
Friday, July 22, 2022 is going to shut down

 Temporarily for now, but who knows... *sigh*

So, here's my 1500+ long list:

 Read the 50 Essential Mystery Novels That Everyone Should Read

 Have a glögg party

 Learn to make vinegar

 Learn to dance flamenco

 Go skating with friends

Dye my hair pink

 Dye my hair in rainbow colors

 Dye my hair two-colored

 Dye my hair oil slick

 Cook over an open fire

 Celebrate Dia de los Muertos in Pátzcuaro, Mexico

 Build an igloo

 Build a meat smoker from scratch

 Become a travel writer

 Become a midwife

 Change the 10 unhelpful thinking styles

 Learn Celtic Languages

 Learn Chinese

 Become fluent in German

 Become fluent in Portuguese

 Become fluent in Maltese

 Learn Xhosa

 Learn Hungarian

 Learn Fennougric languages

 Learn Latin

 Become fluent in Spanish

 Become fluent in Italian

 Become fluent in Arabic

 Learn Hebrew

 Learn the Basque language

 Learn Icelandic

 Learn Danish

 Learn Norwegian

 Learn 10 words in a new language every day for a year

 Learn a foreign language together with my spouse

 Learn these 5 strange languages spoken on earth

 Learn the 10 hardest languages to learn

 Teach someone to speak my mother tongue (Finnish)

 Create a conlang

 Learn 10 party games

 Learn to train and use sheep and cattle dogs

 Learn to ride a motorcycle

 Learn to repel mosquitos

 Learn to prepare and eat offal

 Learn to play the drums

 Learn to play bicycle polo

 Learn to make mechanical toys

 Learn to make lampwork beads

 Learn orienteering

 Learn to make hard cheese

 Learn to make hand tools

 Learn to make flutes

 Learn to defend your camp against wild animals

 Learn to dance several historical dances

 Learn to build and use a sun oven

 Learn to build a house of cards

 Earn the DIY Puppeteer badge

 Earn the DIY Special Effects Wizard badge

 Earn the DIY Printmaker badge

 Earn DIY Gymnast badge

 Earn the DIY animator badge

 Earn the DIY Bike Mechanic badge

 Earn the DIY Toymaker badge

 Go sledding (tobogganing)

 Go to a bar and try out a new drink once a month

 Learn leatherwork

 Learn snow skating

 Learn to lipread

 Learn how to juggle

 Learn how to correctly move and survive in any environment

 Learn how to build and maintain fences

 Learn how to harness and drive a draft animal

 Learn Hopak

 Learn first aid and CPR

 Learn egg art

 Learn communications and signaling

 Learn hand games and clapping games

 Learn cobblery

 Keep rabbits

 Keep my home clean, tidy, and organized

 Keep Bees

 Celebrate all the Holidays

 Build a dollhouse

 Become a teacher

 Become a better hiker

 Become a bespoke tailor

 Beat fibromyalgia

 Learn de-escalation

 Learn Greek

 Walk the Great Wall of China from one end to the other

 Catch a fish with your bare hands

 Play Broomball

 Learn to draw accurately from memory

 Learn to run like Tarahumaras

 Become a Contortionist

 Work for nature conservation

 Visit UNESCO World Heritage sites

 Cook a romantic meal together

 Try ice blocking

 Try hot tub

 Tease my brain a little every day

 Study ethnobotany


 Publish a Book

 Practice backing up a trailer and going around corners smoothly

 Plan your day based on your body’s energy cycles

 Pet a lion or tiger

 Participate in an adventure race

 Make a trail with sticks

 Make 30 books in 30 days

 Train Sealfit

 Make a natural mosquito trap

 Set foot on all 7 continents

 Sneak into a Pool and Escape

 Learn to Throw Knives

 Try kite skiing

 Learn to shoot really well

 Learn how to make an ice cellar

 Go to a pumpkin patch

 Do stand-up comedy

 Learn how to store bulk food for long-term storage

 Make a shaman drum

 Learn to create usable fuel for ordinary things, like cooking oil

 Make "crop circles" in the snow

 Learn to convert an electric sewing machine into a treadle sewing machine

 Hot air balloon in the alps

 Hide in wardrobes in Ikea, then run out and tell everyone how awesome Narnia was

 Learn to make charcoal, pitch, tar, tree oil, resin

 Learn to make Worcestershire sauce

 Visit the Sistine Chapel

 Attend 10 food festivals

 Go to a new restaurant I normally would not try

 Visit Paris

 Learn roller skating

 Replace all negative thoughts with positive ones

 Learn to make gunpowder

 Learn flair bartending

 Have a winter picnic

 Make pumpkin chili

 Learn how to preserve and can tomatoes properly

 Have a dinner party

 Sleep in an igloo

 Go paragliding

 Improve my drawing skills

 Learn snowboarding

 Go to the library once a week and read newspapers and magazines

 Learn to barter and haggle

 Have a koi pond

 Go hammock camping

 Learn how to lucid dream

 Make a yurt

 Learn to make animal glue

 Sell an original piece of artwork for 100 dollars

 Learn coin tricks

 Learn how to build a timber framing

 Learn freestyle skiing

 Learn to give massage

 Have a Bug Out Bag

 Get a Massage

 Play Ringette

 Read to Librivox

 Learn to drive a bus

 Get some basic medical training

 Get cross-country skiing

 Get a polaroid camera

 Finish a 365 Photography Project

 Find out which domestic plants can be used as spices

 Find out how to raise grouse commercially

 Find out fun things to do in your neighborhood

 Embrace the motto “Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, or Do Without”

 Have a sock knitting bee

 Do 20 pull-ups in one set!

 Create paper dolls

 Cook all the recipes in my recipe collection

 Climb Mt Blanc

 Choose one current issue and learn more about it every week

 Ride a Unicycle

 Restore an old car

 Paint china

 Have a Halloween bonfire with hot apple cider

 Swim with great white sharks

 Take a 1/2 hour walk after you wake up

 Start a secret society

 Learn how to cut and glaze glass

 Learn how to clean, dress, and stitch/staple a wound

 Learn to solve puzzle cubes

 Make YouTube cooking videos

 Make a snow maze

 Make art every day

 Look out for something positive and enthusiastic about every situation

 Keep a journal about the autumn

 Go on a date every week in the Autumn

 Enjoy autumn

 Take the “week of dressing dangerously” challenge

 Post an autumn outfit to LookBook

 Make 30 autumn cards and send to people

 Learn to sow, grow, harvest, thresh and winnow cereals

 Learn to siphon liquids

 Go to Slip N Fly

 Participate in GISHWHES

 Put loose change in a jar

 Learn to dive (jump)

