
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Get F*d Up, But Not Really


101 places to get f*cked up before you die

So, what to do to get the most out of a wild night out partying?

* get comfortable dancing. Learn club dancing, and get fit to dance all night

* learn to drink smart. Yes, get tipsy, but not so f*d up you don't understand what is happening.
- eat, before, during, after. 
- drink plenty of water. An easy rule is to have a glass of water between every alcoholic drink. You can disguise your glass of water by asking the bartender to make it look like a gin and tonic. Some people find water drinkers in a club annoying.
- find your favorite cocktail that doesn't make you drunk too quickly, and stick to it. Mojito and Cuba Libre are good drinks because they are served in a glass that doesn't fall easily. Piña Colada comes usually with fruit that's good. Cosmopolitan tastes good and looks pretty, but comes in a glass that falls easily. Mai Tai comes usually in a good glass also. Anyway, experiment and test until you find your signature cocktail, and stick to it. (It's of course totally fine to drink shandies, cider, spritzer, or white wine. Whatever rocks your boat.)
- KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR DRINK. People could try to slip in something you don't want to drink. If you have turned your back to your glass, don't drink it. Better to waste the money than wake up raped in some back alley. Or not wake up at all.

* take cat naps during the day

* dress for comfort - test your clothing before the party. See that you can dance on the table without popping out of your dress or breaking your ankle because of your shoes. Sure, heels are sexy, but swollen, sore feet are not. 

* test the makeup and hairdo - choose something that still looks good after hours of partying

* go with friends and have a pre-party. Don't get drunk yet, though.
- agree on regrouping times and locations when you enter the party space. Regroup about once every hour. That gives you the freedom to find new friends without failing the old ones.
- make new friends. Keep moving and invite people to dance with you. (The more you dance, the less you drink, and the better you feel the next day.) 
- set signals - what to do to get your friends to rescue you from unwanted attention, for example, or if you are starting to feel bad and need to go home

* pack your purse - it should be small enough to be on your all the time, something that is not easy to steal or lose or pickpocket. You should have your credit card, smartphone, ID, some light toiletries so that you can keep your makeup nice, tissues, and keys. See that your phone battery is fully loaded.

* arrange for the ride there and back. See that you have enough money to take a taxi back home, or a friend to pick you up or something. 

* you'll probably need to wait in line a lot. Learn some waiting games and activities you can do with your line neighbors. Maybe simple magic tricks.

* Have a positive, friendly attitude, but prepare for some people being drunk and obnoxious, and trying to do things you don't want to happen. Think what to do when someone gropes you, tries to kiss you, says something stupid, tries to start a fight, spills your drink (or their drink on you), steps on you, whatever can happen so that it won't spoil your night. Try not to piss off anyone. Learn to say "no" in a nice way. 

* have a plan on giving out personal information. You could for example have a burner phone so you can forget all the people you don't want to meet again, but still give an option for people you like to reach you. 

* be aware of that the restrooms are probably in a horrible order, especially as the night gets older. People puke and pee on the floor, it can be slippery and every surface you touch is nasty. 

*prepare to have a hangover day after. Keep drinking, eat something, take a cold shower, and sleep. 

Remember that clubs are really just places that are loud, crowded, and hot. The music is often bad as well. It's OK to leave and go find another place. 

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