
Friday, December 22, 2017

write an erotic novel

Apparently there's a huge market on Amazon for erotic pulp fiction. OK... I can do that. Easily. Nice. I could use 10 grands :-D
(Now, it doesn't quite work that way, I know it. Amazon has changed their rules and payment method and it was easier to do in the past, but - what the heck. I have things on other places that pay me money every now and then, why not a couple of erotic short stories at Kindle?)

So - about 3000 word short story... that sounds like a chance to use Lester Dent's Pulp Fiction Formula!

"In pulp fiction writing, the first draft is the only draft. Tricks are used to avoid leaving anything unwritten. The main characters are strong in every way so they can force their way past all problems. The action is big too. Keep moving right along. Details aren’t important. Whatever needs to be done, there’s some employee character taking care of it. We don’t need to know the details."

Story. Person A meets person B (or more) and they have sex.
They have sex several times.
It's the best sex ever.
They both (all) get deeply satisfied, can't take any more, multiple orgasms, little death, can't walk for days, bliss.
You need to come up how they get together, how all this sex fits into their ordinary lives, how they move from one sex scene to another and finally how it ends. So - moving into sex - sex - out of sex. There should be some sort of storyline, a plot.

Give them a conflict. Give them a reason why having sex isn't OK. Should they be doing something else? Are they involved with someone else? The sex should be different from everyday.
Make them have more sex.

It's erotica, so the story isn't important and the characters aren't important, they are just a frame to sex. What matter is sex. Yes, it's OK to write "fan fiction", just change all the names and any identifiers. It's OK to copy, clone, steal and plagiarize. Anything. Just add sex.

There is the main character who is Everybody and then his/her object, who is mr/ms Perfect. Everybody is average in all EXCEPT SHE/HE IS LIKE CATMINT TO THE OBJECT. The Object is everyone's wet dream.

What do I need to change, then?
1) Different sex style, position, relation, what ever to call it, ways to have sex
2) Different kind of sexy - the hero/heroine could be tall, short, fat, skinny, white, black, green, blue, pear, apple, big, small... beauty comes in many variations
3) Different locale
4) Sexiness that infuses the whole scene, the heroine/hero reek of sex, sexiness, sensuality, they emit invisible signals that make them mad of lust

Now, I am a woman, so it's easier for me to write about sex happening to a woman. The woman isn't extremely beautiful, but she is sexy as hell. There is "something", the mysterious "it" she has, the quality that makes men mad of lust - or not necessary all men, just The Man - and HE is beautiful. He is extremely beautiful. He is a Greek God. He is so handsome he makes you forget to breathe.
Or maybe he has just one amazingly beautiful and attractive feature. Or he has THAT specific feature the heroine finds irresistable. How ever, she wants him and he wants her.

Start the story by presenting the heroine. Drop her in a bucket of unadulterated, raw lust. Give us a reason to believe why she would be having sex every five minutes during the rest of the 3000 words.
Use the first 1000 words to show us how she copes with this lust.

Show us both the hero and heroine in a sexual situation with someone not the other, to show her/his sexual prowess.
Bring the hero and heroine together using action.

Bring in all the other characters as quickly as you can by bringing them in the action.Get her in bed. Or against a wall or under the table or on a park bench.
End the first part of the story with a twist. (End every chapter with a cliffhanger. Make the reader want to know the answer to the question.)

Read through the story. Is there sexual tension? Does the story make you hot? If not, add more heat, sensuality, sexuality.
If You Feel The Sexual Tension In These 15 Situations, There’s Definitely Chemistry Between You

Is it all believable?
Sure, it's just sex, but it should be believable. I mean, it would be quite all right to have the monster of blue lagoon come up and fetch your heroine to his lair to get her brains fucked out, but wouldn't she drown? If your reader asks even one of these questions, the spell breaks. Also, don't give measurements... say it was huge, don't say it was half a meter long and she couldn't get her fingers meet when she put her hands around it. That's just disgusting and it kills the lust.

Does your story advance? Have your heroine got laid but left wanting more?
The character doesn't need to grow or change, the milieu is uninteresting, you are not trying to convey an idea or solve a problem, you are describing an event. Sex. This is all that matters. Raw sex. The goal is to get your readers aroused.


