
Friday, April 10, 2015

Zombie related bucket list goals

Be in a Run for Your Lives event as a runner / as a zombie
Do the Zombie Charge
Do the Zombie Mud Run
Do the 5K Zombie Run
Take part in Zombie Evacuation

Do a Zombie Walk
Do a Zombie walk on Halloween
Have a really awesome costume for Zombie Walk
Get a group of friends to dress as Zombies. Walk around the mall.
Hang a sign around my neck dressed as a zombie that says "honk if you love zombies"

Dress Up as a Gory ZombieHave a Zombie Photo Shoot
Have a zombie themed wedding
Take a family portrait dressed as zombies

I have to say that I don't like the "monster zombie" rave out there. Like the zipper face, people with non-human teeth; people with claws and weird alien hands, or characters from horror movies or comic books, like Hellraiser. In my opinion people should look dead, but people nevertheless. Normal, ordinary people. Not sideshow freaks or Halloween monsters and nightmares, but zombies. 
I appreciate more inventive and original ways to die and depict the rotting corpse.
Someone was carrying sea shells and such on her face, as she was depicting a drowned person.
I also liked the beauty queen with a tiara stuck into her eye.
And, no, Corpse Bride is not a good costume for a Zombie walk, even though she was sort of a zombie.

Be chased by zombies / Kill a zombie / become a zombie killer /

Be Prepared to Survive Zombies
Build the perfect Zombie survival kit
Plan For The Zombie Apocalypse (make a meeting place, pack a bag, everything)

Do a zombie survival experience day out

Meet a real zombie in Haiti

Have my kids grow up with zombies

Celebrate National Zombie Day

Hug a Zombie in a Theme Park Haunted House

Play 10 different zombie video games

See the Top 100 Best Zombie Movies Of All Time
Make my own list of best zombie movies / tv series

Be a Zombie Extra in a Film or TV Show

Write a Zombie Chum list

Dance to thriller dressed as a zombie!

Make a zombie snowman

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