
Friday, January 10, 2014


“Accidently” knock the camera out of the hands of a paparazzi
Don't. They really are just trying to earn a living.
If you don't approve their occupation, stop giving them job. Stop buying any magazines and yellow press papers with celebrity photos. See that everyone you know won't buy them or read them. Burn every one you can find. Block every site on-line with photos of celebrities. See that there are no photos of celebrities around you.
Trashing their cameras is not going to change anything.

Buy/own a camera / good camera / professional quality camera / underwater camera / film camera / old fashioned camera / nice lens

Constantly improve my photography / Get better with photography
Learn new photographing techniques
Get into wildlife photography    
Master astrophotography
Learn HDR photography
Have a picture I have taken in a newspaper / magazine / National Geographic
Have an art exhibition of my photos
Have my photographs hung up in a public business
Have calendars containing my photographs sold in stores
Host a photography exhibition for charity
Learn Adobe Photoshop / Learn how to use Photoshop / Take a Photoshop class
Learn to develop photos in a dark room
Make money from my photography / Make over $100 on one of my photos
Sell my first photograph / my photography
Take a photography class / course / digital photography class
Create my own photography tutorial program and products

Take a photograph with a film camera / Polaroid camera
Take a picture through a telescope

Print and frame some of my best photos
Print out and make a framed photo collage of every country/trip i have been on
Take a great picture, print it, frame it and hang it on the wall
Take brilliant photographs that I can blow up and frame for my own house
Take the time to get a few special photos or prints professionally framed and matted
Create a photo calendar / with my favorite photos / with my own photos
Make a coffee table book with my favorite quotes and pictures I have taken

Transfer all photos to digital

Complete a 15 day / month / 365 Day Photography Challenge / photo a day of meaningful things  / 365 SELF photo project

Buy a photo album and fill it
Have a photo album with black and white photos / black / orange / pink / purple / red / blue / green / yellow / brown / grey / rainbow colored things / heart shaped things / star shaped things / skulls

Produce a photo in the same way many, many years later
Re-create ---‘s video
Reproduce an old photo / a family photo / a famous photo

Take a 360° panoramic photo from the top of a mountain
Take a panoramic photo from the highest observation deck of a tall building
Take a panoramic view of the ocean

Photograph a --- / 10 --- / 100 --- / in --- / with --- / during --- / a lightning / foreworks / a shooting star / a bubble popping / a natural phenomenon / something beautiful / something famous / the 12 things to photograph before you die / the most common thing/building/view photographed in your neighborhood / the coolest thing in your city / Northern Lights / a burning dandelion / bubblegum blowing /100 black and white photos / 1000 photos / 5 creepy photos / 5o things that make me happy /100 different sunsets / smoke / the same place every month and make a calendar of it / [some animal] / things I’m thankful for / my child every day for a year / my eye / the sunrise and sunset on same day / under water / from the tallest building you can find / at least 3 things related to a god(dess) in Greek mythology / night sky / of a graveyard at night / all the personalized number plates I see / 

Capture a funny picture that makes you laugh every time
Capture the moment in an award-winning photograph
Climb to the top of a tree and take a photo of the view
Document one month of my life in photographs
Go on a photo trip
Have boudoir photos taken
Have my picture in a newspaper
Have some professional looking photos taken
Have vintage-style pin-up photos taken
Photograph a beautiful sun rise
Photograph a clear shot of the moon
Portrait photography
Sit on Santa's lap and have a photo take
Spend a day photographing the countryside
Take dirty pictures
Take some beautiful pictures at a church
Watch sunsets, take pictures of them and then frame them

Do a perfect water hair flip photo

Photograph lemurs at Madagascar / breathtaking view at Antarctica / Kukenán, which inspired the movie “Up,” in Venezuela / lava flows after hiking up an active volcano / The Creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel /

Do a time series photo shoot of the night sky in a Southwestern Desert
Hang out in Central Park and photograph a pigeon
Take an Orb Photography Tour in Cassadaga Florida
Take as many horribly stereotypical tourist pictures as possible

Be photographed in front of Mount Rushmore with a “this is colonialism” sign / with the giant “Amsterdam” sign / holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa / at Platform 9 ¾ / with the Area 51 no trespassing sign / beneath the Hollywood sign / with the Love sign at Love Park in Philadelphia / at the E=MC2 sign in Berlin / in a British phonebooth / on Kannesteinen Rock in Oppedal, Norway / outside of the Buckingham Palace / with the Berlin Wall / with the Yoda fountain in San Francisco California / with the caveman statue in grants pass Oregon / with the Big Pineapple / with a figure in a wax museum / with the bull at Wall Street / at The Devil's Den

Have a photoshoot / with my core family / with three generations (grandparent, parent, child) / with all my children together / extended family / professional photoshoot / with a friend

Have a photoshoot in an abandoned building / Steampunk themed / winter themed / old Western bar themed / bikini themed at beach / in a grave yard, at night, in the fog / in a field of wildflowers / black and white in an abandoned building / on train tracks /a beach photoshoot with a swimsuit model / photoshoot in rain

Be photographed with --- / with [some animal] / with a celebrity / with a guard / at Santa’s lap / with a llama / Lenin in Petrograd / with Shrek / with an Elvis impersonator / with a tiger / with the Naked Cowboy / with the President of the United States / with an interesting stranger / with a drag queen /

Be photographed at --- / when I’m --- / vintage pin-up style / sad faced / crying / sitting for a portrait / jumping / dressed up as a mermaid / carrying a photo of me carrying a photo of me carrying a photo of me carrying…. / feeling on top of the world / cat bearding / in front of a tourist attraction / with my husband every day for a year / sparkler writing / tangled in lights / / with an over-sized object / with balloons / with every gnome I see for a day / with my kids everyday / with strangers whole day long / under water / under water with friends / with a rainbow /"walking away from an explosion" / at the same place through the year / by a professional photographer / completing each item on my Bucketlist and post it in my blog/at / in boudoir style / naked when pregnant / by a windmill / playing with sparklers / naked / being silly (so that grandchildren have something to gawk at) / in the iconic Breakfast at Tiffany's pose  / holding a ---

Take cute pictures / silly pictures / cute kissing pictures / pictures with my friends / with my spouse in a photo booth

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ideas, volunteer, donate

Donate $1000 to a charity / a decent amount of money / a million dollars / more than $1,000 to an important cause / over $5000 to charities/shelters
Donate 1,000 / 2000 / 3000 / 5000 / 10.000 / 50.000 grains of rice through
Donate a gift to a child for Christmas
Donate anonymously
Donate blood / platelets / plasma / bone marrow / sperm / an organ
Donate books / old books / new books / to a children’s hospital / colouring books and pencils to the children's ward in a hospital / to a library
Donate care packages to the troops this Christmas
Donate clothes / clothes I no longer use / to a battered women's shelter
Donate food to a charity for Christmas
Donate food to a food bank
Donate my hair to Locks Of Love
Donate Kleenex to Children’s hospital
Donate money and have my name on something: a college scholarship, a bench in the park, adopt-a-xxx…
Donate money to a group home of mentally challenged adults so that they may go somewhere on vacation they have never been before
Donate some money each month to your favorite charity
Donate time/money to Abused/Orphaned Children / to an Environmental cause
Donate to ---
Donate to an animal shelter
Donate to charity / anonymously
Donate to the World Wildlife Fund
Donate toys / at the holidays / to charity

