
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

365 days of giving

Here's 365 ideas of how to give. Not all of them work all over the world. Ask before starting to carry food to a shelter or the local fire department or so.

* Join the "piece of garbage a day" movement - it's that easy, pick up a piece of litter and put it in the garbage can (or, if there are none around, put it in a doggy bag you carry with you so that you can put it in garbage can when you find one.)

* learn the art of writing thank you notes

* smile at people - look them in the eyes to mark that your smile is meant to them

* Donate old towels or blankets to an animal shelter

* Take out your neighbor's trash on garbage day

* Feed the birds

* pay for the next in line

* create a Tzedakah box for your loose change

* donate food

* leave money taped to vending machines

* make soup for someone

* bring someone a Christmas wreath

* click to donate free

* go vegan for a day

* open doors for others

* donate unused items

* give someone a hug

* walk a friend's dog

* volunteer for charity

* hand out balloons to kids outside the public library

* buy a lottery ticket to someone

* send a card to someone to let them know you care

* donate books

* return a shopping cart for someone

* buy a gift certificate and give to the person behind you in line

* tape a gift certificate for a car wash (or something other such) to a stranger's car

* send a care package to a soldier

* volunteer to work at a charitable organization

* send a funny old photo to a friend just to make them laugh

* give diapers to low-income families

* send a note to a manager about an employee that does a great job

* leave a good book in a hospital waiting room with a note that it's free for taking.

* hand out coupons

* bring flowers to the personnel of a place you visit/use often, like a school, restaurant, gym...

* create pet toys for animal shelter

* take a walk and clean up your neighborhood

* give the gift of recognition

* write cheerful poems for lonely neighbors (but be careful)

* create encouraging bookmarks to put in library books

* donate toys

* donate children's craft kits to children's hospital

* Take hot soup and bread rolls to homeless people in your neighborhood

* pay the toll for the car behind you

* leave a good book at bookcrossing

* blessing bags

* make a snuggle toy for someone with dementia or Alzheimer's

* Knit, crochet or make in some other manner something useful for charity

* Grow flowers and give them to people who would enjoy them

* organize a neighborhood garage sale and donate the proceeds to a local charity

* become a Big Sister

* Buy food for a homeless person

* wash someone's car

* give the gift of patience

* treat someone to a luxury they couldn't otherwise afford

* offer to watch the neighbor's children for an afternoon

* Find a way to volunteer in your community

* be polite on the road

* include as many people as possible in your celebrations

* be a mentor to someone

* collect coats to donate

* after shoveling your own driveway, continue with your neighbors

* remember to say "Thank you!"

* Give a generous tip

* Volunteer in your child's classroom

* Be the designated driver

* pass on a gift card to someone who needs it more

* hold the door open for others

* give credit where credit is due

* go through your closet and donate unused clothing to goodwill

* tutor a child

* pick up groceries for a neighbor

* select a charity to give to regularly, even if it is a small amount

* Teach a child something you wish you knew at that age

* Take little care packages to a Cancer center. Fill them with a travel size hand lotion, chapstick, and purse size package of antibacterial wipes. They will be much appreciated!

* Pat someone on the back

* Collect canned food for a food bank

* Hand out Valentine cards with lollipops on Valentine’s Day.

* Write a letter to someone who made a difference in your life.

* Pick up trash.

* Plant a tree

* Praise your boss

* Instead of asking for gifts ask your friends to do random acts of kindness on your birthday.

* Donate stuffed animals, coloring books, crayons, stickers, and little toys to the police station to hand out to sick, abused, or scared kids.

* Give someone a hug

* Help someone whose car is broken down

* Send a sunshine box to someone that is sick (put in Kleenex, their favorite cough drops, magazines, and anything that might cheer them up. Don’t forget the get well card )

* Hand out pennies at a wishing well or fountain. You never know whose wish you may help come true.

* Surprise someone with a cup cake, muffin, cookie, etc.

