
Saturday, October 12, 2019

It was Saturday, the twelth day...

And the God rested... and so do we. No pull-ups, pushups or running today. But you are almost there... only a couple more weeks to go and you will have reached two big goals on your bucket list!
I do hope you keep stretching and maintaining your splits. I don't. I didn't even get there. :-(
And yes, I do feel like a failure. After all, I am.

But... is it really that big a thing? Why do I feel bad for failing? Why do I want to give up? Why do I believe I will never be able to follow any lists or keep my promises to myself or commit or complete anything? Just because I have never done it, it doesn't mean I never will.

Just think about a kid learning to walk. First they can't even stand on their own. When they start learning, they fall all the time. They have never walked in their lives. They just see big people around them walking and climbing and running and hopping. It would be so easy to think "well, they are exceptional, or I am, exceptionally bad at this. It will never work. I'll just give up and be carried the rest of my life".
No. They don't think like that.
So why do I?

When did failure become a thing?

But, not you. You don't fail :-) Or if you do, you just get up, brush off the dust and try another way of doing the thing. (And "the thing" here for me is committing, keeping doing it, following the list every day... I have learned that it work best if I do it the first thing in the morning, or one of the first things. If I leave it for "later", it won't happen.)

But - today there are still things to do. It's not all rest. :-)

National Savings Day - National Freethought Day - National Farmer’s Day - National Gumbo Day - Spain's National Day - World Arthritis Day

Watch  The Princess and the Frog

The Inktober prompt for today is DRAGON

The Photography challenge/lesson today is:
- portrait
- color study
- histograms
- what's white balance
- kitchen close-ups

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