
Sunday, March 16, 2014

More pheasant birds

Genus Gallus
The name derives from "gallus," Latin for "cock" or "rooster".

Red Junglefowl, Gallus gallus
(What? But... that's an ordinary rooster, isn't it? 
Yep. Sort of. See the latin name? This is the origin of all domesticated hens... This is where it all started.
The Grey probably also had his feathers in play...)

Grey Junglefowl, Gallus sonneratii

Sri Lanka Junglefowl, Gallus lafayetii

Green Junglefowl, Gallus varius

Genus Lophura, Gallopheasants
The genus name Lophura is derived from the Greek word lophos for ridge, crest or tuft.

Kalij Pheasant, (L. leucomelanos)
There are several different versions of this, here's four of them, but I don't know which ones.

There are White-crested Kalij Pheasant, Nepal Kalij Pheasant, Black-backed Kalij Pheasant,
Black Kalij Pheasant, Black-breasted Kalij Pheasant, William's Kalij Pheasant,
Oates' Kalij Pheasant, Crawfurd's Kalij Pheasant and Lineated Kalij Pheasant,
and there might be even more different variations.

Silver Pheasant, (L. nycthemera)

Imperial Pheasant, Lophura imperialis

Edward's Pheasant, Lophura edwardsi

Vietnamese Pheasant, Lophura hatinhensis

Swinhoe's Pheasant, Lophura swinhoii

Hoogerwerf's Pheasant, Lophura hoogerwerfi

Salvadori's Pheasant, Lophura inornata

 It's funny... they say the males of these two different species are practically indistinquishable,
the Hoogerwerf's Pheasant females are darker and lack pale streaking and blotches of the Salvadori female.
So - how can they say the bird in the above photo IS a Hoogerwerf?

Crestless Fireback, Lophura erythrophthalma

Crested Fireback, Lophura ignita
There's several different variation of these, too, and I don't know the difference.
There's Lesser and Greater Bornean Crested Fireback, there's Delacour's Crested Fireback and  Vieilott's Crested Fireback.
This is a Vieilott's CF.

Siamese Fireback, Lophura diardi
Here's the male's "fire"

Bulwer's Pheasant, Lophura bulweri
 Here's a male with his white tail spread. 
It's also called Bulwer's Wattled Pheasant, the Wattled Pheasant, or the White-tailed Wattled Pheasant.
You can see why...

Now, that reminds me very much of turkeys.

Genus Meleagris
Gr. meleagris - guineafowl

When Europeans first encountered turkeys in America, they incorrectly identified the birds as a type of guineafowl. Guineafowl were also known as turkey fowl (or turkey hen and turkey cock) because they were imported to Central Europe through Turkey. Two major reasons why the name 'turkey fowl' stuck to Meleagris rather than to the Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris), were: a) the genuine belief that the newly discovered America was in fact a part of Asia, and b) the tendency during that time of attributing exotic animals and foods to places that symbolized far-off, exotic lands.

There is only two species in this genus; the Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) and
the Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata)

Some of these birds, like Salvador's pheasant and Mikado,
remind me of the Finnish "turkey"; capercaillie.

Genus Tetrao
L. tetrao - gamebird.

Eurasian Black Grouse, Tetrao tetrix
I love that lyre tail...

Caucasian Black Grouse, Tetrao mlokosiewiczi

Western Capercaillie, Tetrao urogallus

Black-billed Capercaillie, Tetrao parvirostris

Genus Crossoptilon, Eared Pheasants
Gr. krossoi - fringe, ptilon - feather
"distinguished amongst all its congeners by its ample fringe-like plumage, the dishevelled quality of which is communicated even to the central tail feathers"
- Hodgson, 1838

It's not "white-eared, blue-eared, brown-eared", but eared pheasant that is white, blue or brown. They all have white "ears", or more likely, mustache :-D

White Eared Pheasant, Crossoptilon crossoptilon

Brown Eared Pheasant, Crossoptilon mantchuricum

Blue Eared Pheasant, Crossoptilon auritum

Tibetan Eared Pheasant, Crossoptilon harmani

Genus Catreus
Gr. katreus; bird mentioned by Aelianus,
probably mythical and not further identified,
although some later workers have associated it with the pheasant.

Cheer Pheasant, Catreus wallichi

Genus Syrmaticus, Long-tailed Pheasants
Gr. surma, robe with a long train

Reeve's Pheasant, Syrmaticus reevesi

Elliot's Pheasant, Syrmaticus ellioti
Mrs. Hume's Pheasant, Syrmaticus humiae

Mikado Pheasant, Syrmaticus mikado

Copper Pheasant, Syrmaticus soemmerringi

Genus Phasianus, Typical Pheasants
Both Phasianus and "pheasant" comes from the Greek word phāsiānos,
meaning "(bird) of the Phasis".
Phasis is the ancient name of the main river of western Georgia, currently called the Rioni.
Common Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, has several subcategories, that differ a little in plumage.

There is also a melanistic variant of the common pheasant.
very pretty, I think.

Green Pheasant, Phasianus versicolor

Genus Chrysolophus, Ruffed Pheasants
Gr. khrusolophos - with golden crest
Golden Pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus

"There are also different mutations of the Golden Pheasant known from birds in captivity, including the Dark-throated, Yellow, Cinnamon, Salmon, Peach, Splash, Mahogany and Silver. In aviculture, the wild type is referred to as "Red Golden" to differentiate it from these mutations."

Lady Amherst's Pheasant, Chrysolophus amherstiae

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