
Saturday, August 31, 2019

30 Day Pinterest Challenge, day 4

Daily workout:

more back bridge
more boxing training
training to get stronger fingers and hand tendon stretching. Need that.
waist and belly thingy, sort of climbing in the air
belly dance
back exercises

I really like this. This way I am training everything I want to train in "lagom" proportions and I can influence the difficulty of the exercise - if it gives me a pole position that is way too demanding to me, I can break it down and train the parts so that one day in the future I will be able to do what the pin says.

But - I didn't do this today either. :-(
Tomorrow is another day, but also it's the first day of my year of reaching a goal every day, so it's pretty packed as it is. Now... I also want to lose weight, and even though I AM losing weight, I'm not happy with the pace. I have lost 8 kilos in 16 weeks. That's a pound a week, and I am not happy about that. I AM happy about having lost weight, but I am not happy with myself. I feel I could have done more. Like taking this Pinterest challenge seriously and actually giving this at least an hour. I mean, at least do SOMETHING.

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