Volunteer with my dog
Volunteer for a full day / on a regular basis / for one year / 1.000 hours / 40 hours of my time / for 200 hours this year / for a week / for a month
Volunteer abroad / for a week / for a month
Volunteer at a blind camp / domestic violence shelter / homeless shelter / hospice / nursing home / soup kitchen/ for a feminist organization
Volunteer to be a storyteller in an orphanage / teaching children / orphanage / youth center / children’s hospital / with Big Brother Program
Volunteer working with elephants / at an animal shelter / Humane Society / cat shelter / with animals / wildlife sanctuary / the elephant nature park in Thailand / the orangutan orphanage
Volunteer at a national park / Royal Gardens / American Prairie Reserve
Volunteer at a chocolate festival
Volunteer at a festival / music event / showplace
Volunteer at Olympics / Special Olympics / 5K event / 10K event
Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity
Volunteer to help build or restore a house
Volunteer at a library / museum / gallery
Volunteer in the community
Volunteer in any activity to help the community / for a meaningful cause / for a good cause / for a cause that means something to you
Volunteer for a charity / in a different country
Volunteer for a political campaign
Volunteer overseas / in Africa / in a third world country / in a developing country / charity in a different country
Volunteer to clean up graffiti
Volunteer to teach English abroad

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ideas, money and academic goals

Earn 6 Figures Per Year
Earn one billion dollars
Earn one million dollars
Earn more than my age
Earn over 40k a year

Have $10,000 emergency fund
Open a savings account
Learn how to balance your own accounts
Achieve 100% freedom from all debt.
Achieve financial freedom.
Achieve six-figure annual revenue for my business
Actually comprehend my finances and taxes.
Have a garage sale and earn up to 100 dollars
Save 50/200/250/300/350/400/500/600 dollars
Save up thoudands of dollars to get a eco carBecome financially self sufficient
Make micro-loans to the poor and provide financial assistance in setting up small businesses at Kiva.
Earn my Certified Financial Planner designation
Open my own Financial Planning firm
Reach financial independence
Create a college fund for my future children
Learn how to invest excess funds to improve your earnings yield.
Set up an emergency fund
Start a scholarship fund for my alma mater
Be debt free
Zero credit card debt
Build assets worth US$____ million.
Leave any wealth or assets I have when I go out to people who really deserve and need them.
Be a Self-Made Millionaire
Become a millionaire
Develop an online business that earns over $3000/month in passive income.
Hold $5,000 cash in my hand at one time
Make at least $200K in a given year.
Write an ebook that earns $6,000+
Launch a digital product that earns $6,000+
Invest a small amount of money in the stock market
Invest in gold
Invest in my children’s education
Invest In the Stock Market
Own multiple investment properties all over the world.
Take $1000 and invest it all by myself and track it and try to make it grow
What you spend your money on shows what kind of person you are, so make sure to spend money to show a person you want to be
Win money for your funny video
Achieve a “location independent” full-time income
Create a Source of Passive Income
Have Enough Money to Do All the Things on This List
Become a millionaire / billionaire
Pay off your debt / pay off your credit card debt / become debt free
Pay off your student loans / pay off your loans / pay off your mortcage
Negotiate for a raise annually
Start a business
Learn to invest wisely
Buy property
Build an emergency fund
Have an education fund
Fund a sabbatical
Retire early
Save money
Participate in lottery
Build a low-impact and sustainable business that generates an average monthly revenue of at least $1000.

Earn a Bachelor’s Degree
Earn a college degree
Earn a graduate college degree
Earn a Master’s Degree
Earn a PhD
Earn my doctorate
Complete my Bachelor’s degree
Get a doctorate degree
Graduate from university with a degree
Graduate university
Graduate with a BA
Maybe even get a degree
Maybe even get a master's dergree
Maybe go to university
Obtain a university degree
Take 4 classes in subjects that interest me but are not for a degree
Put more effect into my grades and studying
Obtain a Ph.D

Monday, January 6, 2014

Travel ideas

Most important, I think, is to see the sites and locations that are personally important to you. 

The places that inspired my favorite books, the places where my favorite movies were filmed, not the birth places and cemeteries, but the places where my favorite authors, musicians, artists, actors and other celebrities lived and worked. What kind of sights influenced my heroes and ideals.

Visit places associated/connected to your favorite authors, books, tv series, movies, artists… like Abbey Road or someone’s birth place, a house they lived in, Da Vinci Code places...
Visit the birthplace or gravesite of a cultural icon
Visit the grave (of your favorite celebrity/idol)/ancestor

Visit a cemetery every place I visit

Visit the source of your favorite beer, wine or liquor
Visit the country of your dreams and live like a local for one month

Visit different biomes, like a jungle, a prairie, tundra, taiga…
Walk across/over a desert /  Behind a Waterfall /  on a Glacier / swamp

Walk on different surfaces, like glacier, lava, sand, ice, hard snow…

Visit famous places, like Las Vegas Strip, Hollywood Boulevard and Great Wall of China

Walk/bike/drive over different famous bridges, like
- Golden Gate Bridge
- the Moses bridge
- living bridges in India
- lock bridge of Paris
- Tower Bridge
- London Bridge (without it falling down...)
- Sky Bridge in Norway…
- trampoline bridge Paris (if and when it's done...)
- Brooklyn Bridge
- Bastei Bridge, Germany
- Drift Creek suspension bridge
- Devil's Bridge - In Sedona, Wales and Bulgaria
Cross a canopy bridge and a natural bridge formed of rock and cliffs
- Cesana Claviere Tibetan Bridge- Sydney Harbour Bridge
- Overtoun Bridge (The dog suicide bridge in Scotland)

Visit famous beaches, like Copacabana or Glass Beach
Visit different famous addresses

Visit the –st points – oldest road, highest mountain, steepest street etc.

Visit the UNESCO world heritage sites / a UNESCO world heritage site / UNESCO world heritage sites in your country

The different pilgrimage routes

Follow in the footsteps of * Abraham * Moses * Phineas Fogg

Visit theme parks, “worlds” etc.

