
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Lists of survival skills

The wilderness survival skills everyone should know

10 Essential Skills Necessary for Survival

25 Must Know Skills For Surviving The Coming Nightmare

Essential Survival Skills

Native American Survival Skills

Prepper Skills and Survival Skills

Top 10 Survival Skills for after the SHTF

Prepping Skills

The 6 Most Valuable Survival Skills after the SHTF

Top 10 survival skills

10 Skills You’ll Need to Survive the Apocalypse

I would really add animal handling and training to the list. 
Maybe not essential, but worth gold.
Worth water.

Get the skills to produce these items, and you can live well...
I would really like to be a blacksmith/mechanic after the "collapse". :-D
I do hope my ability to produce food and fiber counts.

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