
Friday, July 22, 2022

40 before 40 etc.

Now, with all lists like this, you have to use your own judgment.

Afternoon tea at the Savoy     

An all-nighter in Ibiza     

Attend a festival.

Attend a sporting event.

Bake bread from scratch.

Break a bad habit.

Busk with a friend to make enough money for lunch 

Buy a piece of art you’re proud to display.

Buy an extravagant gift for someone else.

Camp at a festival      

Camp in the wild and see the dawn  

Celebrate New Year’s Eve in a foreign city.

Challenge yourself to complete something that seems impossible: compete in the Ironman Triathlon, climb Mt. Everest, or finish a 100 Mile Race.'

Clay pigeon shoot       

Climb Snowdon        

Cook a new recipe.

Cook special brownies       

Create something and sell it.

Decide whether or not you want to have kids.

Dine at Le Gavroche      

Do something alone.

Do something good for someone who doesn’t know who you are.

Do something in front of a large group of people.

Do something to get your adrenaline pumping, like skydiving

Do the Yorkshire 3 Peaks     

Donate 5% of your earnings to a charity each year.

Drastically re-invent your look at least once.

Dress up for the opening night and see a performance at one of the world's famous opera houses.

Drink expensive fine wine      

Drive a Steamboat       

Drive a supercar      

Drive a tank       

Eat grilled steak at a parillada in Argentina or a churrascaria in Brazil.

Enjoy a really amazing $100 bottle of wine, without thinking about the price tag.

Enter a cake competition      

Finish a race.

Finish high school.

Gamble big and sit at the high rollers table at a casino in Las Vegas.

Get in the best shape of your life.

Get your adrenaline pumping.

Give yoga a try.

Glider flight        

Go 24 hours without technology.

Go abroad.

Go camping.

Go on a solo trip.

Go on a spiritual journey, whether it’s an ashram in India, the Western Wall in Jerusalem, or St. Peter’s in Vatican City.

Go on safari in Africa.

Go on the longest zip wire in the country 

Go scuba diving or snorkeling.

Go skinnydipping.

Go to a concert.

Go to the beach.

Go vegetarian.

Go wine tasting in Italy’s Tuscany region, France’s Champagne area, or another region that’s famous for its wine.

Go yachting in Monaco or St-Tropez, France.

Grow your own food.

Handbrake turn        

Have a food fight      

Have a Hollywood wax      

Helicopter ride over the Lakes     

Keswick to Barrow walk      

Laugh until you cry.

Learn a foreign language.

Learn archery        

Learn five good wine and cheese pairings.

Learn something new: Take a pilot lesson, learn a new language, or get certified in a new sport, like scuba diving.

Learn the trapeze       

Learn to belly dance      

Learn to knife throw       

Meet a hero.

Mentor a young person in your profession.

Perfect at least one dish

Photocopy my boobs       

Play a round of golf at Pebble Beach Golf Links in California or Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia, which are considered to be some of the best golf courses in America.

Play in the snow.

Play the lottery.

Pole Dance        

Pose naked for an arty photo shoot   

Pot making        

Prepare food at a soup kitchen or volunteer your time in another way to help others.

Quit a bad habit.

Quit a job.

Read a classical novel in its entirety.

Read every book by a favorite author.

Replace your coffee with green tea.

Return the favor and take your parents out for a nice dinner.

Revisit Paris        

Ride on the Orient Express     

Run the London Marathon as Wonder Woman   

See an iconic artist perform live.

Sing karaoke.

Sit courtside at a basketball game and cheer on your team.

Ski in the French Alps or some other far-flung destination.

Skinny dip in Turkey      

Sky Dive        

Sleep outdoors without sacrificing luxury at a ‘glamping’ accommodation

Smile at a stranger.

Snow Boarding        

Splurge on a meal at The French Laundry in California, or another 3-star Michelin restaurant.

Stay at a luxury hotel, on a whim.

Take a majestic road trip and drive down California's Pacific Coast Highway or the Great Ocean Road in southern Australia.

Take on a leadership position.


Think one positive thought every day before you get out of bed.

Travel across Europe by train on the elegant Venice Simplon-Orient-Express.

Treat yourself to an expensive accessory

Try abseiling         

TT on the back of motorbike    



Wall climbing        

Watch a sunrise.

Watch a sunset.

Watch international news.

Work out.

Write a letter to yourself.

Write a thank-you card.

Write in a journal.

Before I'm 50, because I'm already too late to do these things before I'm 25 :-D

Here's a compiled list:

Ask your boss for a pay rise.

Be able to create a three-course meal suitable for a small dinner party.

Be fearless

Be more intentional with my time

Be more present

Become a more positive person

Bungee jump or skydive (or both!)

Buy a new car

Buy a ridiculously expensive item of clothing.

Buy dinner for your parents.

Camp under the stars.

Choose a cool hobby

Conquer your fears

Date someone who says, “i love you” first.

Decorate your rented flat to make it really feel like home.

Do one thing that falls well outside of your comfort zone.

Dress up and go to a theme park

Drink more water

Dye your hair a completely different colour.