Visit different national parks

Visit different museums, exhibitions, art galleries…

Visit the places of important events in the history

Visit tombs, temples and theaters, monuments, memorial sites and monasteries, libraries and landmarks
Visit the source of a riverVisit the richest and poorest country in the world

Visit South Pole / North Pole / The Poles Of Cold

Visit a ghost town
Visit a Place That is Really "Haunted"
Visit a haunted castle during the night

Visit an abandoned underground station / theme park / cemetery / ghost town / insane asylum
Visit somewhere beginning with each letter of the alphabet

Visit some of the least visited countries in the world

Visit places untouched by human hand

Visit Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
Visit Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg
Visit a place with funny name

Visit a town with a population of 1

Visit at least 5 of the world's most mysterious/spectacular places
Visit 5 spiritual places in the world

Visit 10 countries / 25 countries / 50 countries / 100 countries
Visit 30 countries before my 30th birthday / 40 / 50...
Visit 20 / 50 / 75 different airports
Visit 25 nations (airport terminals don't count)

Visit 10 zoos in 10 different countries

Visit the 22 places that are hard to believe really exist

Visit every town in your state/country
Visit all 50 states in USA / all countries in Europe / in a continent

Visit every state/territory/county/municipality/district/kingdom/duchy/province/hundred or what ever the local administrative division is named in your country

Visit the extreme points in your country

Visit the eldest towns and living sites of your country
Visit every country in your continent / the world

Visit every capital city of your continent / the world

Visit the 10 biggest cities of the world

Visit the 10 eldest cities of the world

Visit every major landmark of your town/country/continent

Visit every continent

Eat french fries in France / french toast in France / belgian waffles in Belgium / Anjou pears in Anjou / Aberdeen Angus steaks in Aberdeen / Bavarian cream in Bavaria etc. /  Eat Turkish Delight in Turkey / Wear a Sari in IndiaBuy a Russian Fur Hat while I'm in Russia
Drink vodka in Russia
Eat a Belgian waffle in Belgium
Eat a Philly Cheese Steak in Philadelphia
Eat jellied eels from a stall in London.
Get a henna tattoo in India
Have a margarita in Margaritaville
Have a tequila in Tequila

A little more questionable enterprises – sounds like fun, but can be seen as offensive, insulting. Fun is not a reason good enough to insult people.

Dress as zombie in Haiti / walk like Egyptian in Egypt / Dress as a vampire in Dracula’s castle /Eat turkey in Turkey / yodel in the Alps

Admire Antoni Gaudí’s works in Barcelona - or some other architects work in the town where e worked

Visit the hospital / the room in the hospital where I was born / the places where I used to live / my old schools / Visit bc where i was born and stand beside the hospital and get a picture

Visit landmarks that you and your significant other both idealized when you were kids

Visit the countries my ancestors come from
Visit where my Grandpa was stationed in WWII
Visit the place where a relative grew up
Visit (a place of family origin) to finish my genealogy search

Visit 5 different museums
Visit a bat cave

Visit a bee farm
Visit a brewery/wineyard/ vodka, whisky, rum, cognac distillery

Visit a bunker/ a concentration camp / battlefield / a war memorial / in another country

Visit a butterfly garden / a Butterfly Sanctuary

Visit a casino

Visit a castle

Visit a Christmas market / a Christmas tree farm

Visit a city I've never been to and explore by myself

Visit a country not recognized by the UN

Visit a death-row inmate / a functioning prison

Visit a different state, country or province

Visit a dog food factory / chocolate factory / factory where they make your favorite product

Visit a dude ranch (a guest ranch; agritourism)

Visit a farm / and pick fruits and veggies
Visit a farmer's market

Visit a friend in another country

Visit a gay bar / hookah lounge / supper club

Visit a genuine tribal village

Visit a health retreat

Visit a historical plantation

Visit a lighthouse / on a foggy day
Visit a local Farmer’s Market / and try something new

Visit a Long Lost Friend

Visit a Mayan Ruin

Visit a place of spiritual interest

Visit an abbey / monastery / convent

Visit a medieval church /  a medieval castle / a castle

Visit a movie set / a famous film location / all the locations where my favorite movies are filmed

Visit a museum / in every country / overseas

Visit a Native American Indian Reservation

Visit an Aboriginal art community

Visit a nickel arcade

Visit a nuclear reactor

Visit a nude beach

Visit a nursing home

Visit a planetarium

Visit a random town on a roadtrip

Visit a renaissance fair

Visit a second hand clothes store

Visit a shaman

Visit a slaughterhouse

Visit a snake farm

Visit a sound sculpture installation

Visit a Temple
Visit a theater with sofas

Visit a third world country

Visit a tomb

Visit a Tourist Attraction in my Town

Visit a tribal village / and live with them for longer than a month

Visit a village
Visit a Vineyard

Visit a volcano

Visit a walk-trough aquarium

Visit a wax museum
Visit a wolf santuary

Visit a Zoo in Another Country

Visit all there is to visit in my city
Visit All Top Art Museums in the World   
 Visit an amusement park on the beach

Visit an Ice Castle

Visit an intentional community

Visit an underground city

Visit my State Capitol
Always bring an item home to display from each vacation

Walk Across a Border

Walk Water Balls on Lake Alster in Hamburg Germany

Walk along Hollywood Walk of Fame stars

Walk along "A track winding back to and old fashioned Shack on the road to Gundagai"

Walk different trails

Abseil down a waterfall
Air boat across an alligator infested swamp

Arrive by seaplane
Ascend Half-Dome in Yosemite

Balloon over Cappadocia’s "fairy chimneys"
Bask in the spray of North America's largest manmade waterfall
Bask in the sun & swim in the waters of Miami Beach
Bathe an elephant
Bathe in a Japanese bath house
Bathe in the Kikuletwa Hot springs
Be able to fill a world map with pins of where I've been
Be adorable in Shimokitazawa (area in Tokyo)
Be in China for Chinese New Year
Be in London for New Year's Eve
Be in two places at once.
Be insulted by a waiter at Ed Debevic's
Be on a crazy Japanese game show
Be one of the first to take a flight on the new airbus A380.
Bike across the USA
Bike along the Rhine River through Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands
Bike around Stanley Park in Vancouver
Bike Bay Ridge Trail
Bike down a volcano in Maui
Bike East Coast Greenway
Bike Qafe-Shtame
Bike the great Allegheny passage
Bike The Katy Trail
Bike the Pacific Coast Highway
Bike the whole Berliner Mauerweg
Bike through National Geographic’s 10 best bike trails in the world
Bike through the Black Forest in Germany
Boat (kayak) around the Venice canals in California
Brave the Thank God Ledge, Half Dome in Yosemite National Park
Browse the markets at Chiang Mai
Buy a round-the-world air ticket and a rucksack, and run away.
Buy a toy at FAO Schwarz

Camp overnight to watch the sun rise at Trolltunga
Canoe down the Amazon
Catch a ball in the stands of a major league baseball stadium.
Celebrate a holiday in a different country
Celebrate Día de Muertos in Mexico
Celebrate New Year’s in London
Celebrate St. Patrick’s day in Ireland
Charter a yacht
Chase a tornado
Check out "Die Badende" ("The Bather") in Hamburg, Germany

Chinese New Year’s in Hong Kong
Christmas shopping in New York
Climb a lighthouse
Climb a mountain.
Climb a volcano
Climb an 8000m peak.
Climb Angels Landing in Zion National Park.
Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Climb Mt. McKinley.
Climb one of the Seven Summits
Climb the bell tower of Notre Dame
Climb the Haiku Stairs of Oahu
Climb the Matterhorn
Climb the Shard
Climb the stairs from the Exorcist
Climb to the top of Sigiriya Rock
Climb to Tin Tian, Big Buddha
Climb up and abseil down the waterfalls of Deep Canyon, Wanaka
Climb up to the mountaintop Wat Tum Sua Temple in Krabi, Thailand.
Collect shells at the beach.
Complete an A to Z Travel Challenge
Complete the Ghost Town Trail (Pennsylvania)
Cross the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct
Cruise down the river Nile
Cycle alongside the Seine
Cycle the Champs-Élysées
Cycle through Snowdonia