* Pre-stamp some thank you notes and hand them out, letting the recipient know to send it to someone they appreciate

* click to donate to several causes

* Hide notes in library books for someone else to find.

* Make or buy hats for kids that are suffering from cancer and donate them.

* Be a friend who listens

* Stick your change in the Ronald McDonald box at McDonald’s

* Leave your newspaper for someone

* Donate blood

* Donate school supplies to a school or preschool (And if you live in a country where schools and preschools arrange their own school supplies, there's always schools in developing countries who need things like this.)

* Call a friend and let them know you are thinking about them

* Donate a $1 (when asked in line at grocery/convenience store “would you like to donate” say yes)

* Thank the police or fire department

* Return a shopping cart for someone and save them the trip

* Take new parents a date night kit. (Movie rental, popcorn, 2 liter of soda, and candy.)

* Tip a waitress more than you normally would

* Praise a parent for their child

* Buy that young mother a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, and a jar of peanut butter.

* Donate coupons to a military family (Even expired coupons, they are honored at the military commissary)

* Tell your family you love them.

* Bring flowers to a co-worker, friend, or someone that may be having a hard time.

* Help someone for free

* Give your box tops to a school ( found on General Mills products)

* Donate books to a school or library

* Spend some time with a senior citizen

* click for animals (yes, it's in French, but it's not rocket science. Just click.)
* Compliment a stranger

* Put a quarter in a meter that is about ready to expire

* Leave the mail person a thank you card

* Donate items to a homeless shelter

* Donate suits to a place that caters to single moms re-entering the work force or older workers re-entering the work force.

