
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Seven and ten

National  Edge Day

There is a little error in the text... right now it says that the Straight Edge people don't use drugs, tobacco, alcohol, some won't use even caffeine, prescription drugs or animal based foods, but they engage in promiscuous sex. Now, I'm not a member of that community, so I don't know, but I think abstaining from promiscuous sex sounds more fitting...

National Pasta Day

learn to make pasta. It's not difficult.

World Trauma Day

Wear something gaudy day

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Write a list of 10 things YOU can do RIGHT NOW (or today, this week, this month, this year - as soon as possible) to eradicate SOME poverty. If you can help ONE person out of poverty, it's good.
(don't just follow my list. I'm pretty stupid when it comes to money, and gullible.)

- donate to some organization that provides poor families with livestock or bit of land
- support microloans (do it wisely though. Educate yourself first.)
- sponsor some child through education
- teach someone to read
- start a club in your neighborhood, to teach kids to think economically, use money wisely and save money to fund their goals and dreams. A lot of children have never even touched money, and most certainly haven't ever used any or decided how it is to be used.
- teach yourself out of the poverty mindset, so that you can get rich and give more to help others out of poverty
- donate money to organisations and programs that provide water and education to poor countries
- teach someone to cook and to do it frugally and economically (you are also someone, if you don't already know how to do this.)
- instead of giving money to beggars and homeless people, give them work.
- only buy locally produced items. Choose small, local companies and workers when you need something, like when you are going to eat out, don't go to a chain restaurant, especially a multi-national restaurant chain.

Watch Aladdin


Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog 4km (or 25 minutes).

The Photography challenge/lesson today is:
Freebie Day
A Rule Of Thumb To Help Stop Photo Blur
The Low Down on Lenses 
Brenizer effect portraits

The Inktober prompt is ORNAMENT

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