Dance in the Blackpool Tower
Dance with a Hula dancer in Hawaii
Descend into the Bryce Canyon (Utah) on horseback
Devils Pool (Edge of Angel falls) Zimbabwe - Africa
Dine at Ithaa undersea restaurant in Maldives
Dine on the Eiffel Tower
Dip my feet in Scottish fairy pools
Display my travels
Dive between two continents
Dive in a flooded quarry
Dive in Lagoa Misteriosa
Dive in Truk Lagoon
Dive into the 'Blue Hole'  Belize
Do (fun run) / (dash) / (jog) / (walk) / (any other community walk/run) – there’s tons of possibilities. (Like Color Run or Santa Dash)
Do a road trip across America
Do the Playtex Moonwalk
Do the "Run for your lives" zombie 5k (Maryland, USA)
Do the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Do the Tinkerbell half marathon at Disneyland
Dress up and walk in the 'Mermaid Parade' (Coney Island)
Dress up in Harajuku
Drink a cosmopolitan in New York City
Drink a pint of beer in Ireland
Drink a pint of Guinness in Dublin on St. Patrick’s day
Drink a Singapore sling in Singapore
Drink at Disney World
Drink at the Guinness brewery | Ireland
Drink at the Maple Leaf in London
Drink beer at Oktoberfest | Germany
Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich.
Drink cocktails on a tropical beach
Drink coffee in Seattle
Drink from a coconut.
Drink Kölsch beer in cologne | Germany
Drink margaritas in Mexico
Drink milk from a fresh coconut
Drink sangria in Spain
Drink tea in Afghanistan
Drink wine in Paris
Drive across America from coast to coast.
Drive cross-country the other way—from Great Falls, Montana, to Austin, Texas.
Drive down Lombard Street, San Francisco
Drive Route 66
Drive the Amalfi coast near Sorrento, Italy.
Drive the Autobahn
Drive the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park.
Drive the Pacific Coast Highway in a convertible Lamborghini.
Drive the road to Hana
Drive through a dust storm

Eat a macaron in Paris
Eat a pizza in Italy
Eat at a Michelin starred restaurant
Eat at Mos Burger
Eat at one of chef Gordon Ramsay's restaurants
Eat at Roscoe's House of Chicken 'n Waffles, Los Angeles
Eat at the Rainforest cafe, London
Eat at the world’s largest restaurant.
Eat French bread in France
Eat frog’s legs and escargot in France
Eat macarons in Paris
Eat mochi ice cream in Japan
Eat pain au chocolat on the Eiffel Tower
Eat pasta in Italy
Eat slow-roasted crispy suckling pig in Bali (delicious babi guling).
Eat sushi in Japan
Enjoy a Freshly Rolled Cigar in Cuba
Enjoy a meal in the vineyard of groot constantia - south africa's oldest winery. (cape town)
Enjoy an italian lunch feast in a farmhouse in tuscany
Enjoy a rooftop garden
Enjoy a trip through Scotlands Whiskey Trail
Enjoy Bondi Beach, Australia
Enjoy fresh seafood at nanly
Enjoy fresh seafood at redcliffe
Enjoy fresh seafood at sandgate
Enjoy fresh seafood at scarborough
Enjoy fresh seafood at shorncliffe
Enjoy myself on South Beach, Miami, Florida
Enjoy strawberries and cream at wimbledon
Enjoy wine tasting in an historic mansion overlooking marburg valley
Enter the Cage of Death, Australia
Enter the Cooper Hill Cheese Roll
Enter the World Bog Snorkeling Championships
Experience 24hrs. of daylight in Barrow Alaska
Experience a Ride with Dhow Across Dubai Creek
Experience Loi Krathong in Thailand
Experience the Chicago Tilt at the John Hancock Observatory/360 Chicago
Explore a cave
Explore a rain forest
Explore Beelitz Military Hospital - Germany
Explore 'Cementland' - Missouri
Explore Chippewa lake park, Ohio
Explore Crystal cave in Mexico
Explore Goldfield Nevada
Explore Hashima Island - japan (Abandoned)
Explore haunted Hellfire club -  Dublin Ireland
Explore Iceland
Explore J's Amusement park - Guerneville, CA (Santa Rosa)
Explore Okpo Land, South Korea
Explore remnants of 'Thrill - Ville' Turner, Oregon
Explore Rio Secreto caves, Yucatán
Explore Takakonuma Greenland Park - Japan
Explore Tam Ting caves
Explore the Acropolis
Explore the ancient ruins of Petra
Explore the archaeological crypt at Notre Dame
Explore the Everglades
Explore the Galapagos Islands
Explore the Hebrides
Explore the Musée d'Orsay
Explore the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon
Explore The Ruins of Detroit
Explore the Taihang Mountain -  China
Explore the Van Gogh Museum in Netherlands
Explore the Waitomo glowworm cave
Explore what remains of the Sutro Baths ~ San Francisco

Feed a penguin by hand in Antartica
Feed stray cats and dogs in Greece
Feed swimming pigs in Exuma, the Bahamas
Find out by experience why Portland is weird

Fish off of Hervey Bay's famous Urangan Pier

Float down Mekong River
Float in the Dead Sea
Fly across the Atlantic Ocean
Fly first class

Gamble at Casino Monte Carlo
Glide my fingers across a Lavender field in France
Go back to Japan
Go cycling in New Zealand
Go DisneyBounding (go to Disney park dressed in an outfit inspired by a Disney character)
Go diving in a kelp forest
Go fossil hunting on the Jurassic Coast
Go hiking in Snowdonia
Go in Abandoned British Sea Forts - Maunsell Forts - United Kingdom
Go in 'Ministers Treehouse - Crossville, Tennessee
Go in Sagrada Famiglia - Barcelona, Spain
Go inside Notre Dame
Go into an airport and buy tickets for a random flight.
Go on a “no destination“ road trip.
Go on a private tour through the Icelandic countryside
Go on a safari
Go on an African safari
Go on the Bungee jump swing - Zambia
Go on the London Eye
Go on the 'swing at the end of the world'
Go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef
Go through Fingal's Cave  - Isle Of Staffa, Scotland
Go through Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze ~San Francisco
Go through the Tunnel of Love
Go to a festival in Kyoto
Go to Alton Towers
Go to Disney on another continent
Go to Disney World as a "grown up"
Go to Disneyland during Halloween time
Go to Germany's Waldseilgarten adventure mountain resort
Go to Knott's Scary Farm (California) - Work as a character during Knott's Scary farm
Go to Las Vegas
Go to Nascar
Go to Ōkunoshima, Japan (Rabbit Island)
Go to Pike Place Market in Washington
Go to 'Roodharigendag Festival' (Red head day) - Netherlands
Go to Tashirojima, Japan (Cat Island)
Go to the Superbowl
Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Go to Walden Pond and read Thoreau while drifting in a canoe.
Go up the Eiffel tower
Go Volcano Boarding on Cerro Negro volcano in Nicaragua
Go whale-watching
Go wild in Rio during carnival.
Gulliver's Travels Park' - Spain