 Go Paintballing

 Learn to make thread, string, and ropes from fibers out in the wild

 Start a nature notebook or journal

 Ride a Hot Air Balloon

 Learn to collect and use linden bast

 Build a bonfire in winter

 Go play pool

 Work as a city guide

 Learn 10 ways to stay warm in a cold environment

 Learn to find water anywhere and get to it

 Learn how to pack gear on an animal

 Study ethnography

 Learn to make ball-jointed dolls

 Learn to smoke cheeses, meat, fish, etc

 Learn how to break ground and plow

 Make a cider press

 Build a greenhouse

 Fund a Kick starter Campaign

 Go trekking

 Learn to make fire without matches

 Learn to make matches

 Learn to extract precious metals from electronics

 Learn to build boats, tubs, punts, and coracles

 Volunteer to babysit for a single parent

 Do the lift from Dirty Dancing (in water)

 Be in Newgrange at Winter Solstice

 Go to Stonehenge for Summer Solstice

 Be at Chichen Itza on Autumn Equinox

 Be in Cairn T at Spring Equinox

 Learn to bake pies

 Do good deeds for 10 strangers

 Go on a really long bike ride

 Make snow cones of real snow

 Hold my breath underwater for two minutes

 Pass a hunter's safety course

 Drop in on a half pipe and not eat shit

 Learn how to set and bait traps for unwanted vermin and predators

 Learn NLP

 Learn ventriloquism

 Scale, gut, and fillet a fish

 Go parachuting

 Go on a sleigh ride

 Learn magic

 Learn to ride well

 Dam a stream

 Learn to make fiber craft tools and notions

 Learn the differences between trees and the unique properties of various types of wood

 Climb a building 1 story high without using stairs and/or ladders

 Learn to make knives

 Become fluent in French

 Go see the Kirpinar Oil Wrestling tournament

 Go caving

 Go backpacking

 Catch a "Last Minute Flight" to a random destination

 Read a book you haven't read before once a month

 Know how to assist an animal with a difficult birth

 Wake up at the same time every day

 Learn how to remember people's names

 Learn how to graft baby animals onto a foster-mother

 Learn how to halter-break and train an animal

 Camp out in the wild

 Learn to make scrimshaw

 Create a "cuddle kit"

 Learn to make salt and salt replacements in the wild

 Learn to use the pottery wheel well

 Learn to press oil from seeds and nuts

 Visit a craft show with friends

 Learn to make and play different tops

 Learn to use the crepe stick

 Learn to spread crepe batter with a cup

 Support myself financially

 Finish my book

 Build a good, fast toboggan sled

 Play pumpkin bowling

 Go Electronics-Free For 24 Hours

 Go tour skating

 Make a twined rag rug

 Listen to your favorite song more often

 Learn to use wild plants as food

 Learn how to sprout nuts and seeds

 Associate with people you admire, respect, and want to be like

 Meditate every day for at least 15 minutes

 Attend at least one art event every month

 Commit 13 RAKs

 Take social initiative

 Become an intriguing person people want to meet

 Learn to repair and refinish furniture

 Climb an urban building with no safety on

 Learn to make weapons of what is available and use them effectively

 Learn to make tarps

 Attend an "And Then There Were None" party

 Become self-sufficient with 10 acres of smallholding

 Play Bandy

 Try skicross

 Try ski jumping

 Be able to walk the tight rope

 Start practicing a team sport

 Improve myself every day

 Sell my original artwork to a stranger

 Learn art whistling

 Do the Warrior Dash

 Become a chocolatier

 Learn to make soap

 Become a minstrel, troubadour, spelman, busker

 Learn papercutting

 Make a cheese press

 Learn taxidermy

 Learn downhill skiing

 Learn flying disc games

 Learn to walk on stilts

 Celebrate Shabat every Friday

 Study Law

 Learn fruit carving

 Catch a fish with a net

 Participate in tough mudder

 Practise Yoga Daily

 Learn to make rafts

 Build an ice sculpture

 Invites friends over for chili night

 Climb a tree

 Cliff jump into the water from 20-30 ft

 Make an oil press

 Take a photo of a tree once a week to see how seasons change

 Promote and establish eco-friendly communities

 Plant and grow a hedge maze

 Make paper beads

 Take siesta

 Set up a snail race

 Learn silversmithy

 Connect with family roots

 Learn how to tell the time of day by the sun

 Learn how to lay basic brick or build a stone wall

 Learn how to dig, use and maintain a shallow well

 Become a shamanic practitioner

 Learn cardistry and card flourish

 Learn to make ink

 Make a waffle cone cornucopia filled with candy

 Hike to Trolltunga in Norway

 See Holi in Mathura

 Learn woodcarving

 Learn to make Pine Needle Baskets

 Learn how to hide, camouflage yourself, cover your tracks

 Complete an Ironman Race

 Create a mancave


 Learn to make cosmetics at home

 Eat Belgian waffles in Belgium

 Get used to camping

 Bike in extreme natural environments

 Go to a restaurant and order something completely new

 Go dancing at least once a month

 Learn to carve spoons

 100 species challenge

 Learn to make toiletries and cosmetics

 Learn to grind cereals into flour

 Go to the Wicker man festival

 Explore a new town alone

 Get a tattoo

 Enjoy yourself

 Learn basic blacksmithy

 Complete the Insanity Workout program

 Learn to play the harp

 Learn to chimney climb

 Learn to whittle

 Learn to catch snakes

 Learn to be a good guest

 Get enough sleep

 Climb The Matterhorn

 Learn to collect pigment from stones and minerals

 Build a den

 Learn about entomology

 Learn how to kill and pluck a chicken

 Learn to make wooden and bark lashing

 Learn to build and extinguish burn piles

 Make your own moccasins

 Declutter my home


 Learn arrow fletching

 Trace my ancestry

 Learn to handle panic

 Learn to handle anxiety

 Learn quilling

 Learn to deal with stress

 Write a gratitude journal for a year

 Write a Book

 Send Halloween Cards

 Learn to bake without electricity, in an open fire, on a wood stove

 Sing karaoke at a karaoke bar

 Learn to make tulip tree bark baskets

 See Earth from space

 Do something silly every day

 Twirl a baton

 Get fit!

