
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Losing weight

There really are no shortcuts. We all know what needs to happen. Eat less, move more. It really is that simple.

Now, MTV had a show, I Used to Be Fat, and in the second episode 2011 there was Marci Levine who lost a pound a day. In 90 days. This is how she did it:

During the show diet
1200 kcal a day
Breakfast - oatmeal and egg whites
Lunch - grilled chicken green vegetables
Dinner - low calorie soup or salad

Workout: 4-8 hours of bootcamp drills and football drills

So... nothing stops you. Go ahead. If you work as hard and are honest about it, you can do the same.
Well... maybe not a pound a day, because Marci was 16 and had the benefit of a personal trainer, who was there to push her to do those 4-8 hours in safe environment. But if you follow this diet and exercise regime, you will lose weight.

I am, too, 250 pounds heavy, and I want to weigh less than 70 kilos to my 50th birthday. I have been getting heavier and heavier the last 20 years, and I don't want to be this heavy. It makes my life unnecessary hard.
I have calculated that if I lose a kilo every 10 days, I will reach the goal. That is a reasonable, realistic goal. (More so than pound a day :-D). But, sure, it would be nice to get there quicker...

Though I'm 48 and my skin has NEVER been very elastic... I probably end with hanging skin and nasty stretchmarks and all that, and it won't feel very nice, because OF COURSE I want to get skinny because of the societal expectations, pressure and beauty ideals! I will NEVER look like a 16 years old, but perhaps I will be light when I'm 50 and able to move the way I moved when I was 16... get rid of the fibro pains and that...

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