
Monday, December 25, 2017

write and illustrate 8 holiday books

write and illustrate 8 holiday books - one for each Pagan Sabbath

Those are Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon and Samhain.

What I mean with this is a book with beautiful, inspiring photos and drawings, and information about the feast, different feasts around this time of the year, timeline for preparations, different lists the reader can fill themselves (like gift list, address list and cleaning schedule), recipes and everything needed to get the party going. Basically, it's going to be my Holiday Binders put in a handy book form.
I am going to write it all by myself and illustrate it by myself, with my drawings and paintings, and photos. I want to take beautiful photos of my own home decorated, and of my cooking and baking etc. To be able to do this I need to learn to use my camera, and get my home in order for it to look right for these photos.
I will start at Beltane 2018. That is 1st of May. That gives me plenty of time to get everything just right.
There are about 6 1/2 weeks between each Sabbath. If I celebrate them for 1 week, I get 5 weeks to prepare for the next one and 1/2 week to take down all the decorations and stuff. 

Now... the minimum is to write and illustrate this - in any way possible. It is OK to take photos from the internet etc. But - I would like to get these published with my own photos, and I would like to learn to take beautiful photos and have my home decorated for all the 8 feasts. I am a witch after all and a Pagan, and I want to celebrate the wheel of the year, by making each Sabbath as big as Christmas is. And if I can entice others to follow my example, great!

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