 See the Seven Wonders of the World

 Learn to make pepper spray

 Learn to estimate your distance traveled and time

 Try pumpkin pie coffee

 Make a pinecone weather station

 Stop procrastinating

 Do something intellectually challenging every day

 Be known as a raconteur and storyteller

 Rent a haunted house for summer with friends

 Get an old VW bus and convert it electric

 Do something kind every day

 Learn to dance to EDM

 Lead a drum journey

 Learn to lockpick

 Learn to use the Memory Palace

 Make and taste eggnog

 Make gelato

 Participate in the Zombie walk

 Make snow cream

 Run tjejmilen

 Start a new collection or improve a current one

 Volcano boarding

 Waste money in drinks

 Win more than 20 dollars on a scratch off

 Learn to give a shave

 Watch the 50 movies every woman should watch

 Watch the 50 most underrated films of all time

 Watch The 50 Classic Movies Every Woman Should See

 Watch every Helena Bonham Carter movie

 Visit the 27 surreal places to visit

 Study Primitive Peoples and Cultures

 Stop being oversensitive

 See the Big Blue Bear

 See the 100 best action movies according to Time Out

 Learn 10 games one can play while waiting, no equipment needed

 See all Quentin Tarantino movies

 Learn to sing like Yma Sumac

 Learn to make dairy products

 Learn to echo-locate

 Learn to carry things on my head

 Have 12 Micro Adventures in a Year

 Get CERT trained

 Explore a river from source to mouth

 Do fun things with my sisters

 Learn 5 tricks with a yoyo

 Become a watchmaker

 Complete the PopSugar 2015 reading challenge

 Cook through Daring Cooks' challenges

 Grow an abundant herb garden

 Have a blog and keep it up to date

 Visit Kostroma moose farm

 Watch Top 100 Movies Of All Time

 “Squeegee your third eye” in the Mexican desert

 Kayak over a waterfall

 Hike the King's Trail

 Head to Angel Falls in Venezuela

 Have a speed street caricature of my face

 Go to Terra del Fuego

 Go polar bear swimming

 Go ice skating on channels in Amsterdam

 Complete the “the Heavenly Stairs" trek

 Buy Wine Today You'll Drink in 20 Years

 Find 10 most exciting adventures and do them

 Attend a Religious Event (that's not your own)

 Get a new hobby together with my spouse

 Fly a kite

 Sponsor someone through college

 Adopt a tree

 Adopt a zoo animal

 Attend cascamorras festival in baza, spain

 Attend Up Helly Aa fire festival in Lerwick, Shetland

 Become a digital nomad

 Become a human rights defender

 Become a less picky eater

 Become a strong asset

 Eat Beijing dumplings in China

 Surprise someone you love with a fall-colored mum

 Build and use an outdoor oven

 Complete the '50 things before you are 50' challenge

 Try WWOOF-ing in Australia

 Paragliding at Babadag (Olüdeniz), Turkey

 Lose yourself in Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia


 Earn at Least 9 Activity Points a Week for a Month (

 Cook a banquet that fills a looong table

 Cliff walk at Mount Hua

 Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

 Dance Samba at Rio Carnival

 Cross the 10 scariest bridges in the world

 Cross country ski the trails of Yellowstone

 Do a wingsuit flight

 Do the CN Tower edge walk

 Do the yoga poses I can't do in beautiful places

 Drive along the Karakoram Highway, China/Pakistan

 Do the Haute Route

 Explore The Bahamas Underwater

 Do the E-squared exercises

 Fly underwater with a manta ray

 Free dive at Dean's Blue Hole

 Full Scottish breakfast in Scotland

 Get F*cked Up at the 101 Places

 Give yourself everything you've ever wanted in life

 Go chasing waterfalls

 Go to a Firefly Gathering

 Go to Gasthof Zur Gemutlichkeit

 Go to Iceland

 Learn how to preserve herbs for teas, spices, or other uses

 Go to Timbuktu

 Hike the Inca Trail

 Hike to the top of the highest point in your country

 Hike the Whale Trail

 Lantern Festival in Pingxi Taiwan

 Learn to drive a quad

 Learn to drive a dirt bike

 Learn to drive a tractor

 Learn to dispose of trash in an ecologically sound manner

 Compile a collection of spooky stories

 Learn to react correctly in an emergency

 Live more frugally and sustainably

 Live, not only exist

 Make a circumpolar navigation

 Nurburgring taxi ride

 Participate in the Sherlock Holmes' Birthday celebration in a costume (event in Riga, Latvia)

 Photograph a waterfall

 Stop criticizing people

 Photoshop my self-image

 Road Trip Route E66 Europe

 Travel the Hippie Trail

 Travel the Amber Road

Take the Eurovelo6

 Road Trip Coast-to-Coast (From North Sea to Barents Sea)

 Ride the world's steepest roller coaster

 Ride insanity in Las Vegas

 See the redwoods

 Skydive in Seville

 Skydive over mt. Everest in Nepal

 Stay in an Ice Hotel

 Stay in Yurt Hotel

 Swim naked in the Ocean

 Take a motorcycle cab ride in Thailand

 Start the day by deciding three things you are going to do that day

 Take part in an office chair race

 Take part in the Gloucester Cheese Rolling Festival

 Top 10 European Sky High Thrills

 Travel around the world in 80 ways

 Around the world in 75 drinks

If you want to get it to 80 (there's just 75 drinks on the list), I suggest:

Coffee in Yemen (where it was first drank)

Midus in Lithuania

Toaka Gasy in Madagascar

Koumiss in Kazakhstan

Mnazi in Kenya

Coquito in Puerto Rico

Bia hơi or Cà phê đá in Vietnam

 Visit a tripoint

 Visit the 10 Forbidden Places You Will NEVER Be Allowed to Visit

 Visit The Socotra Island, Yemen

 Wenger Patagonian Expedition Race

 Full Irish breakfast in Ireland

 Complete John Goddard's Life List

 Take a walk in the rain, without an umbrella. don’t resist the urge to jump in puddles

 'borrow' a garden gnome, take him on outings and photograph, then send the pics to his owner