Hail a cab in NYC
Hail a cab in Times Square
Hang from Toronto's CN Tower
Hang out in a heart-shaped tub in Niagara Falls
Hang out in Central Park and photograph a pigeon
Hang out on Hippie Hill in San Francisco
Hang out with cattle on the Plage de Saleccia in France
Hang-glide off a cliff in California
Hang-glide over Rio de Janeiro
Have a backpack signed by someone from every country I visit
Have a BBQ along Noosa river
Have a beach holiday
Have a Beer on a Pedal Pub
Have a blast as the Lapa Street Party (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Have a blind date at O.Noir Toronto
Have a cheesy photo taken of me holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Have a coffee at the original Starbucks in Seattle, Washington
Have a conversation from 100M apart at The Whispering Wall (Barossa, Adelaide, South Australia)
Have a crazy night in Vegas
Have a date at Pescomare (Italy)
Have a drink in the beer garden at aussie world
Have a drunken night in Mexico
Have a gelato in Al Settimo Gelo in Rome
Have a German meal in Germany
Have a girls' road trip
Have a Great Alaskan Adventure
Have a life in Gurgaon
Have a picnic along Noosa river
Have a picnic in Central Park
Have a picnic into the night at Tropfest
Have a picnic on Navagio Beach, on the coast of Zakynthos, in the Ionian Islands of Greece, near the wreck of the MV Panagiotis
Have a piece of chocolate while visiting the Chocolate Hills in the Philippines
Have a ride scenic ride on a Harley Davidson Trike
Have a romantic getaway at an exotic location
Have a room with a view in Paris France
Have a snowball fight in New York City
Have a tropical drink in Miami
Have afternoon tea at the Ritz
Have an "original shrimp cocktail" at the birthplace of shrimp cocktail (The Golden Gate, Las Vegas)
Have an all inclusive holiday
Have bangers & mash in England
Have Dinner at 'Medieval Times' (USA)
Have dinner at The Rainbow Room, New York
Have 'Dinner in the Sky'
Have dinner in the stratosphere in Niagara Falls
Have fun at Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier in Texas
Have lunch at a restaurant with three 'chef's hats' (Like Michelin stars but only in Australia)
Have macarons at Laduree
Have my photo taken beneath the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles
Have tea at Plains of Six Glaciers Tea House
Have tea at the Ritz, London
Hear Andrea Bocelli sing opera in Milan
Hear Big Ben chime
Hear the bells of Notre Dame ring
Hear the call to prayer at the Blue Mosque

Leave a poppy flower by the name of a soldier at the national war memorial (Canberra, Australia)
Lever House, New York
Lock a heart lock onto the fence of Lovers Garden at the top of Osaka's Floating Sky Garden

Make a snow angel in Antarctica
Make a wish at Rome's Trevi Fountain
Make snow angels in alaska
Mardi Gras in New Orleans
Matagorda Beach, Texas
Matakauri Lodge, Queenstown, New Zealand
Matekane Air Strip Lesotho
Maverick Cedar Point Amusement Park Sandusky, Ohio
Meditate in India
Meditate with a Monk in Tibet
Meet eskimos and sit in their igloo
Melbourne zoo
Melbourne, Victoria, AU
Midnight Stroll in Paris

See the Eiffel tower
See the Grand Canyon
See the monarch butterflies at Ardenwood as they migrate through the Bay area, California
See the Niagara Falls

See The real 'Annabelle doll' (mentioned in 'The Conjuring')
 at the Warren's Occult Museum in Connecticut