Shovel more lust on your heroine. More sensual encounters, more sexiness, more arousal, more sexual tension, more heat
Your heroine, being heroic, struggles, to manage her arousal, to get sex, and her struggle leads her to bed, once again. (Or against the wall, or...)
And another plot twist at the end of the 1000 words.

Is your story still hot? Have you amped the tension? Is your heroine on the brink of breakdown because she's so horny?
Does the story still make sense? Is it believable?

Don't tell, SHOW.

"When writing, it helps to get at least one minor surprise to the printed page. It is reasonable to to expect these minor surprises to sort of  inveigle the reader into keeping on. They need not be such profound efforts. One method of accomplishing one now and then is to be gently misleading. Hero is examining the murder room. The door behind him begins slowly to open. He does not see it. He conducts his examination blissfully. Door eases open, wider and wider, until--surprise! The glass pane falls out of the big window across the room. It must have fallen slowly, and air blowing into the room caused the door to open. Then what the heck made the pane fall so slowly? More mystery."

Characterizing a story actor consists of giving him some things which make her stick in the reader's mind. TAG HER.



Shovel more lust on your heroine. More sensual encounters, more sexiness, more arousal, more sexual tension, more heat
Your heroine, being heroic, struggles, to manage her arousal, to get sex, and her struggle leads her to bed, once again. (Or against the wall, or...)
This time it's bad. It's disappointing. All the hopes of amazing sex are broken. But she is still horny.
Add yet another plot twist at the end of the 1000 words.

Is your story still hot? Have you amped the tension? Is your heroine on the brink of breakdown because she's so horny?
Does the story still make sense? Is it believable?

Is it still sexy? Hot? Does it make YOU horny?
Is the heroine so horny by now she wants to die? Is she paying to get laid? Goes to dark alleys in hope of some action?

See that the sex isn't the same all the time, but different in every part of the story. Avoid monotony.
How to spice up your sex life?
Seven sexiest types of sex you can have
Keep changing the positions, locations, time of the day, partners, number of partners, gender of partners, species of partners, situations where sex happens.
Make it passionate, sensual, teasing.
Get your heroine in places and situations she normally wouldn't go
Surprise her. Let the man pop up unexpectantly just to fuck her because he can't stop himself, he can't stay away
Add competition, new relationships, even some who have nothing to do with sex.
Make him woo her, do something romantic for her, and then ravish her, because fuck romance!
Add props.
Shock, scare, disgust, except that disgust doesn't work, use pleasure instead, sensual expriences, tickle the senses... Astound, amaze, excite, please. Surprise, startle. Shake her, shock her, make her stop, make her confused, mystified, uncertain. Make her stop thinking what she was thinking, make her stop doing what she was doing, cut off the automatic responses and talk to the reptile brain and animal instincts. Make her want you, then give it to her.

Vivid, swift, no words wasted. Create suspense, make the reader see and feel the action.
Suspense: apprehension, tension, eagerness, expectancy, impatience

Hear, smell, see, feel and taste.

Trees, wind, scenery and water.


Last 1000 words

Pour more sexual tension and lust over your heroine. Bury her in sex.
Let her rescue herself from being burned up by her lust by her own skill, ability, ingenuity, talents. So far it's he who has been fucking her, make her fuck him.
Last BIG plot twist

End with a bang, a snapper, a one-liner, a punchline

"Come up with a good punch line referring to the thesis. In some way your ending could connect with the beginning (for example, through the hero of the story). A good ending may be also a short, powerful quote. Good punch line/ending should freeze the reader and put him in motionless state."

"To be remembered, I strongly encourage you to finish your speech with a joke, a pithy phrase, a quote that you want the audience to tuck away in their mind as something memorable. Always leave the audience on an upbeat note."

10 ways to end your speech with a bang

Is the story steamy to the last drop?
Is it logical, realistic, believable?
Has all questions been answered?
Do you feel good, warm and horny now when the story is finished? Want to go find someone for yourself?
Is the heroine satisfied? (For now...)

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