
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

16th of October, Wednesday

National Liqueur Day

Make your own liqueur. It's not difficult.
You take the fruit you want, cut it in pieces (fruit or herbs or vegetables or flowers or what ever it is you want) and let it steep in good quality vodka for at least a week, preferably more.
You make a single syrup - with any flavoring you want.  (That is, if you want to make caramel flavored liqueur, you make caramel syrup.
You drain the fruit from the alcohol and mix the alcohol with the syrup. That's it.
(And if you want cream liqueur or egg liqueur, this is when you mix in the eggs or cream or milk or what ever it is you want to add.)
You can also put the sugar in with the alcohol and fruits, and let that steep for a week or more. Shake it a little every now and then. And that's it.

Global Cat Day - Feral Cat Day

Go help at your local cat shelter, any which way you can is good. You can donate work, time, money, cat food, items... some cat shelters even accept things they can sell second hand.
If you have time and inclination, adopt a cat. Old cats and black cats are the least adoptable, so if you really love cats, adopt an old cat.

World Food Day

Donate some money to feed hungry people. You might not be able to teach someone to fish, but you could donate someone a farm animal, so that they can become self-sufficient that way. I keep saying "go buy someone a goat", but maybe that's misleading, because these different organizations who will get your goat to the needing family might not be getting them a goat. Because they choose an animal(s) that will most benefit the family in the circumstances they are living. It might be a donkey or a couple of hens or something. Goats are not the best option in every situation, and not even allowed in all places.

Watch Reluctant Dragon and Tarzan

100 pushups

14 - 14 - 15 - 15 - 14 - 14 - 10 - 10 - 44+
45 seconds between each set

20 pullups

8 - 7 - 8 - 7 - 8
rest 90 seconds between each set

The Photography challenge/lesson today is:
Exposure Compensation/Bias
Exposure Compensation
Light spirals

The Inktober prompt is WILD

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