See the salmon run
See the Statue of Liberty
See the Sunrise/Sunset on all 7 Continents
See the Tian Tan Buddha
See the tomb of Tutankhamun
See the Tour de France
See the tulip fields in Holland
See the Venice carnival
See the view from the top of Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
See the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (twice).
See the windmills at Kinderdijk
See Thomas Jefferson Memorial
See Tutankhamun's mask
See Venezuela’s everlasting storm at Lake Maracaibo
See what Mardi Gras and Voodoo Fest are all about in New Orleans, Louisiana.
See where the Amazon drains into the Atlantic
See where the Caribbean meets the Atlantic in Eleuthera, Bahamas
See where the rainforest meets the sea in the Daintree
See wild horses on Wild Horse Island Montana
See Yellowstone National Park in all 4 seasons
See Yosemite national park in the winter
Selfie in front of the 7 new wonders of the world
Set foot on every continent
Share a beer with Carlos Miceli in South America
Shop at the European Christmas markets
Shop at the floating market in Vietnam
Shop at the 'Toys R Us' in Times Square - NewYork
Shop for Gold at Gold Souk
Shop for souvenirs at Kingdom of souvernirs
Shop in Rodeo Drive
Shop in the grand bazaar in Turkey
Sing Sweet Home Alabama in Alabama
Singita Mara River Tented Camp, Tanzania
Singita Sweni, Kruger National Park, South Africa
Sip a famous bourbon ginger at Victory Bar,Portland Oregon
Sip a martini in Jamaica
Sip Margaritas on a Mexican Beach
Sip mimosas at sunday brunch in America
Sit in the outdoor whirlpool bathtub at Iglu-Dorf Hotel
Sit on the Devils Chair in Florida
Sit on the edge at Preachers Rock, Preikestolen, Norway
Sit on the edge of a cliff and let my legs dangle
Sit on the edge of Hanging Rock in Oregon
Sit on the edge of Preikestolen | Norway
Sit on the giant Jackalope at Wall Drug Store, South Dakota
Sit on the Hollywood Sign
Sit on top of an active volcano
Sit on Waikiki Beach and watch the sun set
Sit quietly in a Tibetan monastery and meditate
Skagit Valley tulip fields | Washington
Skate down The Rideau Canal in Ottawa
Skate Woodward East Skatepark
Skeeler trough The Netherlands
Ski in Colorado
Ski in Vail, Colorado
Ski Mt.Bachelor in Bend Oregon
Ski the Swiss alps
Sky Walking, Mt. Nimbus, Canada
Skydive over Fraser Island
Skydive over Mt. Everest in Nepal
Skylodge Adventure Suite (Peru)
Skywalk over the Grand Canyon
Sledge down the longest toboggan run in Lapland
Sleep as a Hobo at Sweden’s Homeless Experience Hotel
Sleep at a Historic Inn with a Ghost Story
Sleep in a castle in Ireland
Sleep in a Tuscan villa
Sleep in an ice hotel
Slide down the Rere Rockslide
Slide the Wild Wadi waterslides in Dubai
Slip'N Fly' in Butler, OH
Slow travel an entire country
Smoke pot in Amsterdam
Snorkel in Rio da Prata
Snorkel the underwater museum in Mexico
Snowboard in Vancouver
So a missionary trip in Cuba
Soak in Pamukkale hot springs
Soak in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland
Soak up the Caribbean sun
Songkran Water Festival (Thailand New Year’s) world’s largest water fight
Southern Ontario’s most scenic rail tour
Spa in The Blue Lagoon in Iceland
Speak at South by Southwest interactive and stick around for the music festival in Austin, Texas.
Spend a day at the Disneyland in Paris
Spend a few nights in a Scottish castle
Spend a month in Italy wine country
Spend a month or longer on a Caribbean island
Spend a night in a medieval castle in England.
Spend a night in the Amazon jungle
Spend a night in the Fairmont Banff springs hotel
Spend a week at a spa in Switzerland
Spend a week in Zurich
Spend a week with friends at burning man in the Nevada Desert.
Spend a weekend at a New England Bed and Breakfast
Spend a weekend at a spa in the Arizona desert
Spend a weekend at 'Cove Haven resort' In Pennsylvania
Spend Christmas in New York, NY
Spend Christmas on the beach drinking piña coladas.
Spend new year's in an exotic location.
Spend some time in Cape Town
Spend some time in Inuvik and travel to Tuktoyaktuk
Spend St. Patrick’s day in Ireland Boston, MA .
Spend summer solstice at Stonehenge
Spend the night in a Tree house~ Out 'n' About, Takilma Oregon
Spend the night in Alcatraz
Spend the night in an Ice Hotel
Spend the night in Martha's Vineyard
Spontaneously walk into the airport and randomly buy a same-day ticket to wherever looks appealing.
Spot the Loch Ness monster in Scotland
Stand at the corner of Mulder Ave. and Scully Way
Stand in a red phone box in England
Stand in front of the Taj Mahal
Stand in Times Square
Stand inside a magma chamber
Stand inside the Sistine Chapel
Stand on (the supposed) Highest Glass Floor of the World
Stand on a mountain above the clouds
Stand on Kjeragbolten Rock in Norway
Stand on the Cantilever stone
Stand on the cliffs of 'Beachy Head' south England
Stand on the edge of 'The Cliffs of Moher' in Ireland
Stand on the equator
Stand on the international date line
Stand under the Hollywood sign
Stay at a cool Bed And Breakfast in New England
Stay at a dude ranch
Stay at a room in Propeller island City -  Berlin Germany
Stay at Capsule Hotel Japan
Stay at Plaza Athenee -  Paris
Stay at the "Utter Inn" in Sweden
Stay at The Au Vieux Panier hotel in Marseille, France. Panic Room
Stay at the boat hotel in Cocoa Island
Stay at the Viceroy Bali hotel
Stay in a glass Igloo (Created so you can see the Northern lights) At Hotel Kakslauttanen - Finland
Stay in a lodge in Alaska that you can only get to by plane
Stay in an over-the-water bungalow in beautiful Bora Bora in the French Polynesian Islands
Stay in an underwater hotel
Stay in the cave room @ Madonna Inn -  San Luis Obispo, CA
Stay in the south of France for a month
Stay on a plantation in the south
Stay on a working ranch in Arizona
Step foot on doll island - Mexico
Step foot on every continent
Step foot on the Athabasca sand dunes
Stick my head through a hole at Hole-In-The-Wall Canyon,California
Stick out like a sore thumb on Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills
Stop and smell the flowers at Butchart Gardens In Victoria
Street in Bonn, Germany
Stroll along the boardwalk at Noosa Heads
Stroll down Rodeo Drive
Stroll down the most beautiful street in North America-Savannah Georgia
Stroll down the streets of Agueda, Portugal to see the suspended umbrellas
Strut around Hollywood like you own the place
Study at the University of Oxford
Summit a mountain over 18000 ft
Summit diner, Summit, Nj
Summit Mount Everest
Sun bathe in the Maldives
Sunbake in Santorini
Sunbathe topless on the French Riviera
Sundance film festival | USA
Surf a Hawaiian wave
Surf in Australia
Surf in Costa Rica
Surf in Hawaii
Surf in Rapa Nui
Surf in Tofino
Surf the Oregon coast
Surf in Dunas, Brazil
Survive "nightmares" in Niagara Falls
Swim across the English Channel
Swim between tectonic plates in Iceland
Swim from Alcatraz prison to shore
Swim from Asia to Europe across the Bosporus strait
Swim in a cenote
Swim in an Iceland hot spring
Swim in an ocean / in each ocean / Dead Sea
Swim in bathing ship pool Germany
Swim in Bioluminescent Bay ~ Puerto Rico
Swim in Brighton
Swim in Dean's Blue Hole
Swim in Hamilton pool - Texas
Swim in Ik Kil, Yucatán, Mexico
Swim in jellyfish lake in Palau
Swim in Pool on the 57th Floor of the Marina Bay Sands Resort, Singapore
Swim in the at Hearst Castle
Swim in the Blue Grotto in Italy
Swim in the Enchanted River, Philippines
Swim in the Hanauma Bay toilet bowl
Swim in 'The Icebergs' Sydney Australia
Swim in the Natural Pools in Turkey
Swim in the ocean
Swim in the Pacific Ocean
Swim in the pool on the 57th floor of the Marina Bay Sands Resort, Singapore
Swim in the world’s largest pool in Chile
Swim with pigs at Big Major Cay | Bahamas
Swimming with pigs in Exuma
Swing at the end of the world in banos, ecuador
Swing on the world’s biggest swing set
Swing on the world’s largest rope swing
Swing on world's largest rope swing

