
Monday, October 7, 2019


Bathtub Day - National Frappe Day - National LED Light Day - National Inner Beauty Day

Watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame 

I have a feeling we have jumped over a week somewhere... it's week 6, but I'm on week 5 on pushups... hmm...  Well, you received the link, and had different start position than I, so you should be on right week .-)

100 pushups

17 - 19 - 15 - 15 - 20+
60 seconds between each set (longer if required)

20 pullups

It's time to test your max, again, and adjust your training program.

5 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
rest 60 seconds

The Photography lessons/challenges today are:
- Silhouette
- Recreate Your Favorite Painting or Photograph
- And then, ISO...
- Tackling depth of field
- Flowers in ice
(You can either weigh the flowers down, or froze them in steps - if you first pour in water to fill the container 1/3 of water, put the flower in, let it freeze, the ice will keep the flower anchored so that it won't float when you fill the container and freeze it. You get all of the flower encapsulated in ice without having it weighed down.)

A flower frozen in ice cube by Danil Nevsky - Stocksy United

Read this article about Bruce Boyd's fascination of frozen flowers.

The Inktober prompt is ENCHANTED

And if you wonder about something, go to the whole October list to find links to different challenges etc. 

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