
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

A year ago...

 I posted "101 things in 1001 days - one more try". And then I promptly proceeded to forget everything about it and this blog. :-D

Do you think it's going to be better this year?

Nah. :-D

I'm in the mood to learn languages, so I found "Improve Your German in January 2024", and the first prompt was to find three things I look forward to this year. 

I have nothing.

Then I started thinking, what would a perfect year look like?

I just had a very disappointing Christmas. The Christmas Spirit just didn't appear, even when I was trying to do all kinds of things to make it do that. I suppose it's that I'm not 10 any longer and youngest of 6 children. When I was a kid, I had a big family to celebrate Christmas with, and now we are only two, and my husband is Jewish and doesn't celebrate Christmas. A bit hard to get into the Christmas spirit, isn't it :-D

So that is one thing I'd love to change. I want to look forward to Christmas and other holidays of the year, arrange great parties for each of them, and have the home decorated and filled with holiday spirit. And then, after dinner, cuddle in a comfy chair with a book, a cat, a cup of tea, and a plate filled with baked goodies, and nibble away... though that's a wintry delight. Something else for Spring and Summer.

Another thing on my mind is that I would like to travel. And I would like it to be as comfortable as possible. Which means, that I need to be fit. And I need to have my travel wardrobe in perfect working order. I want to be able to eat anything and enjoy it, too, and I want to be able to speak the language and feel at home wherever I go. I think I'll plan a bus tour of Europe with my hubby. 

Being fit and light, having a working wardrobe, being able to eat and enjoy food, and being able to speak several languages fluently, that's a good plan.

Then I want to be a reading person. I really want to read at least 124 books this year. And I want to read books in different languages, not just English. I CAN read books in French and German, and I KNOW that is the best way to upkeep languages, and not only to upkeep them, but improve them. Yet I don't do it. :-( Stupid me.

I also want to be an artist and an artisan. There, too, I CAN, but I don't do anything. :-(

Another thing would be to get my home in perfect condition. To have a home I'm proud of, that I can invite people in, at any moment. Open my door to everyone. I would LOVE to be so rich that I could buy me a Jugend apartment in Stockholm, and a big one, with 3-4 rooms. And to be able to hire a housekeeper and secretary. 

That's another dream I know I could make real. I want to write. Write, translate, illustrate. And get really, really rich :-D So that I can do all those things I want to do. 

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