Take a 4wd tour of Moreton Bay
Take a baking class in France
Take a balloon ride over Serengeti National Park
Take a balloon tour in another country
Take a boat down the Ganges
Take a boat ride down the Amazon River
Take a boat ride down the Nile river
Take a boat ride on the canals of Amsterdam
Take a boat tour through Glacier Bay Alaska
Take a bus or train up in the Andes
Take a bush plane ride into Africa’s interior
Take a Caribbean cruise
Take a cooking class abroad
Take a cooking class in India
Take a cooking class in Italy
Take a cruise down the Canal Du Midi in France
Take a cruise on the Allure of The Seas
Take a cruise on the Sampo icebreaker
Take a cruise somewhere tropical
Take a cruise to Alaska
Take a dip in B.C. (Canada) hot spring when there’s snow all around
Take a dip in Blue Lagoon geothermal spa Iceland
Take a dip in Cougar Hot Springs Oregon
Take a dip in one of Western Montana's beautiful lakes
Take a dip in the hot springs and natural pools around Costa Rica
Take a Disney tour
Take a ferry across the Bosphorus
Take a funny photo with the Queen's Royal Guard
Take a ghost tour in Scotland
Take a gondola along the Venice canals in Italy.
Take a gondola ride in Italy
Take a gondola ride in Venice
Take a Green Way Segway tour in Mexico
Take a Harlem Spirituals tour New York
Take a helicopter flight over Milford Sound New Zealand
Take a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon
Take a helicopter ride to the Grand Canyon
Take a helicopter tour of New York
Take a helicopter tour over Kauai
Take a helicopter tour over the volcanoes in Hawaii
Take a helicopter winery tour in Ipswich
Take a historical walking tour in Montana
Take a historical walking tour in Oregon
Take a historical walking tour of downtown Missoula, Montana
Take a horse drawn stage coach ride through Kodachrome Basin State Park, Utah
Take a junk boat ride through Hạ Long Bay
Take a junk boat ride through Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour
Take a long cruise between two continents
Take a look into Graceland
Take a mineral bath in Iceland
Take a month long holiday abroad
Take a motorcycle cab ride, Thailand
Take a narrow gauge train across the Canadian Rockies
Take a night tour to Alcatraz
Take a NYC spark your creativity workshop
Take a photo with a Disney villain
Take a private tour of Mexico in a luxury car
Take a raft or kayak through Lake Powell
Take A Rancho Las Cascadas private riding tour of Mexico
Take a ride in a crystal cabin on the Ngong Ping cable car (Lantau Island, Hong Kong)
Take a ride on a Dublin tram (Ireland)
Take a ride on the highest roller coaster in the country.
Take a River cruise down the Rhine River in Germany
Take a Ruth Alegria cultural culinary adventures cooking class in Mexico
Take a seaplane to Whitehaven Beach
Take a Serengeti Safari in Tanzania and Kenya.
Take a shot of tequila in Mexico
Take a shot of vodka in Red Square, Moscow
Take a siesta in Spain
Take a spooky tour of San Francisco
Take a steamboat ride in New Orleans
Take a stroll in central park, New York, USA
Take a stroll through the Azaleas And Live Oaks in Charleston, South Carolina
Take a stroll through the Company Gardens past Parliament and along to Bo Kaap
Take a submarine tour in Waikiki
Take a sunset shot in Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas, Nevada
Take a swan boat ride on Lake Eola
Take a tour of Legacy Effects, formerly Stan Winston Studios
Take a tour of Maleny cheese factory
Take a tour of Paris sewers
Take a tour of the Hanford Site in the state of Washington
Take a tour of The Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy New York
Take a tour of the Melbourne cricket ground (mcg)
Take a tour of the Tower of London
Take a tour of Thornewood Castle Washington
Take a tour on the Circle Line Downtown New York
Take a tour through a Favela (slums) – Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Take a tour through Jacksonville’s Pioneer Cemetery, Oregon
Take a trail ride in Glacier National Park
Take a train across Canada
Take a train ride through Australia on the Indian Pacific
Take a train through Copper Canyon, Mexico
Take a train through Wind River Country, Wyoming
Take a trip on the Royal Scotsman
Take a trip to Cape Town, South Africa
Take a trip to Lake Tahoe in both the winter and the summer
Take a trip to the Gillette Castle Connecticut
Take a trolley tour of Green-Wood Cemetery, NY
Take a V8 race experience ride at Queensland raceway
Take a vacation to a well-known tennis camp and resort
Take a walk in Central Park
Take a walk in Park Güell (Barcelona, Spain)
Take a walk in Roath Park In Cardiff, Uk
Take a walk in Royal Botanic Gardens (Edinburgh, Schotland)
Take a walk in the park day on national take a walk in the park day, March 30
Take a wildlife coast cruise around Phillip Island Victoria
Take a Winebus winery tours tour in Melbourne
Take a year off and drive around Australia
Take an aboriginal discovery tour in Coffs Harbour
Take an Alaska cruise
Take an amazon adventure by land or water
Take an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
Take an illegal Mexican border crossing tour
Take an outdoor bath in Budapest
Take kids to Paradise Island, Bahamas
Take midnight stroll through Doll Island - Mexico
Take my dog to the dog hotel in Oregon
Take my family to Africa
Take my kids camping in Yellowstone
Take my kids hiking in Fern Canyon in the Redwoods national park
Take my kids on a Disney Cruise
Take my kids to 'Kidspace Children’s Museum'~ Pasadena
Take my kids to 'Monstrocity' - Missouri
Take my kids to 'Woods of net' - Japan
Take part in a “moonlight mass” nighttime group cycle around town
Take part in a riot training experience in the UK
Take part in a rocket war in Greece
Take part in a sky lantern festival
Take part in a solstice ritual with native people
Take part in an office chair race, Germany
Take pictures with all the Disney Princesses
Take the Arnhem land aboriginal culture tour in Australia
Take the cable car up Table Mountain on a low cloud day and view the clouds from above
Take the Catalina ferry and spend the day in Catalina
Take the Diamond Circle Route in Iceland
Take the Eurostar to Paris
Take the gates of the mountains boat tour in Montana
Take the glass bottom Alpena shipwreck tour in MI
Take the Golden Circle Route in Iceland
Take the jelly belly university tour (fairfield, california)
Take the kids on the ocean ranger experience program at underwater world queensland
Take the manly ferry
Take the pendleton underground tour,oregon
Take the piano stairs in stockholm sweden
Take the red bus tour through glacier national park
Take the ring to Mordor
Take the sankey rodeo school’s bull riding class and try my luck for 8 seconds on an angry bull
Take the star clipper tall ship cruise from rome to venice
Take the strasburg steam train through amish country
Take the train from iverness to kyle of lochalsh in scotland
Take the train into new orleans across lake pontchartrain
Take the train to Kalk Bay and soak up the drunken vibes at the Brass Bell
Take the Viking Legacy tour through Denmark/Sweden/Norway
Take the Walk of Faith in Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park
Take the Wild Atlantic Way coastal tour in Ireland
Take uptown Pilates on Madison in New York
Teatro Coyoacan Mexico
Telluride, co
Templo de regina coelli mexico
Ten Paw Alley at the Great Wolf Lodge, Concord, NC
Tequila tasting in tequila, mexico
Terry Fator - The Voice of Entertainment, Las Vegas
The abbey of mont-st-michel in france
The acropolis and parthenon in athens, greece
The ancient city of petra, carved into canyon walls in southern jordan
The ancient temples at angkor wat, cambodia
The banaue rice terraces in the philippines
The borobudur stuppa in java, indonesia
The hagia sofia mosque in istanbul, turkey
The home of the oracle at delphi, greece
The karnak temple and the valley of the kings near luxor, egypt
The mayan ruins at chichen itza near cancun, mexico
The nevis swing – the world's biggest swing in queenstown new zealand
The petronas twin towers in kuala lumpur, malaysia
The pyramids at giza, egypt
The shotover canyon swin in queenstown new zealand
The sistine chapel and vatican city in rome, italy
The swing at the “end of the world” in baños, ecuador
The Taj Mahal
The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy
Thrift shop in America
Throw a boomerang in Australia
Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain
Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain
Throw a coin into the Wishing Well at Luray Caverns, Virginia
Throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands
Throw fish at pike place market in Seattle
Throw something into an active volcano
Toast marshmallows over lava
Touch a rainbow eucalyptus tree in Hawaii
Touch all the 1,000 Buddhas in Hong Kong
Touch sand and snow on the same day
Touch the black mailbox along extraterrestrial highway nevada
Touch the statue of liberty
Touch the stones of stone henge (amesbury, england)
Tour "ralphie's house" from the christmas story
Tour a brewery
Tour a Mayan ruin
Tour a windmill in Holland
Tour ben and jerrys
Tour egypt
Tour europe
Tour jelly belly factory
Tour milan
Tour monument valley
Tour Notre Dame cathedral and see the catacombs (paris, france)
Tour one of england's beautiful gardens
Tour pearl harbour
Tour royal albert hall (london, england)
Tour sacred sites in australia
Tour san francisco by cable car
Tour sri lanka
Tour the 100-year-old pittock mansion,portland oregon
Tour the abandoned Ukraine city of Chernobyl
Tour the ben and jerry's factory
Tour the 'christmas story' house in cleveland, oh
Tour the colosseum
Tour the country in an rv
Tour the fbi building in d.c
Tour the glore psychiatric museum in St. Joseph, missouri
Tour the halls of oregon state mental hospital where one flew over the cuckoo's nest was filmed
Tour the harry potter movie locations in london
Tour the Mayan ruins
Tour the Portland Oregon area's nearly 20 bridges by bicycle
Tour the strange Winchester manor
Tour the Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia)
Tour the Washington Monument
Tour the White House
Tour through Salar De Uyuni
Tour Tower of London
Tour Triumf particle accelerator
Tour Vietnam from north to south
Tour Vlad the Impaler's castle~ Transylvania, Romania
Tour Westminster Abbey (London, England)
Tour Windsor Castle
Tower of Terror Dreamworld Gold Coast, Australia
Town Topic hamburgers, Kansas City, MO
Track mountain gorillas in Rwanda
Trail of Light Mexico
Train in Brazilian jiu-jitsu in Brazil
Train in taekwondo in South Korea
Train journey - Trans Siberian
Traipse through the Tarkine
Travel abroad with my boyfriend
Travel alone
Travel and eat the foods of their country
Travel by myself
Travel for Valentines Day
Travel internationally
Travel offroad in a jeep
Travel on my own
Travel on The Orient Express
Travel Route 66 on a Motorcycle
Travel the world with an around the world ticket
Travel to 5 different countries in the same year
Travel to all 30 places I want to visit in my lifetime
Travel to an exotic destination
Travel to every biome
Travel to the opposite side of the world
Travel with friends
Tree camping in Elk, California
Trek along the Amalfi coast of Italy
Trek down a canyon
Trek in New Zealand
Trek in Patagonia
Trek in Sikkim, Gangtok, Sikkim
Trek Mt. Bromo and Ijen volcano, Indonesia
Trek on the Perito Moreno Glacier
Trek The Inca trail
Trek the Mendenhall Ice Caves
Trek the rice paddy fields
Trek the Salcantay route to Machu Picchu
Trek the Sentier Notre-Dame Kapatakan
Trek through the Andes on a donkey
Trek through the Himalaya
Trek through the jungle on the back of an elephant.
Trek to Annapurna base camp
Trek to Everest base camp
Trek to secret beach on Kauai
Triumphantly return to Sicilia
Try Belgian chocolate in Belgium
Try food in every country at Epcot
Try one, if not all the Stratosphere rides (Las Vegas)
Try rattlesnake in Texas
Try the buffalo wings from Anchor Bar in Buffalo, N.Y
Try the Shotover canyon swing
Turn the Earth into a giant sandwich (place a piece of bread on the ground, travel to the EXACT OPPOSITE SPOT OF THE PLANET and place another piece of bread on the ground.)