 Attend Tomorrowland

 See the Quokkas on Rottnest Island

 Have completed 1500 goals

 Have 2500 goals on my bucket list

 Visit the moon

 Circumnavigate the globe

 Travel through the Grand Canyon on foot and by boat

 Learn to play polo

 Become a member of the Adventure's Club

 Compose a Song

 Become a member of the Explorer's Club

 Climb Cheops' pyramid

 Light a match with a .22 rifle

 Visit a movie studio

 Milk a poisonous snake

 Watch fire-walking ceremony

 Play Clair de Lune on the piano

 Compose music

 Become proficient in the use of a boomerang

 Become proficient in the use of a lariat

 Create a board game

 Master the art of food preservation

 Become proficient in the use of a bow and arrow

 Become proficient in the use of a football

 Become proficient in the use of a basketball

 Teach a college-level course

 Bag camera trophy of whale

 Bag camera trophy of rhino

 Bag camera trophy of cheetah

 Bag camera trophy of lion

 Bag camera trophy of elephant

 Study native medicines and bring back useful ones

 Visit a haunted house

 Follow the John Muir trail

 Learn snow skiing

 Make a parachute jump

 Learn water skiing

 Skin dive to 40 feet and hold your breath for two and a half minutes underwater

 Fly a glider

 Fly in a blimp

 Land on and take off from an aircraft carrier

 Dive in a submarine

 Become an eagle scout - or equivalent

 Learn to make the 25 cocktails everyone should know

 Study dragon lizards on Komodo Island

 Swim in Lake Nicaragua

 Swim in Lake Titicaca

 Swim in Lake Tanganyika

 Swim in Lake Superior

 Swim in Lake Victoria

 Follow River Jordan from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea

 Visit the Sacred Well of Chichen-Itza, Mexico

 Visit the leaning tower of Pisa

 Visit The Tower of London

 Solve a Rubik’s Cube

 Visit The Blue Grotto

 Visit the Eiffel tower

 Visit The Taj Mahal

 Visit the Vatican City

 Visit the Galapagos islands

 Visit the easter island

 Visit Suez Canal

 Visit Panama Canal

 Visit the great wall of china

 Visit the south pole

 Visit the north pole

 Explore Okefenokee Swamp and the Everglades

 Explore Fiji Islands Underwater

 Explore Red Sea Underwater

 Explore Great Barrier Reef, Australia

 Explore the Coral reefs of Florida

 Retrace the travels of Alexander the Great

 Retrace travels of Marco Polo

 Ride horse in Rose Parade

 Carry out a career in exploration

 Carry out a career in medicine

 Visit the birthplace of a grandparent

 Own an animal

 Watch all Disney animated feature films

 Harvest and dry herbs

 Visit every country in Europe

 Make a Calavera; sugar skull

 Make walnut cookie mold

 Attempt what you see on TV for a day

 Go apple picking in an apple orchard

 Prepare the balcony for winter

 Go to a leaf hunt

 Go to a fall nature walk

 Create a "Thankful Tree"

 Watch every episode of Doctor Who

 Watch every episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

 Watch every episode of The Dollhouse

 Watch all episodes of Dark Shadows

 Watch all episodes of Bewitched

 Watch all episodes of Munsters

 Watch every episode of Angel

 Watch all the episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

 Watch all episodes of Addams Family

 Learn something together with my spouse

 Paint each other's portrait

 Make scented candles

 Make hand-pulled noodles

 Learn to make condiments

 Complete my autumn bucket list

 Make handprint bats

 Cook 10 recipes of savory food with apples

 Play fall "I Spy"

 Do the 101+ autumn crafts

 Make land art with leaves

 Collect autumn leaves

 Buy a pair of comfy fall boots See all the movies on the autumn movie list

 Create a spooky mantel

 Learn to make 10 different soups

 Make a fireplace with fake fire

 Go on a fall camping trip

 Make leaf cookie press disc

 Make a maple leaf crown

 Have an autumn picnic

 Play conkers

 Have a teddy bears' picnic

 Read at least 13 books this autumn

 Celebrate National Potato Day, 19/8

 Host or attend a fall festival with fun games, crafts, and prizes!

 Decorate an amazing autumn cake

 Go for an early morning walk and watch the sunrise on a cool, crisp day

 Design and shoot an autumn photo shoot, with autumn leaves

 Print with apples

 Host an autumn festival with a popcorn buffet

 Decorate the mantel with autumn nature

 Decorate my home for Autumn

 Write and illustrate a children's picture book about autumn

 Create an autumn nature table

 Eat candy corn

 Build a Hoosier

 Make a nature shadow box

 Make candy with my spouse

 Learn to sew underwear

 Go on a backyard scavenger hunt

 Learn Wim Hof method

 Learn to make 10 different hot drinks

 Have an arts and crafts exhibition

 Celebrate National Twilight Zone Day

 Hike from Södertälje to Kebnekaise

 Climb Kebnekaise

 Cook with a new ingredient every month for a year

 Meditate every night for a week

 Go on a ghost tour in Stockholm

 Write a gratitude journal for a month

 For a month drink nothing but water or green tea

 Brew beer

 Learn Tai Chi

 Do 100 consecutive pushups

 Sharpen your Observational Skills through Drawing

 Learn to can and process meat

 Learn to play the guitar

 Read every poem/short story by Edgar Allan Poe

 Learn to preserve food by pickling

 Learn bike tricks

 Have a board-game night

 Translate a book

 Be debt-free

 Take a picture every day for a whole year

 Go stargazing

 Take the 52 weeks money challenge

 Run 5K every morning

 Have a 365 blog

 Learn to read tarot cards

 Bake through Daring Bakers' challenges

 Do the things on my "50 before 50" list

 Use 3 Months To Get Into Optimal Shape

 Celebrate my birthday for 24 hours

 Complete a goal every day for a year

 Have the biggest, baddest and best 60th birthday ever!

 Visit Skogskyrkogård

 Complete 150 or more bucket list goals before my 60th birthday

 Visit 60 countries till my 60th birthday

 Have a 50th Wedding Anniversary

 Visit every country in the world

 Climb a mountain

 Have a ghost story night with blankets and candlelight and mulled apple cider

 Climb a tree in the winter

 Climb all things

 Learn to climb into a tree without branches

 Watch the 25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven’t Seen

 Compete at the World Masters Games

 Go to Medieval Week on Gotland

 Go to the Glastonbury music festival

 Start a podcast

 Eat pizza, gnocchi, gelato, tiramisu, lasagna, and spaghetti in Italy

 Cawl in Wales

 Prepare a 72 hours kit

 Eat Bunny chow in South Africa

 Eat Empanadas in Argentina

 Thuringian sausages in Germany

 Eat Pizza Margherita in Napoli

 Eat Alba white truffles in Tuscany

 Tom yum soup in Thailand

 Sichuan hot pot in Chengdu

 Eat Ceviche in Lima

 Laal mass in India

 Eat Gaufres in Meert, Lille

 Cook stock from scratch

 Go whitewater rafting

 Ripe figs in Spain

 Give a talk or presentation

 Eat grasshoppers in Mexico

 Eat sushi and sashimi in japan

 Explore my own city

 Eat Sacher torte in hotel Sacher, Vienna

 Lingonberry juice in Sweden

 Clam cakes in Rhode Island

 Eat Chelsea Buns in Chelsea

 Learn barista skills

 Break a record

 Rent/live/sleep in a houseboat

 Sleep in many odd places!

