
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ideas, volunteer, donate

Donate $1000 to a charity / a decent amount of money / a million dollars / more than $1,000 to an important cause / over $5000 to charities/shelters
Donate 1,000 / 2000 / 3000 / 5000 / 10.000 / 50.000 grains of rice through
Donate a gift to a child for Christmas
Donate anonymously
Donate blood / platelets / plasma / bone marrow / sperm / an organ
Donate books / old books / new books / to a children’s hospital / colouring books and pencils to the children's ward in a hospital / to a library
Donate care packages to the troops this Christmas
Donate clothes / clothes I no longer use / to a battered women's shelter
Donate food to a charity for Christmas
Donate food to a food bank
Donate my hair to Locks Of Love
Donate Kleenex to Children’s hospital
Donate money and have my name on something: a college scholarship, a bench in the park, adopt-a-xxx…
Donate money to a group home of mentally challenged adults so that they may go somewhere on vacation they have never been before
Donate some money each month to your favorite charity
Donate time/money to Abused/Orphaned Children / to an Environmental cause
Donate to ---
Donate to an animal shelter
Donate to charity / anonymously
Donate to the World Wildlife Fund
Donate toys / at the holidays / to charity

Volunteer with my dog
Volunteer for a full day / on a regular basis / for one year / 1.000 hours / 40 hours of my time / for 200 hours this year / for a week / for a month
Volunteer abroad / for a week / for a month
Volunteer at a blind camp / domestic violence shelter / homeless shelter / hospice / nursing home / soup kitchen/ for a feminist organization
Volunteer to be a storyteller in an orphanage / teaching children / orphanage / youth center / children’s hospital / with Big Brother Program
Volunteer working with elephants / at an animal shelter / Humane Society / cat shelter / with animals / wildlife sanctuary / the elephant nature park in Thailand / the orangutan orphanage
Volunteer at a national park / Royal Gardens / American Prairie Reserve
Volunteer at a chocolate festival
Volunteer at a festival / music event / showplace
Volunteer at Olympics / Special Olympics / 5K event / 10K event
Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity
Volunteer to help build or restore a house
Volunteer at a library / museum / gallery
Volunteer in the community
Volunteer in any activity to help the community / for a meaningful cause / for a good cause / for a cause that means something to you
Volunteer for a charity / in a different country
Volunteer for a political campaign
Volunteer overseas / in Africa / in a third world country / in a developing country / charity in a different country
Volunteer to clean up graffiti
Volunteer to teach English abroad

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