
Monday, April 13, 2015

Social Media

The main thing about social media is GET ACTIVE!
You really don't need to care much about what you post, just as long as you post.

To get more influential, you should be reliable and interesting.
Post about things you are interested in. A lot of people are interested in the same things.
Learn something new every day. Read a lot.
Follow the trends. Get involved in the trending things, like tv shows or books or movies. 
(This is not so that you could follow the trends and post what everyone else posts, but to get an idea how trending works and how to create original content by the trends, perhaps even creating trends...)
Learn from others. Create content SIMILAR to others (Don't steal, don't copy!)
Get social, interact. Go to meetings, chat with people, always leave "likes" and "comments", follow people. Treat your readers as real people, and present yourself as a real person as well. Post enough details about your life that makes people remember that you are a real person.
Post pictures. Preferably your own. Get a camera and get used to it. Get Photoshop and get used to it. It's not difficult to get share-worthy photos or to create infographics.

Spread yourself to all social medias you can find and crosspost. Right now you should have
- Twitter
- Tumblr (for sharing photos, interesting pictures, infographics etc.)
- Instagram
- Facebook
- Pinterest
- blog on some free blogging site unless you can create a passive income through a blog to pay for a unique URL. I like Blogger. My husband likes Wordpress.

Examples of Social Media goals:

Be influential on Social Media
Achieve 1 million / 2 million / 5 million page views per month
Achieve 10 million page views per month
Achieve 10,000/20,000 subscribers

Delete your social media profiles for at least a week

Get a YouTube account
Get 10 / 20 / 100 / 1000 followers on YouTube
Start a vlog on YouTube
Make a YouTube video / make a YouTube craft video
Share my DVD collection on YouTube
Cover --- by --- / and put it on YouTube
Make a YouTube jam cover with a friend
Make a YouTube friend
Get 10 / 100 / 10.000/ millions of views to your YouTube video
Have at least 1000 hits / get millions of hits / that goes viral
Have a highest rated comment on a YouTube video
Get a reaction on a comment on YouTube from someone I find really cool
See one of my favourite youtubers in real

Get Facebook
Post something on Facebook and get 25 / 100 likes
Have 50 people like my Facebook page
Have over 1,000 friends on Facebook / Make a Facebook friend in every country of the world
Stay off Facebook for 2 weeks / Delete Facebook forever
Have a Facebook bingo
Have a Facebook profile picture wearing no make up
Start a postcrossing Facebook page for all my postcards
Suggest a trip/ activity on Facebook and see who's interested

Get twitter account / Have a verified Twitter accountHave over 100 / 1000 / 4000 / 50,000 followers on Twitter
Get a celebrity to follow me on twitter / Get Followed on Twitter by Someone FamousGet a twitter RT or reply from fave celebs
Have a celebrity reply to me on Twitter
Have one of my tweets retweeted
Be a trending topic on Twitter

Start a blog
Start and keep a blog
Write a blog and publish 101 posts
Start a blog / about one specific thing I love / Develop Blog / keep a blog
Publish a blog post every day for a year
Get your blog into the Technorati top 1000 / listed in Time Magazine's Best Blogs List
Have one of your blog posts get to the front page of one of the social media sites
Have one-thousand raving fans who buy everything that you create and sell from your blog
Add a video podcast to your blog
Build a blog with 10,000+ subscribers.
Design and build a blog template
Go away for a writing week, and live to blog about it
Leverage my blog audience to make a major positive impact in at least 10 people’s lives
Make a blog called "the critic inside you" #every one's a critic

Get 40 Likes in a single Post/Photo

Have a Wikipedia Page About Myself

Start a website

Get a Tumblr account

Have over one million pages read on my profile

Build A Passive Income Business Online
Meet an online friend / person I met online / from Bucket List / gaming
Place a small free ad online saying something nice

Social Media bucket list
Social media bucket list - 50 things to do before you die

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