
Friday, December 15, 2017

Do a 365 self portrait challenge

365 Days of Me
Sasha Molko: my 365
Viona Ielegems
365 self portraits; idea board

How to do this

1) set up a 365 blog
2) choose the photos you want to take. You don't need to decide all 365 now, but it would be good if you have at least 200 ideas ready so that when the day arrives you don't feel like it, it is already prepared and all you need to do is to snap a photo.
3) if you plan on doing special things, see that you have everything needed for these special things.
Like make-up, clothes, wigs, horns, special effect make-up and masks, mirrors and other props, photoshoot locations etc. etc.
4) learn to use your camera, learn to take self-portraits, to use the remote control and timer, to use the video camera
5) try to do more than the absolute necessary to have self-portraits to be posted the days you can't take a photo or post it. Have at least a month worth of posts prepared so that your streak won't break. (Now, this is not a "do something every day" project, it's "take 365 self portraits". You can take all of them one day, or take 7 every week, or 31 every month, or 100 this month and 3 that month... just as long as you take 365 photos and post them in a blog so that there is a post every day of the year. Yes, the original 365 blogging project doesn't even require that, just that there are 365 blog posts... it can take you several years to get that done, but I want to do it "1 post every day".)

365 project

A Rebuttal, or: How to Succeed at Your 365 Project
11 Tips to Succeed with a Photo365 Project
How to Succeed at a 365 Photography Project

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