
Friday, September 27, 2019

Complete A Goal A Day For A Year - October 2019

I had problems last month, partly because the "national day" based goals don't feel like goals. I would want it to be a bit more challenging than "making and eating pigs in blanket while watching a movie about a pig, in a blanket, on the "national pigs-in-blanket day"". I mean, that sounds like fun and I am going to do that, but I'd rather cross "climb a mountain" from my bucketlist than "bake brownies". Especially when I'm far more advanced in baking than that.

Partly because I'm lazy and apathetic and don't do anything. :-(

It would be nice to hear from you, but as far as I know, I'm the only one who even knows about the existence of this blog, and who reads it. So, as far as I know, I'm talking to myself...

Anyway... I am going to have a couple of themes here for October.

1) Reach a goal on many bucketlists.
2) Prepare for Halloween/Samhain
3) Month name based challenges, like Inktober, Socktober, Rocktober, Stoptober, Gosober, Snacktober, Spooktober, Dogtober, Frocktober...
4) Breast cancer awareness
5) Prepare for National Novel Writing Month

A challenge for this month is to become a better photographer.

Here's 30 Day Photography Challenge Project
Here's 30 Day Photo Challenge: Become a Better Photographer in One Month
31+ days to better photography
31 days to better photography 

30 things to photograph to become better photographer

52 weeks' photo challenge

A lot of people want to do a 365 photo challenge. So - let's make it happen! Find at least 5 different October photo-a-day challenge prompt lists online - not difficult - and pick one prompt each day. The first thing in the morning, you go take the photo.
You don't need to use the "good" camera, or take "good" photos, just take the first camera at hands, and take a photo, and post it online. This is about getting the habit in, teaching yourself to commit.
Now you have the rest of the day free to take any photos you like, spend the rest of the day trying to capture the perfect photo, potter and play and be artistic and professional. Just get the photo-a-day out of the way. If you do this every day, in the end of October, you will have posted 31 photos. To be able to tick off the "365 photo challenge", you just have to repeat it 11 times.

Also, special for October, for me, is that it's Inktober. I want to draw and ink a superheroine every day of October; to become better at drawing and to fix some problems I have with some superheroines...

This is the month before Halloween, and a lot of people want to do Halloween things, so I will be having some such themes going on.

One thing on a lot of bucket lists is "attend a masquerade party". Why not arrange one and invite your friends? You could even have a potluck if you don't have that much money. You could also go and crash a masquerade. Put on your best costume and take some alcohol and a couple of bags of chips with you, and you'll most likely will be more than welcome. :-)

So - use this month to make your costume. That will also get some things off your list.

Now... you could watch the 30 best horror movies ever made

We will also be watching the rest of the Disney animated feature films this month.

01.10 World Vegetarian Day - Independence days of China, Cyprus, Nigeria, Palau and Tuvalu - International Coffee Day
Learn a new vegetarian recipe. You could try making the impossible burger.
Choose a country, learn more about it, cook something they eat there
Learn to appreciate coffee

Watch Mulan

02.10 world farm animals day - international day of non-violence - batik day
learn about the intelligence and emotions of farm animals. They are more like us than you'd think. Then make the choice to either not eat meat or see that the meat you eat is from farms where animals are treated well and butchered as humanely as possible. You have the power as the consumer and customer.
Learn to make wax batik
Study the philosophy and tradition of non-violence. 

Watch Dinosaur

03.10 Techies day - Virus Appreciation Day - Germany's Independence day - Boyfriend's day
Learn something about your computer and technology so that you can fix some common problems that arise
Learn something about viruses that make you appreciate them
Celebrate the Germany by eating something German and watching a German movie
Celebrate your boyfriend if you have one as if it was his birthday

Watch Meet the Robinsons 

04.10 St.Franciscus and world animal day - Taco day - ship in a bottle day - kanelbullens dag
bake cinnamon buns
read Dr. Doolittle
make tacos
build a ship in a bottle

Watch Big Hero 6

05.10 balloons around the world day - world teachers' day - Apple Betty Day - Get Funky Day
- send a message in a balloon
- make Apple Betty
- send flowers and cookies to your teachers
- learn to dance 70s funk

