
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bucket list related goals

Create a bucket list, things to do list, things I want to experience list
Do everything on this list!

Have a "100 goals achieved" party

Get/Have 100 / 1000 / any number goals (items, things) on my bucketlist
make a bucketlist list that is 1,396
make a book bucketlist

Tag all of my goals

Make a bucket list of short and long term goals

Hand Write my Bucket List

Make enough money to complete my bucketlist items
Save up a lot of money so that you can get all of the things on your bucketlist done

See over a Million Bucketlist Items Added to by its Members

Complete 100 goals (items, things) / 500 / 1000 / any number from my bucketlist / by --- (date) / before my ---th birthday / in year ---- / during a certain time period
Have 90 percent of my bucket list done before I am 35

Complete half the items on my bucket list / Complete my bucket list / Never complete my bucket list

Have more completed goals than active goals

Complete 1/2/3/4/5 goals in a day / during one vacation
Complete 1 goal a day for a week / 2 weeks / 3 weeks / a month / 3 months / 4 months / 6 months / a year
Complete a goal a week for a year
Complete 1 goal every month / at least 1 goal every month
Complete at least 10 goals for every season for a whole year

Make a bucket list journal / scrapbook to document my bucketlist accomplishments
Blog about the Bucketlist / Have a successful bucketlist blog / create/maintain blog about all my bucketlist experiences / make a blog about every subject on the list
Take photos of your goals / get a camcorder to record me completing my goals / Add a picture or video to all my completed items
Buy a new booklet for my bucketlist

Be a ´featured list´ on Bucketlist / Become famous/well known for my bucketlist
Have someone follow me / Get/have 10 / 100 / 200 / 300 Followers on Bucketlist

Encourage/convince/make/inspire someone / 5 others to write their own bucketlist / Tell at least 10 people about your bucket list and encourage them to do the same
Create a family bucket list
Inform people about

Find someone else with the same bucket list item as me and complete it together / Complete at Least 10 Bucketlist Goals with Someone with the same Goals
Do A 365 Day Photo Project With Other Bucket List Members
Receive a letter from someone on bucketlist / Send a letter to someone on bucketlist / Send a postcard to ten different people on bucketlist
Buy a Christmas Present for / meet / date someone on Bucketlist
Fall in love with someone and complete your bucketlists together

Help someone else / a friend / a sibling / a parent with a goal / complete a goal / items on a bucket list / be there to see it / complete it together with them
Help a friend accomplish one of their life goals
Plan at least 5 bucket list adventures for others
Let someone else decide which bucket list item I do next
make a bucket list wish come true for each of my family
Help 101 Bucket List Wishes come true
Have a bucketlist get-together with a bunch of people from this site
Share my bucketlist with someone
Show my future kids my Bucketlist

Find someone willing and able to complete this list for me if I die before it's completed / pass down my Bucketlist to my descendants
Have my loved ones complete the items I never did when I'm gone
Have My Completed Bucketlist Read at My Funeral

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