* Help someone learn something new

* Bake someone a cake

* Carry someone’s bags to the car at the grocery store

* Walk or run for charity

* Thank a soldier

* Let someone go in front of you in line

* Say “thank you” to the cashier

* Share inspirational quotes

* pick up litter

*leave your favorite restaurant a great review

*offer to help someone carry something

*surprise someone with a coffee

*participate in You Matter Marathon

*Check in with an elderly relative

*Donate old clothes to a local charity

*Hide a scratch-off ticket for someone to find

*Sig up for a 5K to support a local charity

*Leave a few books at a Little Free Library

*Buy lunch for a homeless person

*Offer to babysit for a friend

*Hide money in random places for strangers to find

*Reconnect with old friends

*Buy groceries for the person behind you

*Wash a neighbor’s dog for free

*Buy your waiter/waitress dessert

*Offer compliments to strangers and friends and family

*Ride your bike or walk to work

*Volunteer to work some overtime at your job

*Give your umbrella to a stranger

*Donate your hair after a haircut

*Help out the janitors at school

*Leave some change on a wishing fountain

*Feed the birds in the park

*Make someone a homemade blanket or scarf

*Help sick animals find homes

*Recycle things that you see on the road

*Take the time to listen to someone

* care2click to donate for free

*Ask someone how you can help them - and do it

*Offer to give a friend a ride home

*Pay for another student’s lunch

*Help tutor a struggling student

*Celebrate your own best friend appreciation day

*Send Coloring Books to sick kids in the hospital

*Write someone an encouraging poem

*Take the time to appreciate the sunrise and sunset

*Make hot chocolate for your family on a cold day

*Recommend someone your favorite book/movie

*Lend a friend a favorite book/movie

*Offer someone your pen

*Pay for someone’s bus/cab fare

*Give up your seat on the bus to another person

* Hide inspirational quotes and messages for strangers to find

* Share your favorite quote and post it to the company billboard

* Instead of posting negativity online, spread some encouragement

* Participate in Pack-A-Backpack for a child

* Pay for someone’s morning coffee

* Write a list of things that you adore about a friend

* The Greater Good - click to give

* Take the day not to complain

* Mow the lawn for your neighbors

* Volunteer at your local food bank

* Give someone a "just because" gift

* Help a neighbor with yard work

* Pay it forward at your favorite drive-thru

* Rake the leaves for your neighbors

*Write a thank you not to someone who made a difference in your life

* drop a toy for someone to find

* Invite your neighbors over for dinner

* Let someone else pick what to watch on TV

* Help someone who has a flat tire

* Offer to take a shopper’s cart to the line outside

* Do a sibling’s chores without them asking

* Write a kind or encouraging message on a napkin

* Pack someone a lunch for the day

* Pay for someone’s dry cleaning

* Hold the elevator for someone

* Make a family member breakfast in bed

* Make a ‘things I love about you’ book

* Spend time with your grandparents

* Start mentoring a younger child

* Leave your waiter a generous tip

* Save your pop tabs for a children’s hospital

* Help do chores at a farm/harvest ranch

* Perform a concert at a retirement home

* Plan a surprise birthday party for someone

* Read to kids at the library for storytime

* Wash someone’s car

* Give someone a gift card that you don’t intend to use

* Snap a photo of a couple

* Water a neighbor’s lawn/flowers

* Help a child or older person cross the street

* Bring in donuts for your co-workers

* Send a letter to a good friend instead of a text

* Give someone foot massage

* Shovel a neighbor’s driveway when it snows

* Bake cookies for the elderly

* Serve at a homeless shelter

* Do a 5k for a good cause

* Help at a veterinarian office

* Pick up litter on the beach

* Let someone go in front of you in line

* Give a stranger a compliment

* Make dinner for a family in need

* Insert coins into someone’s parking meter

* Buy flowers to hand out on the street

* Leave letters of encouragement on people’s cars

* Buy a movie ticket for the person behind you

* Pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant

* Write letters to soldiers

* Donate Christmas gifts to an orphanage

* Participate in a fundraiser

* Use your allowance to donate to a charity

* Hold open the doors for people

* Thank a teacher with a gift

* Donate your old clothes to the Salvation Army

* Help a senior with their groceries

* Walk a neighbor’s dog

* Babysit for free

* Plant a tree

* Do a favor without asking for anything in return

* Take someone new in your neighborhood on a tour of the city

* Show the new kids around your school

* Buy an ice cream cone for a child

* Learn to say hello in a different language to different people

* Prepare a meal for your family

* Pay for a stranger’s library fees

* Send Valentine’s Day cards to everyone in your class

* Spend a day at a homeless shelter

* Give drinks out to people on a hot day

* Popcorn, candy and video rental to a family

* leave a treat in the mailbox for the mailman

* give hot chocolate for people waiting at the bus stop

* leave nice notes on people's cars

* befriend someone who seems lonely

* offer your seat to someone

* show up at a friend's house and offer to clean

* leave a funny note in a library book to make someone smile

* leave dollar bills all around the dollar store

* make a lunchbox to some kid in your child's school, put a nice note in it

* leave a basket of dinner on someone's doorstep

* donate diapers to a women's shelter

* donate canned goods to the local food bank

* drop off muffins at the fire station or police station (check first if it's OK)

* take a cup of coffee or cocoa to your child's teacher

* leave small toys with notes on them at the local playground

* leave tennis balls at a dog park

* write encouraging notes to runners on a running path

* leave a box of baby wipes in a public restroom with a baby changing station

* Give up your spot in line.

* Donate money to an organization you participate in.

* Tell jokes to make someone smile.

* Donate food to your food bank.

* Donate pet supplies to the shelter.

* Help someone do a chore or other job.

* Do yard work or shovel for a neighbor.

* Donate books you no longer need.

* Pick up litter.

* Donate to a charity

* Leave a popcorn surprise for strangers to find.

* Donate toys to a children’s hospital.

* Donate a pair of new pajamas for foster kids.

* Put money in the Salvation Army bucket.

* Make get well cards for someone who needs them.

* Donate meals to No Kid Hungry.

* Donate new toys to Toys for Tots.

* Feed the birds.

* click to help Brother Earth

* Candy cane bomb a parking lot. (Or chewing gum or some other thing like that)

*  Pay for someone’s groceries behind you in line.

