
Saturday, October 19, 2019


Another week is over, and it's Saturday, the evaluation day. It's especially fitting today, because it's the "Evaluate Your Life Day".

So... what went right? What went wrong?

For me nothing much went right, almost all went wrong - about this challenge, that is.
I haven't been doing any exercising the whole October. It shows. I most certainly cannot do the splits, and I still cannot run one minute, not alone 25 minutes, as you can, if you have been good and doing what you should have done.
I haven't seen one Disney movie this October (but I have already seen all the Disney animated feature films, so...) I had a personal goal of watching and reviewing a scary movie every day of October, but it all got to a screeching end with Valentina... I just can't... violence against children is not OK. And I can't just hop over that movie and continue with my list.
I have been working on my Halloween, but it's has mostly been thinking. You know by now that I'm good at thinking. That's why I'm hoping YOU keep on doing what I say and not what I do, because I'm mostly just talking :-D If you DO what I say, YOU will reach goals and do things. Like, YOU have been saving for the trip you are going to take this year. I haven't, so when YOU buy the ticket and take the plane (or train, boat, what ever it is you take) and go to places and experience things, I will be at home moping and brooding and yearning and pining and wishing I had done what you did.
I haven't taken one photo. I haven't even dug out my camera from the storage room. Bad me. I suppose I will just be here moping and all that while looking at all the amazing photos you have taken about your adventures. :-(

What I have done is I have been on Duolingo every day for three months now and earning points. I'm not doing badly. Of course, I don't think one learns languages through Duolingo, but - something I learn.

Seafood Bisque Day

You could learn to cook this. It's not difficult, but it sounds fancy, and might be something that becomes your signature dish. Unless, of course, you dislike seafood like I do :-D

Watch  Hercules

No exercise today, it's a rest day

The Photography challenge/lesson today is:
Food Photography
Go Wide, Get Close
When natural light won’t cut it
Deconstructed landscapes

The Inktober
prompt is SLING

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