today it's 1-5 + 9. 9 is the sumo squat or Deep Squat Groin Stretch.
Remember to warm up first and keep the stretch for a minute. 10 minutes or more every day.
Also take care of your muscles afterward - massage, foamrolling, hot shower

100 pushups
I couldn't do one pushup, so it's column 1 for me. 4-6-4-4-6+ - 60 seconds rest between sets

20 pullups
Week -1 for me :-D
It's 1 pullup and 4 sets of 1 negative pullup with 2 minutes rest inbetween.

So... today I suggest you learn to do five tricks with yoyo, or cards or coins or what ever thing like that is on your bucketlist.That can easily be done in a day.

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