
Thursday, September 14, 2017

How to be a Bon Vivant

Everything can be learned.

Appreciate the finer things in life. Gradually change everything you have into finer things. Learn to recognize quality, and always choose quality over quantity. If you can't afford anything fine at the moment, have nothing. Be a bon vivant minimalist.

Refuse to eat and drink anything but the best. Be a gourmet not a gourmand. Don't overeat.

Refuse to experience and enjoy anything but the best

Learn to socialize with everyone.

Montesquiou encapsulated the romantic, literary and aesthetic excesses of his predecessors

Appreciate arts and culture. Learn to play at least one instrument well and learn to sing, learn to draw and paint, learn to dance, learn photography, read, become a movie connoisseur. Go to museums, exhibitions, art and culture events. educate yourself about these things.

Create yourself a perfect style. Have a capsule wardrobe of the best items, and then expand with the accessories. Always be perfectly dressed. Aim at elegance, style and class, but be unique and creative. Be stylish. Style isn't one thing, style is your thing.

Take the best care of your physique. Be well-groomed. See that you are always as polished as you possibly can, from top to toes. From hair to shoes.
See that your hair is clean, the dye is as it should be, the cut is good and the coiffure in order.
See that you clean your skin daily.
See that your teeth are clean and your breath nice.
See that your posture is good.
Exercise. Be fit.
Don't get fat.
Behave as if you were a great beauty or incredibly handsome - or more than mere beauty. You are unique and special, striking, extraordinary.
Learn to enhance what's good and if you can't hide your flaws, make them into what makes you extraordinary. Cultivate charm and radiance. Be alive, full of energy.

Cultivate your manners and etiquette. Always be the perfect gentleman or lady.

Don't use the subway if you can avoid it. Stay above ground, and enjoy the sunlight and day and nature and weather.

Be a philanthropist. Learn to love people and their stories. Everyone has a story.

It would be good if you knew how to ride, swim, play golf and tennis, and how to shoot.Basically, you should be able to do any sports with adequate skills and ease.

Look for novelty and excitement. Choose adventure. Collect experiences. Try everything. Do something scary every day.

Become a traveler. Learn to tell great anecdotes and travel stories. Read a lot of travel stories and learn from them. Have adventures when you travel and do unusual things. Don't do the things most people have on their bucketlists, don't visit the common tourist attractions, find the locals and ask to hang along and join them in things they do, à la Lonely Planet's Six Degrees

Become an epicurean.

Learn to tell jokes and stories. Become a raconteur.
"His conversations were usually long monologues filled with exotic anecdotes, mysterious allusions and obscure classical quotations, all told with a rich vocabulary."
- Robert de Montesquiou
Read a lot. Read the classics. Read the 1000 books everyone should have read. Read the year's prize winners. All of them.
Read with paper and pen and write down good quotes and nice ways of saying things.

Improve your vocabulary.

Read essays, poetry, short stories.

Learn to speak in public.

Become a great host and a great guest - the life of the party.
Learn party tricks.

Learn to make things fun. Be inclusive and safe. Practical jokes might be fun - to the one who makes them - but they are seldom fun to the "victim" - which is obvious by the fact that the victim is often called just that - a victim. It is possible to have fun without anyone getting hurt or sad or feeling awkward and uncomfortable. Find out how and learn how to make that happen.
It helps if you learn to see the fun, the comical, the positive, the funny in every situation, and practice your observation skills.

Learn to inspire people.
Be trustworthy, inspire confidence. Never tell who the people are in your stories, to tell people they can trust you.
Be enthusiastic, instigate things, do things even if you were the only one doing it, join in, invite people.
Be positive. Be inclusive. Be glad, joyful, happy. Be Pollyanna. Don't criticize, don't evaluate, don't judge. There's quite enough of that in the world.  Encourage, compliment, show interest and enthusiasm, find good sides in things, use stupid ideas as a springboard to something better and give others credit. People will soon learn that it's only with you things get a silver lining...
Have a never-say-die attitude. Be ambitious, aim high, and never surrender if you want to inspire people that they, too, can accomplish anything they set their mind to.
Don't be a egocentric pompous ass. Don't be better-than-thou or pretentious. Be equal, see and treat everyone as equals, with something to teach to you. Be respectful. Be interested. 

