
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Watch and see... movies and tv shows

This is one of the easiest bucketlist goals there is!

Firstly, see The Bucket List :-D

There are dozens if not hundreds of movie lists online. Just go and check them out.
20 films of dogs, zombies, feminist movies, all the movies with "red" in the title, French movies, Spanish movies, Azerbaijani movies... and new ones are being made all the time
Also, all these lists are made by someone, and there's nothing to stop you from being one of these someones... write your own list.

Watch 10 movies that came out when I was born

Watch 2 movies at the cinema on the same day
Watch 26 movies - one for each letter of the alphabet
Watch IMDb top 100 films of all time
Watch all (episodes of a certain tv show) / (movies by a certain director/actor/writer/company...) / (certain movie)

Watch all movies of your favorite actor/actress
All movies by your favorite director
All movies by your favorite screenwriter
All movies with your favorite...

Find out 10 facts about your favorite (actor), (director), (what ever...)
Or read their biographies

Try out the art; write a small "play", act, write a song, sing - perform your creation at YouTube. That gives you quite a different appreciation of the art.

Create a "complete experience".

Make some movie snacks that are somehow connected to the story.
Try to find some candles or potpurri or something like that so that you have an "appropriate" smell in your nose as you watch the movie. 
The taste and smell are the senses that are not touched in movies, but the more senses you bring in, the more perfect experience you have.
Another sense is touch - so try to find something that appeals to that sense... might be hard to do, but one suggestion is to stage the movie watching area as if you were arranging a theme party, even when it's only you watching the movie.
Wear something "appropriate"

Try to collect 2-4 movies that "belong together". For example, same theme, same actors, same director, same setting. I feel I "get" more that way.

Find out information about the story, information about what happened during the filming etc.

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