
Friday, January 15, 2016

SYED 004: Week 3

Yeah... it didn't quite go the way it should have :-D 004 means the fourth DAY, not the fourth post. X-]

#14 and #15 were filming a video and posting it on YouTube, so there will be only six things for this week.

#16 Geocaching - now this I should do, now that I have a smartphone with GPS. There are even a couple of caches within walking range from my home. It's on my bucket list, too :-D

#17 Exposing Myself on Reddit

#18 Working on Not-So-Forever Alone - asking someone out

#19 Reveal My Crush 

Oh, crap. Been there, done that. Don't recommend it. Now I'm the crazy stalker "nice girl" to this guy. 
What the heck. Of course, I recommend it. Sure, it hurts like hell when you really like someone and that someone thinks you are disgusting, but there really is more fish in the sea. There is no "Mr. Right" or "One True Love" out there. Everyone is part of everyone else, and there is plenty to love in everyone. Or most people. There might be some totally horrible people out there, but, just think of the most horrific people you know. I'm pretty sure they have had relationships. Just look at Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The other important thing is that you will survive. You will survive rejection. And it's highly likely that you will find someone better. After all, that a-hole rejected you. They wouldn't have been that nice in a relationship anyway, would they? 

#20 Throw a Dart at a Map and Go There

Now, why wouldn't I do this with a smaller map? It doesn't need to be the whole world. (With my luck and dart throwing skills, I'd probably get the dart in the middle of the Atlantic ocean:-D)
I could start with an SL traffic map. (SL is the public transportation company here in the Stockholm area. I have the travel card.)
Hmm... it's a bit like that thingy... what was it called... Randonautica! Except that this is TOTALLY random coordinates with no one knowing where I'm going because it's not being recorded anywhere until I have done it. :-D
And after a couple of times adventuring the Stockholm area, I can expand the map into Scandinavia, Europe, World...

#21 Breaking the Work Barrier

With other words, making a real friend of a coworker. Now, I don't have any coworkers. I could find out one of my acquaintances from previous jobs, and try my luck there... but that's a bit stalking. :-D 

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