 Aperitivo in Milan, Italy

 Pastel de natas in Portugal

 Al Khalas dates in Oman

 Celebrate Guy Fawkes in England

 Eat Fish and Chips in London

 Swim Naked in the Caribbean

 Meet someone I am or used to be a fan of

 Learn to hula hoop

 Bagels in New York

 Fresh coconuts in St Lucia

 Try Cheese Fondue in Switzerland

 Write a fan letter

 Get a Pedicure

 Go for a fish pedicure

 Visit Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris, France

 Get a French Manicure in Paris

 Attend a "Sønderjysk kaffebord" (a Southern Jutlandic Coffeetable)

 Float in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland

 Learn to dance with my spouse

 Go to the cinema by myself

 Complete Keri Smith's 100 Ideas

 Get my family tree to go back to the 1800s

 Visit the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia

 Drink Vodka in Russia

 Visit the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo and the Winter Palace in St.Petersburg

 Visit 20 capitals

 Visit All the Museums in my City

 See "Hamlet" at Kronborg Castle, Denmark

 Make a Bread from 50 Different Countries

 Make a bonfire and make s’mores

 Collect the wise advice people have been giving you and do the opposite

 Cook a huge meal and throw a dinner party for friends

 Buy tickets to a music festival and rage with the best of them

 Build a computer from scratch

 Become a leader

 Attend more unusual & creative performances

 Apply For Your Dream Job

 Acquire a taste for coffee

 Learn to swim like the Bajau people

 Learn to use every part of an animal

 Learn horn, antler, and bone work

 Learn to collect, prepare and store sinew

 Learn to clean the skins, hides, and pelts and tan/prepare them to be used

 Learn to skin an animal

 Learn to render fats

 Learn to make rawhide containers

 Play hide and seek outside

 Take hot soup and bread rolls to homeless people in your neighborhood

 Visit the local firefighters with cookies and flowers

 Visit the local hospital with cookies and flowers

 Visit the local police with cookies and flowers

 Learn to play the violin

 Learn the rules of baseball

 Bike through National Geographic's 10 Best Bike Trails in the World

 Read 100 best novels

 Have an EDC pack

 Go on a day trip

 Dance tango in Argentina

 Take a road trip and wildcraft as many herbs as possible

 Watch The 10 most overrated films of all time AND the "watch instead" suggestions

 Watch all of the "25 classic science fiction movies that everybody must watch"

 Reconnect with old friends

 Play snow snake

 Learn how to prevent freezing pipes and how to thaw them

 Do 5 things to become more outgoing and social, bon vivant

 Sew a spring wardrobe

 Design a spring wardrobe

 Sew a winter wardrobe

 Design a winter wardrobe

 Decorate t-shirts

 Make my own calendar with my own photos

 Leave 10 Inspirational notes in Random Places

 Celebrate the National Days of January

 Celebrate the National Days of February

 Celebrate the National Days of March

 Celebrate the National Days of April

 Celebrate the National Days of May

 Celebrate the National Days of June

 Celebrate the National Days of July

 Celebrate the National Days of August

 Celebrate the National Days of September

 Celebrate the National Days of October

 Celebrate the National Days of November

 Celebrate the National Days of December

 Go to a nature scavenger hunt

 Sleep in a tree house

 See the 100 best movies according to Time Out

 Painu sinne missä pippuri kasvaa

 Learn to carve bowls

 Learn traditional Apache scouting

 Learn to jerry-rig anything with duct tape, twine, and what ever else is on hand

 Learn to defend and protect myself, my loved ones, and my property in non-violent ways

 Learn Salto del Pastor

 Go scrambling

 Forage a meal completely from the wild

 Cut out people who drag you down

 Cook through my grandma's recipe book

 Climb the highest mountain in your home country

 Be able to fillet fish, any fish, and well

 Learn how to make and can bone broth

 Attend the Winter Olympics

 Attend the Summer Olympics

 Backpack Through Europe

 Ride a bronco

 Ride an ostrich

 Ride a Camel

 Ride an Elephant

 Have 10 things on my bucket list chosen by other people

 Eat at a random place you come across

 Ride a zipline over the ocean

 Invent a helpful device

 Visit a desert

 Make blueberry pancakes from scratch

 Ride all of the Roller Coaster Rides in the Front Row at an Amusement Park

 Say "YES!" to everything for a whole day

 Have drinks with a celebrity

 Have a surprise party thrown for me

 Have a cocktail named after me

 Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ireland

 Drive around Europe

 Shower in a waterfall

 Dance to Jazz on Bourbon Street

 Read Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg

 Eat fried green tomatoes

 Meet some of my favorite Celebrities

 Travel the Trans-Siberian Railway

 Hike the Camino de Santiago

 Write a book about holidays

 Hike Laugavegurinn trail, Iceland

 Grow/care for a bonsai tree

 Go to wales

 Go to New Zealand

 Go dogsledding

 Get my pilot's license

 Horse trekking in Iceland

 Invite friends for a campfire

 Invite friends for a barbecue

 Invite friends for a board game night

 Write a gratitude journal for a week

 Invite friends for a picnic

 Boat trip with friends

 Develop a successful board game

 Cross the equator

 Throw an unforgettable party

 Complete a giant cardboard project

 Visit a lava beach

 Try a long island iced tea

 Do some voice acting for a cartoon or a game

 Donate money and have my name on something: a college scholarship, a bench in the park, etc

 Donate to the Make-A-Wish foundation

 Dress in Steampunk

 Dress up and go to the Opera

 Drive a Lamborghini or a Ferrari at least once

 Break the sound barrier

 Clean up a beach

 Purge your closets of old clothes

 Build a Habitat for Humanity Home

 Build a giant sandcastle with my kids

 Build a functional Trebuchet with my kids

 Build a fort

 Build a city out of cardboard boxes with my kids, get all of us dressed up like Kaiju, and destroy the city in a monster attack!

 Build a bat box and have it occupied by a small colony

 Read every book on the 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die list

 Learn to use my clothing and accessories as tools

 Learn to train all animals

 Learn to throw playing cards

 Learn staff fighting

 Learn to make stained glass

 Learn to make razors

 Learn to make instruments and noisemakers

 Learn to make fishing nets and other fishing tackle

 Learn Kouji

 Learn 10 ways to stay cool in a hot environment

 Become Proficient with 3 Weapons, One of Which is Unique

 Become a bon vivant

 Become proficient in the use of a microscope

 Become proficient in the use of a canoe

 Learn to ferment food (Lacto-ferment)

 Become proficient in the use of a rifle

 Become proficient in the use of a pistol

 Become proficient in the use of a surfboard

 Become proficient in the use of a tractor

 Become proficient in the use of a motorcycle

 Become proficient in the use of a plane

 Become familiar with the compositions of a composer

 Read the works of an author

 Read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica

 Ship aboard a freighter as a seaman

 Learn to play the recorder

 Learn to fence

 Perform 200 sit-ups and 20 pull-ups

 Run a mile in five minutes

 Weigh 175 pounds stripped

 Broad jump 15 feet

 High jump five feet

 Publish an article in National Geographic Magazine

 Build own telescope

 Learn how to use a ham radio, CB radio, or FRS/GMRS Radios

 Act in a Hollywood-sized movie production

 Explore the depths of the sea

 Watch a cremation ceremony in Bali

 Learn jujitsu

 Bag camera trophy of cape buffalo

 Learn to use my feet as my hands

 Learn to walk on hands

 Visit Bali (Indonesia)