* Invite someone you suspect will be alone to spend your holiday celebrations with you.

* Give a hot drink to the person ringing the Salvation Army bell.

* Drop off a toy or game at a hospital or a homeless shelter.

* Leave nice comments on Twitter, and Facebook.

* Put a comment on someone’s webpage that you really like……let them know you enjoy it. ;-)

* Paid past due library fees for 5 people and while there, put dollar bills in some of your favorite books.

* Volunteer an afternoon at a soup kitchen.
* Help someone load their groceries.

* Be understanding of traveling parents with the grumpy or noisy kids.

* Pay for the coffee, the toll, or the bus fare for the person behind you.

* Bring coffee to construction workers, police on detail, or anyone working outside.

* Hand out gloves and mittens to the homeless, or leave them on park benches.

* Purchase some extra dog or cat food and drop it off at an animal shelter.

* Take flowers to the nurse’s station at your local hospital – the nurses will know who needs them most.

* Pay for the lunch of people behind you at a fast food restaurant or behind you in the drive thru.

* Take lunch, cookies, or cupcakes to your local fire department and/or police department.

* Donate stuffed animals to police and fire departments to use during emergencies to help calm frightened children.

* Buy extra groceries for the local food bank.

* Pick up the tab when dining out. Approach the waiter and pay when no one is watching.

* Leave a nice waiter or waitress a generous tip.

* Buy dessert for someone eating out alone.

* Pick up the tab for a random table at a restaurant.

* Tape cash or a gift card on a random gas pump.

* Put sticky notes with positive messages in public places.

* Sing Christmas Carols, play board games, or just visit with senior citizens at a nursing home.

* have a “earth day” every day – 1 hour of no electricity

* use water as if it was a rarity

* use electricity as if it was a rarity

* get a bike

* start walking at least one hour every day

* get a monthly bus pass and get to know your town.

* get good curtains to every window – black curtains and thick side curtains

* turn off lights

* unplug items not in use

* get more houseplants

* plant more trees

* keep the electric appliances clean

* learn to use no fire cookers

* minimize your belongings – take the 100 things challenge. Only keep things you love and that make you feel good

* eat more veggies and fruits. Have at least one vegetarian day every week.

* eliminate disposable products - make reusable pads, reusable produce bags, reusable handkerchiefs, reusable shopping bags, sandwich bags, reusable bowl covers for the fridge etc.

* buy minimally packaged goods, and make things of the packaging

* use less clothes and use them wisely. Get work clothes and use clothes-protecting items like aprons and sleeve covers. Air your clothes often, wash them less.

* change electric appliances to manpowered, crank or treadle powered

* eat more locally produced and organic food

* use less dishes and wash them by hand, air dry

* write a food plan and keep it

* stop throwing food away

* cook from scratch

* eat less

* shorter showers

* take the stairs. Elevators and escalators use electricity.

* get a capsule wardrobe, buy less clothes

* get a compost and start composting everything that can be composted

* recycle all your garbage

* sign petitions

* give your time, work and energy to charity, volunteer

* find a peaceful demonstration nearby you can support and go there

* adopt a family through the Box Project

* Make microloans through KIVA

* give free rice by clicking

* Hand out water bottle to joggers on the bike path

* Mail neighbor a note that day volunteering to clean out her garage

* Online donation to zoo for an artificial tree for a panda

* Assemble homeless bags and put in our cars to give out a later time.

* Give coupons out to customers waiting to make their purchase at Michaels

* Donate children’s pajamas at sleep train  for foster children

* clean a public toilet (Yes, I know it's disgusting, but totally worth it.)

*  Share your umbrella with a stranger on a rainy day

* adopt a pet from a shelter

* donate 5 % of your income to charity

* write a positive review about a local business

* ask for donations instead of presents for birthdays and holidays

* learn CPR

* help a friend move house

* stick up for someone being treated badly, bullied

* spread good news

* buy housewarming gift for a new neighbor

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