Eat exotic food.

Eat something weird

Eat whatever you want, when you want and not feel bad about it


Experience another culture

Find a form of exercise you actually enjoy.

Find a hobby that makes being alone feel lovely and empowering and like something to look forward to.

Find a style that works for you and build a wardrobe around it. Try to add to it a little each month.

Find a way to wake up in the morning that you don’t completely hate.

Find your passion

Finish accumulating all of my home decor

Forget who you are, what your priorities are, and how a person should be.

Fully redesign my site

Get a bonus at work

Get lost.

Get rid of clothing i don’t truly love

Go back to somewhere really nostalgic from your childhood.

Go on a 4-day, brunch-fueled bender.

Go on a blind date.

Go on a road trip

Go on at least one town or city break to somewhere in your own country that you wouldn’t normally think of visiting.

Go out and watch that movie, read that book, listen to that band you already lied about watching, reading, listening to.

Go skydiving

Go to a festival

Go to a gay / lesbian club or bar.

Go to a music festival.

Go to the cinema on your own.

Go to the one place you have always wanted to go to

Go to the theatre

Group together all the clothes you no longer wear and give them all to charity. Try to be as brutal as you can.

Have a good conversation with someone of a different faith or belief to your own.

Have FUN and ENJOY life.

Hold myself more accountable for my spending

Identify your fears and instead of letting them dictate your every move, find and talk to people who have overcome them.

If you’re employed in any capacity, open a savings account.

Keep a couple of house plants that aren’t cacti.

Keep a list of books you want to read and work your way through it.

Kiss someone you think is out of your league

Learn a new language

Learn a new skill, like a foreign language, an instrument, or even something like dealing cards.

Learn how to be you, and rock at it

Learn how to code a little better

Learn how to cook

Learn to “be”. The Italians have a great word; “asolare“. It means spending time in a meaningless but delightful way.

Learn to balance your finances.

Learn to be alone

Learn to cook

Learn to cook at least three or four of your favourite meals really well.

Learn to say ‘no’ — to yourself. Don’t keep wearing high heels if you hate them; don’t keep smoking if you’re disgusted by the way you smell the morning after; stop wasting entire days on your couch if you’re going to complain about missing the sun.

Learn to say no.

Leave the country under the premise of “finding yourself.” This will be unsuccessful. Places do not change people. Instead, do a lot of solo drinking, read a lot of books, have sex in dirty hostels, and come home when you start to miss it.

Let go of a friendship.

Let the grudge go.

Like yourself.

Make a habit of cleaning up and letting go.

Make a habit of going outside, enjoying the light, relearning your friends, forgetting the internet.

Make a habit of telling people how you feel, whether it means writing a gushing fan-girl email to someone whose work you love or telling your boss why you deserve a raise.

Make a list of 10 restaurants you really want to try out, and go to all of them. Once you’ve completed it, do 10 more.

Make a special savings pot that isn’t for “the future”, but for something you really, really want.

Make new friends

Make peace with your parents.

Make sure you know how to do basic household things like change a lightbulb, clean the toilet, and put a wash on without ruining anything.

Make time for myself

Minimize your passivity

Organise a monthly dinner with your friends you don’t see all the time, so you don’t fall out of touch.

Participate in a 30-day challenge

Participate in a no spend month

Practice being charitable.

Purchase something expensive but awesome

Quit that job that’s making you miserable, end the relationship that makes you act like a lunatic, lose the friend whose sole purpose in life is making you feel like you’re perpetually on the verge of vomiting. You’re young, you’re resilient, there are other jobs and relationships and friends if you’re patient and open.

Recognize freedom as a 5:30 a.m. Trip to the diner with a bunch of strangers you’ve just met.

Save 6k in my emergency fund

Save for your retirement.

Send more snail mail

Spend the whole weekend partying.

Start a relationship with your crush by telling them that you want them.

Start making more passive income

Stop hating yourself.

Stop trying to do everything all at once

Suck it up and buy a MacBook Pro.

Take advantage of health insurance while you have it.

Take better care of my skin

Take something that’s always interested you and really teach yourself about it.

Take that recommendation your friend has been trying to give you for years now. You know the one.

Take time to revisit the places that made you who you are: the apartment you grew up in, your middle school, your hometown.

Take your family out for dinner, and make it a surprise.

Think you know yourself until you meet someone better than you.

Travel solo, and love it

Travel to a new place

Travel to another continent

Travel with your bestie

Treat yourself to an item of clothing that you really like but wouldn’t usually buy.

Try an adrenaline sport.

Try not to beat yourself up over having obtained a ‘useless’ bachelor’s degree.

Try something completely new and out of your comfort zone

Value family time

Visit another continent.

Volunteer in another country


Wake up somewhere unfamiliar.

Wander and explore your own backyard

Watch 100 of the IMDB top 250 movies of all time.

Watch the most beautiful sunset ever

Work a service job to gain some understanding of how tipping works, how to keep your cool around assholes, how a few kind words can change someone’s day.

Work on keeping my apartment neater

Work to improve my photography skills

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