
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Carey's 31+ days to better photography

 This is a repost from a blog. I think it's very good, but lately the post has been disappearing, so I fear it will disappear alltogether, and that would be a pity.

Hello! Welcome!

This 31+ day posting project is for anyone who may be starting out in photography and even for those who know it all. It’s been my experience that there is always more to learn and photography is no exception, especially for me. I’m crafting this month as a means to organize my own thoughts and help out those who wish to learn more about taking better pictures.

Every post during this month may or may not resonate with you. That’s ok. I’m hoping at least something will help you learn more about taking better pictures because that is one of my passions in life; helping others learn more about photography.
There’s no catch, there’s nothing you have to buy or subscribe to. You can start this month of learning any time you want to, take a break if you like, or skip down to the Challenges or Assignments. It’s up to you to make the most of it!

If you are interested in learning photography in person, I offer workshops, individual instruction and the opportunity to learn in locations such as Nepal, Bhutan, Morocco and more.

Are you ready to jump into a month (plus!) long journey to better photographs?

Core Concepts

Creative Ideas

Gear Ideas

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