
Saturday, January 2, 2016

SYED 002 - first week, plans

The second thing that scared Greg was spring cleaning.

Now... it doesn't scare me, it's bothersome and I don't like it. I would need to do a Mari Kondo, and get rid of everything that doesn't make me happy, or is necessary and beautiful, that just junks up my home, and all that. I mean, we live in a pretty run-down highrise, but the worn-out surfaces are better when they are clean.

Also, it would take more than a day to clean all this up. I'm a bit of a hoarder.

I think I'd like to do the Red Paperclip thingy.

His #3 was Work Presentation. I don't have that kind of work. I don't know what would be equivalent in my life... 

His #4 was going to the back of the yoga class, as he was usually in the front. He didn't go to the back back, just not in the front.

I find going to yoga classes very scary :-D So, maybe starting a new class? They are just really expensive... :-(

So, I need to get more money. I read about this woman who wrote a 100 "books" a year, and two years later had $10.000 income a month. Basically passive income. I'd love to have that, but... trying to get one's books published, that's scary :-D What if I don't have her success? If I had $10.000 income every month, I could do everything I've ever dreamed of, and get a lot more things to my "scary things to do" list, and then, perhaps, they wouldn't be that scary any longer. You know, I want to take all kinds of classes and join all kinds of clubs and activities, etc. but I don't, because it costs money I need for other things. There's also some more affordable activities being organized for people, which I could do, but I won't because I'm scared... 

#5 was "admitting defeat". More likely, admitting being wrong and redoing a work that wasn't good enough. Anyway, I don't have problems with that. 

#6 "Talking to someone new". I'd like to do the 100 strangers project.

#7 was "Alone in LA" - he went to a club alone at the night. That would be something... 

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