 Get FEMA IS-22 certified

 Go letterboxing

 Go on a local safari

 Go to some cultural events with someone once a month

 Play with a fall sensory bucket

 Grow waist-length hair

 Grow hair to Classic length

  Learn how to give a massage

 Learn how to gut and clean an animal

 Learn how to make and apply whitewash

 Learn how to prepare for homestead for bad weather and natural disasters

 Learn how to talk to anyone

 Learn Krav Maga

 Learn to extract essential oils

 Learn to Fly a Plane

 Make salted caramel

 Offer to pay for a date and actually do it

 Hit the slopes of Grandvalira in Andorra

 Learn figure skating

 Yoga with my spouse

 Learn to reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose, redo and repair

 Learn to read clouds

 Learn to play the piano

 Learn to make big cook pots in pottery

 Learn to draw caricatures

 Learn to determine an animal's age and condition by its teeth and other qualities

 Make hard apple cider

 Learn the best way to stay clean in the wilderness and backpacking

 Learn stone knapping

 Learn stick-fighting

 Learn pyrotechnics

 Learn martial arts

 Learn how to tie a variety of basic knots

 Learn Capoeira

 Learn basic metal working skills and welding

 Learn basic electronics

 Help rebuild EVERYTHING destroyed by religious fanatics!

 Make a maple leaf cookie cutter

 Get to the Pointe

 Dance to bad music

 Bungee jump at Verzasca Dam, Ticino, Switzerland

 Become a singer-songwriter

 Be able to do "Mein Herr" from Cabaret

 Attend Mardi Gras in New Orleans


 Be a more active civil rights activist

 Learn archery

 Learn how to keep waterfowl

 Make a pop-up book

 Learn to hunt

 Learn footbag games

 Learn how to build different buildings; home, barn, shed, and animal housing

 Learn wayfinding

 Be able to make fishing equipment in the wilderness

 See the 365 Movies You Must See Before You Die

 Have a game night

 Cook on a wood cookstove

 Study anthropology

 Zip wire at Fantasticable, TerrAltitude, Ardenne, France

 Illustrate my holiday books

 Make cocktails together with my spouse

 Road trip Baltic Sea Around

 Get these scout boy merit badges

 Try curling

 BASE Jumping on Eiffel Tower

 Walk with snowshoes

 Visit Hagia Sofia

 Try reindeer sledding

 Take a picture and write a caption every day for 1 year and print it out as a photo book

 Learn to raise small animals for food

 Be able to do the splits

 Learn to make small containers of wood, bone, bark, and other natural materials

 Learn indoor construction skills

 Get my book published

 Get better at gardening

 Tabata Training

 Learn how to whistle LOUD using my fingers

 Learn to whistle LOUD without using fingers

Invite beneficial insects to my garden

 Give everything a place and put everything back in its place

 Do something to please your senses every day

 Attend a mad hatter tea party

 Do something scary every day

 Create My Own Tarot Deck

 Catch a fish, prepare it, cook it, eat it

 Build, foster, and develop a sense of community in my neighborhood

 Build a fully stocked food pantry for at least 3 months

 Become a falconer

 Be a voice in a cartoon movie

 Go to a shooting range

 Learn to think like Sherlock Holmes

 Learn to tell whether an animal needs to be taken to the vet

 Learn to manage your pastures

 Learn exactly how my camera works

 Learn to stack cups

 Learn to monkeycrawl

 Learn to make spirits

 Learn to make soy sauce

 Learn to make soft toy animals

 Learn to make cleaning products and detergents

 Learn to make ammunition and reload ammunition

 Learn to freedive

 Learn to forecast the weather

 Make my own cookbook

 Learn to fold 10 different, complicated origami figures

 Learn to fall without breaking bones

 Learn to eat insects

 Learn to drive a lorry

 Learn to dance belly dance

 Learn to cut hair

 Learn to cook and bake for big crowds

 Learn to build basic furniture

 Learn to build a shelter

 Become a parkourer

 Learn to make jams and jellies, and preserve fruits in syrup

 Backpacking in Iceland

 Have 100 happy days in a row!

 Grow flowers and give them to people who would enjoy them

 Do Something New Every Day for a Year!

 "Unplug" for 48 hours

 Drive around looking to get lost: Get in the car, start driving, and just go!

 Midnight picnic: Pack a picnic and head somewhere!

 Visit Iceland

 Invite friends for an epic road trip

 Go indoor apple picking

 Learn sign language

 Watch every Tilda Swinton movie

 Learn to tap dance

 Try these 40 types of pizza

 Ski Dance

 Make myself happy

 Make a water wheel

 Live in La Paz and study Aymara

 Learn whitesmithy (tinning)

 Learn trick roping

 Make caramel apples

 Learn to trim beards

 Learn to take great food photos

 Learn to sing Diva Plavalaguna's song from the 5th element

 Learn to sew buckskin

 Learn Flowerwork

 Learn Corde Lisse

 Learn basic plumbing

 Learn Ballroom Dancing

 Join the local artist community

 Give to someone in need

 Invent a new winter sport

 Interrail in Europe

 Indoor Skydive

 Have a good laugh every day

 Have a balcony garden

 Hatch your own chicken

 Forage for wild delicacies

 Eat only vegetarian food over the Summer

 Eat guineapig

 Cook outside in temperatures below 0 degrees Celcius

 Have a Halloween masquerade party with apple bobbing

 Complete a Whole30

 Complete a '30 things before you are 30' challenge

 Build a freeride track

 Build a dehydrator

 Blow Glass

 Be skilled at Jump Rope

 Befriend someone famous

 Become good at telling jokes

 Become a Tree After I Die

 Become a plus size fashion and style icon

 Build a home theater

 Learn to preserve food by freezing

 Become a PD coach

 Become an orator

 Become ambidextrous

 Become a letter-writing person

 Become a Golden Girl

 Become a fruitarian

 Be an arts and crafts leader figure

 Be a guru

 Attend Oktoberfest in München

 Become a successful home brewer

 Be an extra in a movie

 Beach Bonfire

 Be able to 'Starfish' and/or 'Iron X'