Watch Wreck-It Ralph and Ralph Breaks the Internet

06.10 badger day - national noodle day - plus size appreciation day - mad hatter day
- wear a mad hat
- eat noodles
- watch Phat Girlz, The Nines, Pitch Perfect, Hairspray, Fried Green Tomatoes

Watch Alice in Wonderland

07.10 Bathtub Day - National Frappe Day - National LED Light Day - National Inner Beauty Day

Watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame

08.10 World Octopus Day - National Fluffernutter Day - American Touch Tag Day - National Pierogi Day

Watch Little Mermaid

09.10 Fire Prevention Day - Moldy Cheese Day - National Leif Erikson Day - World Post Day - Curious Events Day

Watch Pinocchio

10.10 National Angel Food Cake Day - National Cake Decorating Day - World Mental Health Day - World Porridge Day

Watch Sleeping Beauty
15 layers with pink and blue forget-me-nots and blue, runny frosting
- with yeast and spices 
- and 15 pink tapers

11.10 International Day of the Girl Child - National Sausage Pizza Day

Watch Cinderella and Frozen

12.10 National Savings Day - National Freethought Day - National Farmer’s Day - National Gumbo Day - Spain's National Day - World Arthritis Day

Watch  The Princess and the Frog

13.10 National Train Your Brain Day - National Yorkshire Pudding Day - Navy Birthday - National No Bra Day

Learn to solve Sudokus and other such puzzles; and puzzle cubes
Make a puzzle cube like Devil's Knot

Watch Atlantis: The Lost Empire

14.10  National Dessert Day - Be Bald and Be Free Day - International Top Spinning Day
- Shave your head. Especially if you are a woman. All women should realize that their womanhood and femininity isn't attached to their hair. Give the hair to Locks of Love or some other charity that collects hair to make real hair wigs to cancer patients. You could also learn to make wigs, or hair jewelry.

Watch Snowwhite and Lilo and Stitch - both with a notable bald character

15.10 National Cheese Curd Day - National I Love Lucy Day - National Grouch Day - World Maths Day

Watch Beauty and the Beast

16.10 National Liqueur Day - Global Cat Day - Feral Cat Day - World Food Day
- make liqueur
- go help your local cat shelter

Watch Reluctant Dragon and Tarzan

17.10 National  Edge Day - National Pasta Day - World Trauma Day - Wear something gaudy day - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Watch Aladdin

18.10 National Chocolate Cupcake Day - Azerbaijan independence day - Bad King John Died on this day

Watch Robin Hood

19.10 Seafood Bisque Day - Evaluate Your Life Day

Watch  Hercules

20.10 International Sloth Day - National Youth Confidence Day - National Brandied Fruit Day

Watch Moana

21.10 National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day - National Reptile Awareness Day - count your buttons day - apple day

Watch Tangled (and then learn more about the chameleons)

22.10 National Make a Dog’s Day Day - National Nut Day - National Color Day

Watch 101 Dalmatians

23.10 National Boston Cream Pie Day - National Mole Day

Watch The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad.

24.10 UN Day - National Bologna Day - World Polio Day

Watch The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under

25.10 Greasy Food Day - Chucky The Notorious Killer Doll Day - Sourest Day - Punk for a day Day - International Artists Day

Watch Make Mine Music

26.10 Howl at the moon Day - Mincemeat Day - Pumpkin Day - Mule Day - Austrian Independence Day

Watch Pocahontas

27.10 The International Teddy Bear Day - National American Beer Day - National Black Cat Day
Have a teddy bears' picni

Watch Bolt and Brother Bear

28.10 Animation Day - Chocolate Day - Plush Animal Lovers' Day - National Internal Medicine Day

Watch Fantasia and Fantasia 2000

29.10 National Oatmeal Day - Hermit Day - World Stroke Day - Turkish Independence Day - National Cat Day

Watch Frozen

30.10 Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression - Checklist Day - Candy Corn Day - Haunted Refridgerator Night - Create a Great Funeral Day
- write your "white book" - your wishes about your funeral

Watch The Lion King

31.10 Caramel Apple Day - Magic Day - National Doorbell Day - Knock Knock Joke Day - All Hallow's Eve

Watch The Sword in the Stone the first thing you do in the morning, because you won't have time later. Tick the "Watch All Disney Animated Feature Films from your list.

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