
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Start Parkour

This (Armin Dahl and John Ciampa, not from the 30s but from the 50s, stuntmen)... and Georges Hébert... makes my heart sing.
"The senior Belle had trained using Hebert’s methode naturelle whilst in the French military. Hebert’s methods were inspired by the natural, physical conditioning of indigenous peoples from Africa in particular, and this is still noticeable in the practise of modern parkour; many practitioners talk of the importance of freeing one’s natural instincts, of stripping away conditioning and returning to an innate, effortless way of moving that utilises the entire body as a whole rather than consciously employing isolated muscle groups. The elusive ‘flow state’."
Parkour history
So, why? It makes my heart sing. It makes my eyes shine. I could watch people do this kind of things hours... and I want to join them. I want to do that. I want to be there. I want to run free and enjoy my body's movements... This is heaven.


This is why I want my physical condition back. This is why I want to be flexible. This is why I want to be able to do 100 pushups and 20 pullups. And more after that, but that's a good start.This is why I want to be able to run 5K, and after that, more. I want to be able to run for hours, while climbing and jumping and swimming and vaulting and leaping and... flying.

Now, for Parkour I'll be training the basics as my 1 minute, rolling, falling, landing, and basic jumps, and growing the other abilities for themselves, until I'm there. Then it will be All Parkour All The Time... :-D

Cue... hmm... This isn't something that just flows, like my morning routine. I have that routine in place already, so I don't need the cues and such. But with this I do... I think I'm going to put it in the middle of my condition building... My 5K will be in the forest, so I can take a minute in the middle of the forest to roll and climb rocks and trees and jump down and land. Then I will also be warmed up. But this will happen when I'm doing the 5K.

Reward. I think I might need something for this, too... simply because the enorm physical reward of actually doing this is a bit too far in the future. I'll have to think about that, I'm so conditioned to reward myself with sugar.

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