 Be able to do the "scorpion" yoga pose

 Eat breakfast at Tiffany's

 Go water buffalo racing

 Learn to stack dice

 Have a good old-fashioned quilting bee

 Visit The Giant's Causeway

 Learn to make sugar

 Study woods lore

 Try snow skate

 Learn to use flint and firesteel

 Learn to eat snakes

 Blow on a Conch Shell in the South Pacific

 Hang glide at the Alps

 Learn to track

 Collect bee wax

 Learn gunsmithy

 Live without fear

 Learn how to heat your home with wood or other sustainable sources

 Take a nature walk with the camera

 Take a shamanic drum journey

 Do more lovely things and less boring, irritating stuff

 Create a seed bank

 Learn to build transportation vehicles out of garbage

 Do A Polar Bear Plunge

 Experience the Jaipur elephant festival, India

 Learn to build and repair small engines

 Learn whip cracking

 Love my life and find happiness in every day

 Make fall nature suncatchers

 Learn to cut a tree with an ax

 Learn to preserve food by curing

 Write morning pages for a year

 Learn to build and maintain a dry toilet

 TRX Suspension Training

 Train a dog to be a utility dog

 Drive the Atlantic Drive in Norway

 Carry a notebook with you and write things down

 Travel around the world

 Learn to store water

 Travel the Silk Road

 Understand spices, their flavors, compliments, and quantities

 Scree running

 Perfect my chili recipe

 Learn to swing dance

 Learn to make snowshoes

 Learn to make oil lamps

 Learn speedreading

 Have a photoshoot in a leaf pile

 Learn Savate

 Zapcat powerboating

 Watch every Johnny Depp movie

 Visit Ireland and kiss the Blarney stone

 Understand alternative energy sources and how to harness them

 Wear a snake around my neck

 Try Cage of Death

 Stay in the Cave Hotel

 Learn to ferment wild tea

 See Zundert Flower Parade or Corso Zundert

 Play Shinny

 Plant an orchard

 Participate in Durham's Doughman race

 Make a tree costume

 Learn dream skills

 Learn natural weed, pest, vermin, and parasite control

 Grow Food Year Round

 Learn to build motors using ordinary things as fuel, like ethanol and cooking oil

 Learn to train animals to draw carts and carry packs

 Fly a Jet Fighter Plane

 To have someone throw me a Surprise Birthday Party

 Peace and conflict studies

 Learn Karate

 Set your home page to

 Learn to find and clean clay so that it can be used for pottery

 Make a still

 Learn how to rescue yourself from a frozen lake

 Learn how to repair a roof on a home, barn, shed, or animal housing

 Learn to make and set various traps

 Learn to throw balls

 Learn ferreting

 Learn overtone singing

 Be Able to Replicate Hair and Makeup Styles from Any Era

 Enter all the books I have ever read in a reading journal

 Rebuild Suur-Merijoki

 Redecorate my home

 Reduce my carbon footprint

 Learn to abseil

 Try 10 casserole recipes

 Learn to make charkuterie

 Watch the AFIs Top 10 Courtroom Drama films

 Watch the AFIs Top 10 Western films

 Watch the AFIs Top 10 Sports Films

 Watch the AFIs Top 10 Mystery films

 Watch the AFIs Top 10 Epic films

 Track wild wolves in the winter

 Learn to use the wild herbs for other purposes, like crafts, beauty, etc

 Learn to stand on my head without any support

 Moon Walk on the Moon

 Accomplish 1500 Goals

 Learn how to intervene as a bystander during an assault

 Have a childhood movie marathon

 Be an active udgan and noita

 Eat the 50 greatest sandwiches ever known to man

 Climb up a rope, the whole way

 Build my own motorcycle

 Complete one item on my bucket list every week for a year

 Try 12 new hobbies in a year

 Complete 10 Different 30-Day Challenges

 Do something active every day for a month

 Learn to chop an onion in my hand

 Read the Harvard classics

 Meditate every night for a month

 Be able to do "Lise" from American in Paris

 Knit an Aran sweater

 Try skijoring

 Base Jump from Trollveggen

 Go rogaining

 Learn to do a backflip

 Learn how to use grey-water

 Attend carnevale di venezia

 Attend burning man in Nevada

 Run a marathon

 Knit a fair-isle sweater

 Watch the Dollars Trilogy

 Finish my craft projects

 Get clothes of all colors

 Learn Chinese jump rope tricks (twist)

 Become fluent in Russian

 Learn to cook with blood

 Finish the BBC Booklist

 Get a hammock tent

 Fly First Class

 Learn to navigate and orient with and without a compass

 Learn to clean and process intestines to be used as sausage skins

 Learn to make my own sweets

 Learn to deal with "negative" feelings

 Try an 'Alien Brain Hemorrhage'

 Train a cat

 Pick and eat an orange fresh off an orange tree

 Knit, crochet, or make in some other manner something useful for the charity

 Learn to walk barefoot in all conditions

 Become a motorcycle mechanic

 Learn to make things of beeswax

 Learn cane fighting

 Get a bicycle

 Learn candy making

 Photograph the most common thing photographed in your area

 Have a library like Jay Walker

 Learn sustainable, ecological, organic gardening and agriculture

 Get a prize for my book

 Learn 101 card tricks

 Know how to properly handle, shoot, and clean a gun

 Learn games that can be played without any specific toys and game pieces

 Learn how to humanely kill an animal

 Visit the zoo

 Go to the sauna in the winter and roll in the snow

 Go to Coachella music & arts festival

 Learn to collect and clean feathers

 Buy and paint a hippie van

 Learn to find and build shelters

 Have an afghan crocheting bee

 Make sundried tomatoes

 Visit The Preikestolen, Norway

 Learn to use wild plants as medicine

 Be an extra in a movie or television show

 Take the stairs instead of elevators or escalators for a week

 Become a cheese connoisseur

 Play ice hockey

 Learn more about EDM (Electronic Dance Music)

 Take the Walk of Faith in China

 Stop getting bored and annoyed

 Train CrossFit for a month

 Do something physically challenging every day

 Go "Eat Pray Love" (Go to a place that is the epitome of pleasure, devotion, and balance, and do that. Elizabeth chose Italy and food; India and a Chakram; and Indonesia and apprenticeship with a shaman. I think I'd choose Brazil; samba, convent, and capoeira.)

 Learn the Thriller dance

 Study FACS - facial action coding system

 Learn to build a kiln and bake the pottery

 Get really good at swimming

 Build a carousel sleigh and go for a ride

 Build the highest sledding mount in your neighborhood

 Attend an event every month

 Take a photo of smoke

 Wax cheese for long-term storage

 Be happy with my body

 Build something underground

 Learn to toss pizza dough

 Go penguin watching in Chile

 Make jerky

 Balance 8 rocks on top of each other

 Learn to make shoes

 See the world’s tiny nations and micro-nations

 Learn to cook Chinese food in China

 Travel overland from South Africa to the Middle East

 Visit Finca Bellavista

 Trek into the Annapurna Sanctuary in Nepal

 Get off the beaten path in Columbia

 Learn how to do the Cup Song

 Become a tea connoisseur

 Learn to make "bolcher"

 Learn to sail

 Go Yak Skiing!

