
Friday, January 29, 2016

SYED 006: Week 5

#29 Go to a Leather Bar

I wonder if we have lesbian leather bars in Stockholm... would someone try to pick me up, or would my straightness shine through and make me stick out like a sore thumb? 

#30 Slide (let go, don't worry, just flow, slide...)

Yeah... isn't that scary... I wonder what would happen if I was to do what falls in during one day...

#31 Putting Up a Post That May Hurt People

Talk about important things even when one doesn't want to

#32 Buy a Stranger's Groceries

Hmm... I don't think this is... hmm...

#33 Introduce Myself to My Neighbor

(The interesting, nice neighbor - maybe you find a new friend :-))

#34 Me Vs. TSA

Now, I love flying, and I don't care about all the nuisances and discomfort that happen. I happily sit anywhere, I have no problems with other passengers or safety checks or searches (I have managed to get the metal detector to peep every time I have flown - except once. And then I shouted out my surprise in a high voice, so of course, they checked me with the handheld scanner :-D

I really don't know what would be a scary alternative for me... (or something I avoid doing because I don't like it.)

#35 Showing my parents my videos + telling my mom about that time when I...

I don't have any secrets from my parents, and it's a good thing because my dad is dead and my mom is as good as... she wouldn't probably understand much of what I told her. 

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