gregarious, social, genial, outgoing, convivial, companionable, friendly, extroverted.

a lack of inhibition
a lively personality
his passion—and ability to communicate it.
those who live to hold court
penchant for escapism
strong appetites—for attention, alcohol, drugs or gambling.

aplomb, self-confidence, self-assurance, poise, self-possession, calmness, composure, collectedness, presence of mind, level-headedness, sangfroid, equilibrium, equanimity, nerve, nonchalance

cavalier, carefree, jaunty, aristocratic, free-spirited elegance, gallant

Lean and graceful as an Abyssinian cat

"She danced the Charleston with Josephine Baker in Paris and the foxtrot with the Duke of Windsor at El Morocco. Confident and high-spirited, she is said to have convinced Edward VIII to stand on his head and reveal what was beneath his kilt (long johns). On one occasion she seated her dog as a guest at a formal dinner party."

unconventional and capricious (I wonder how to express capricious so it's something positive? :-D
Not predictable, surprising, novel, excited, bubbly, whimsical... eccentric, changeable, coquettish, mischievous, like a fairy or sprite, flamboyant

pursuit of life,

 the eclectic tastes

a social butterfly, socialite

The summer garden parties in his new home showcased his genius for entertaining, turning every gathering into a living tableau. The choice of flowers and colors for each occasion, the arrangement of music, the menus, and the careful selection of guests, gave him immense delight.

Could it be that anybody can charm the charmed society?  Armed only with grand vision, a sense of generosity about oneself and others and seeking the best of the best?

"Society eats whatever is boring, injured, useless or dumb"
So be interesting, invulnerable and intelligent, be witty and funny, lively and different, unusual, new, ever-changing, fascinating, healthy, straight and strong, be articulated and communicative, be beautiful, bright, colorful, be self- confident and self- sufficient. Be independent.

 Dandies are prime Bon Vivants and they notably have a story at the ready for everything. “Oh, this…?…” or “You’ll never guess what happened on my way to…”

    Be obsessive about refined language, facts and obscure, wearying hobbies (especially those requiring lads, Dads or gladhands to assist)
    Be a self-made person, live a magnified style of life regardless of background

an unmitigated lack of pretension

“Living proof that charm and experience will always matter more than Money.”

 she was one “who gathered friends with the kind of passion others have for collecting stamps, art or butterflies.”

 desire, energies, elements and people

When life gets grey, boring and stale, the bon vivants invent!

The Essence of Style: How the French Invented High Fashion, Fine Food, Chic Cafes, Style, Sophistication, and Glamour

 Bon Vivant seducers whose sultry mix of the sacred and profane references hit the spot

    Escape, claim or disdain your royal, exotic or mundane roots
    Walk with Royal carriage or at least employ car service
    Use make-up or facial expressions to make Eyes like Helena Blavatsky, who had ” large, luminous blue eyes whose strange spiritual expression fascinated all who came within her influence”
    Reference immortal experience to create an age uncertain
    Utter prophetic and seductive visions at uncanny times
    Gather a curious mixed set of literary and artistic friends, Bohemians, visionaries, cranks and an occasional practical thinker from Wall street or the colleges
    Be a conversationalist of rare magnetic power
    Like Helena, be “an accomplished linguist, as most Russians are, “she spoke French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Hindostanee and several Arabic dialects with ease and fluency”
    Display a deep knowledge of the ancient and modern literature and philosophy of many lands
    Enjoy robust dinners washed down by good wine
    Cultivate odd, disarming wee habits, so as to humanize and have others feel superior over you, such as feigned incongruous insecurities or smoking Turkish cigarettes of a peculiar and excellent quality
    Never be a Bore

the essence of an adventurous and refined playboy

Rubi was a likeable, charming guy. He was a really cool and fun chap.

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Reeds driftin on by you know how I feel

It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom in the tree you know how I feel

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don’t you know
Butterflies all havin’ fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That’s what I mean

And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel

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