 Mind your words

 Grow my own mushrooms

 Go to a major science and innovation convention

 Go camping together

 Write a cookbook with unusual recipes

 Travel Alone

 Turn the Earth into a giant sandwich

 Watch every Luc Besson movie

 Learn to make medicine, painkillers and antibiotics, cough syrup etc

 Eat deep-fried maple leaves

 "Boo" a neighbor

 Visit Malta

 Have 1,000,000€

 Learn West Coast Swing

 To see the Southern Lights

 Write morning pages for a month

 Meditate every night for a year

 Master basic mechanic skills

 Learn to play Bauernroulette

 Learn to make pencils and pens

 Have nothing in my home that I do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful

 Go on a lantern walk

 Try iceboating

 Learn to use a cast iron skillet and dutch oven, both at home and in the wilderness

 Roll down a really big hill

 Write at least one letter every month

 Be part of a Bucketlist Club

 Visit the crypt of Riddarholmskyrkan

 Explore the tunnels under Stockholm

 Visit Gotland

 Visit Estonia

 Take a guided tour of the Gamla Stan roofs

 Go on a hike

 Visit Tyresta National Park

 Visit Ängsö National Park

 Watch the Three Colors trilogy

 Apply Liquid Eyeliner with No Flaw or Shakey Hands

 Cook a large banquet meal from scratch from what you've grown, butchered or gathered

 Watch the 100 best animated movies

 See the Celebration of Lights

 Watch every Joss Whedon movie and show

 Learn how to drive a truck

 Write a Wildcrafting Herbal Guide

 Do the 100 strangers project

 Own a dark blue Peugeot 404 cabriolet


Watch all of the IMDB's top 250 movies list

 Ride the underground roller coaster in Japan

 4 season photos with my husband

 Learn basic survival skills

 Learn shorthand

 Learn through practice, the different cuts of an animal

 Own a burgundy Aston Martin DB5

 Get Swedish massage in Sweden

 Hold a food drive

 Get a hot stone massage

 Perfect my brownie recipe

 Have a Thai massage

 Go on a Solo Backpacking Trip

 Start and run a successful Homestead

 Build a cob structure

 Learn to Scuba Dive

 Travel direction decided by coin flip

 Learn beadwork

 Buy the perfect forest-and-creek land

 Make aged cheese from scratch

 Go pearl diving

 Successfully try various Hydroponics, Aquaponics, and Aeroponics

 Know how to use non-electric lighting

 Learn to take care of animals' feet

 See the seven wonders of the natural world

 See Bayeux Cathedral

 See the Bayeux Tapestry

 Embroider a copy of the Bayeux Tapestry

 Visit Mont St-Michel

 Complete the '40 things before you are 40' challenge

 Complete the '25 things before you are 25' challenge

 Grind my own flour

 Watch every Studio Ghibli film

 Make salt of seawater

 Complete p90x

 Set up my gem cutting area

 Go to Hutaheiti

 Complete an A to Z Travel Challenge

 Learn to cook in a pressure cooker

 Go bowling

 Learn basic mechanic skills

 Learn how to do small engine repair and maintenance

 Have a worm composting bin

 Build a backyard pond or creek

 Make a braided rag rug

 Learn to sweat copper pipes and joints

 Be drunk of life and in love with the world

 Be able to do the "Most epic pirouettes, turns, spins and unknown"

 Ride the Dragon Khan in Spain

 Move to Finland

 Learn basketry

 Add 1000 pronunciations to Forvo

 Build my own cob house

 Live to see Halley's comet in 2061

 Go to Albuquerque International Balloon Festival

 See the Olympics Live

 Ride a Dog Sled

 Name a Star

 Learn to do the handstand

 Build an igloo and sleep in it

 Ride a camel across the desert

 Make at least a very cool flip in a trampoline

 Master the art of sausage making

 Learn how to use a pogo stick effectively

 See the Pyramids in Egypt

 Fly in a Squirrel Suit

 Play Quidditch

 50 epic dance moves

 Sing to an echo

 Have a wild bird land on my finger

 Learn how to ride a unicycle

 Learn how to kite surf

 Find my doppleganger

 Become a minimalist and whittle your possessions down to only 100 things

 Learn navigation

 Learn to make, use and clean cloth diapers

 Buy a boat, learn to sail, and sail off into the sunset!

 Go to a Full Moon party!

 Full moon party in the Virgin Islands

 Learn to scuba dive in the Red Sea

 Soak your cares away in a Japanese onsen

 Witness climate change first-hand whilst hiking the Chacaltaya Glacier in Bolivia

 Stay in Skywalker house in Matmata, Tunisia

 Stay in Forest Hut Hotel

 Be able to do 10 pull-ups

 Go to Water and Ham Festival in Spain

 Dance in the streets of New Orleans

 Learn to be a good hostess

 Learn to make bows and arrows

 Try Nevis Bungy

 Learn beekeeping

 Network with like-minded people

 Become a geek idol

 Be a “life of a party”

 Have a couple of beehives

 Make Schmaltz and Gribenes

 Learn to salsa

 Build an outdoor rocket stove

 Bring more than 1 liter of alcoholic beverages to a party that you aren't throwing

 Become a medicine woman

 Learn how to shoot and clean wild foul

 Be Adventurous and Even a Little Daring

 Be able to run over 3 km during Cooper’s test

 Make horns and attach them to my head

 Be able to do a pull-up

 Be able to do a no handed cartwheel

 Take up yoga

 Be able to do 10 pushups at a time

 Be a speaker at a Comic-Con

 Be flexible enough to sit on my head

 Become a legendary home cook

 Learn throat singing

 Learn to joik

 Become a better blog buddy

 Attend High School Reunion

 Bring an item home to display from each travel

 Abseil down a rock face

 Make a fall leaf maze

 Abseil down a mountain

 Experience zero gravity

 Learn flagging

 Learn to make and eat sushi

 Learn to give an old-fashioned straight razor barbershop shave

 Bake through a cookbook

 Listen to music, sing and dance every day

 Learn flag signaling, semaphore flags

 Make a kite

 Learn how to purify water in different ways

 Make a solar lamp

 Have my holiday book published

 Have an insane impromptu night that becomes a great story

 Have a "hytte på fjellet"

 Build a root cellar

 Attend the Goddess Procession in Glastonbury

 Attend the Snow and Ice Festival of Harbin

 Learn how to make candles

 Tap trees for syrup

 Party Dressed As A Disney Princess

 Learn to survive in the wild in winter

 Learn to clean animal bones

 Learn to carve clogs

 Learn to build tipis, wikis and other shelters

 Renovate my home

 Be able to do this (martial art move)

 Get "social" earplugs

 Get roller skates

 Learn to make masks

 Get into rock climbing

 Collect honey from a beehive

 Build a snow fort and eat a meal in it with friends

 Watch a Christmas movie every day in December until Christmas

 Visit Kjeragbolten Rock in Norway

 Roast something edible on an open fire in the winter

 Learn to prepare snakes for food and cook them

 Learn to prepare gelatin from animal bones

 Learn to Pole Dance

 Learn to dance folk and country dances

Some of these things are homesteading skills

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