
Sunday, June 17, 2018

35 hobbies for women

HerInterest published a post where they suggested 35 hobbies for women.

Yes, all sound interesting :-D

1. Writing
2. Reading
3. Dog Walking
4. Squash
5. Horse Riding
6. Watching Movies
7. Art
8. Cooking
9. Singing
10. Join a Band
11. Running
12. Swimming
13. Scrapbooking
14. Jewellery Making
15. Wine Tasting
16. Track Driving
17. Pole Dancing
18. Knitting
19. Gardening
20. Photography
21. Join a Book Club
22. Collect Things
23. Learn To Play An Instrument
24. Candle Making
25. Yoga
26. Volunteering
27. Gym
28. Online Games
29. Foraging
30. Caving
31. Host Board Game Parties
32. Chart Your Family Tree
33. Run a Side Business
34. Restoration
35. Go Travelling

So, I would suggest some other things.
1. Blogging
2. Languages
3. Animal training
4. Bouldering
5. Circus arts
6. Critiquing movies
7. Ink drawing, comics, cartoons, caricatures
8. Baking (go extreme... ;-))
9. Ballroom dancing
10. Martial arts
11. Carpentry
12. Diving
13. Bookbinding
14. Rollerderby
15. Brewing
16. Motorcycling
17. Biking (mountain bike, trick bike, even tour bike...)
18. Fine electronics - remember, all gadgets and machines are man-made. You can learn to make small machines and gadgets and learn to fix them... it's a great hobby!
19. Windowcill gardening - try growing your own coffee or bananas!
20. Film making
21. Speeches - join the Toastmasters
22. Origami
23. Paper engineering
24. Hiking
25. Hunting
26. Pottery
27. Acting
28. Divination - learn to read the cards or tea leaves
29. Cos-playing and maskmaking - why not learn to make wigs, too?
30. Miniature building
31. Calligraphy
32. Sailing
33. Community broadcasting
34. Rummaging carage sales, flea markets, trift stores,  and second hand stores
35. Classic cars - buy one and restore it. Or build one from scratch.

Here's some other suggestions:
27 hobbies for feminine women
(Yes, Brazilian Jiujitsu kind of feminine women :-D Nothing is as sexy as a healthy woman who can defend herself.)
40 hobbies for women
30 hobbies for women to help you relax and have fun
hobbies for women over 50

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