UFO hunt through a telescope in an open field
UFO landing port, Green Bay, WI
Uncover bones at the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History
Unearth some of Demille's Lost City - California
Use the cableway to get to the top of Table Mountain in South Africa
Use the crosswalk at Abbey Road
Use the Falkirk Wheel (on the canals near Falkirk, Scotland)

Vacation in --- / on ---
Vacation solo
Vacation with a stranger
View an original copy of the British Magna Carta
View the manatees at Blue Springs State Park
View the Manhattan skyline
View the United States Declaration of Independence, Constitution & Bill of Rights (National Archives, Washington D.C., USA)
Vila Olímpica, Barcelona
Visit / see --- lighthouse or any other building type that interests you
Visit 10 capital cities
Visit 10 countries in Europe
Visit 10 UNESCO world heritage sites
Visit 100 countries and all seven continents.
Visit 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Japan)
Visit 30 different countries
Visit 5 different waterfalls
Visit a "haunted house"
Visit a bamboo forest
Visit a black sand beach
Visit a castle
Visit a desert
Visit a Japanese love motel
Visit a planetarium
Visit a rainforest
Visit a renaissance fair
Visit a Scottish loch
Visit a theme park when it's empty
Visit a Torture Museum (Amsterdam)
Visit a UFO site
Visit a Volcano
Visit a waterpark
Visit a white sand beach
Visit abandoned town/city
Visit Africa
Visit Alcatraz Island (USA)
Visit Alcatraz Prison
Visit all 50 States
Visit American Museum of Natural History (New York)
Visit Amsterdam
Visit an atoll
Visit Andy Warhol Museum (Pittsburgh)
Visit Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Visit Anglesey
Visit Antelope Canyon
Visit Area 51
Visit Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO)
Visit Aspen Art Museum
Visit Auschwitz in Poland
Visit Australia
Visit Badlands National Park
Visit BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead (Gateshead, England)
Visit Barker ranch (aka Manson family ranch) Death Valley
Visit Bass Museum (Miami Beach)
Visit Bath England
Visit Bauhaus Archive (Dessau, Germany)
Visit Beijing
Visit Belgium
Visit Bergen, Norway
Visit Bob Marley Museum (Kingston, Jamaica)
Visit Bonito
Visit Brooklyn Museum (New York)
Visit Bryce Canyon
Visit Bunny Island, Japan
Visit Caernarfon castle
Visit Cairngorms National Park
Visit Cairo
Visit Camera Obscura and World of Illusions
Visit Canada
Visit Casa Batlló Museum (Barcelona, Spain)
Visit Cat Island, Japan
Visit Catacombe dei Cappuccini - Italy
Visit Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris)
Visit Chiang Mai
Visit China
Visit Coach Museum Lisbon, Portugal
Visit Contemporary Art Museum, Raleigh ()
Visit Crater Lake National Park
Visit de Young Museum (San Francisco)
Visit DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum (USA)
Visit Denver Art Museum
Visit Deutsche Guggenheim Museum (Berlin)
Visit Dia:Beacon (Beacon, NY)
Visit different festivals
Visit Disneyland
Visit Disneyland in France
Visit Disneyland Paris
Visit Disneyworld
Visit Dublin
Visit Dunnottar Castle
Visit Durdle Door
Visit Easter Island
Visit Edinburgh
Visit Egypt
Visit Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum (USA)
Visit Epcot
Visit every continent in the world
Visit every museum at the Smithsonian
Visit Fiordland National Park
Visit Fly Geyser
Visit French Quarter in New Orleans
Visit Fridericianum (Kassel, Germany)
Visit Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume (Paris)
Visit Galleria degli Uffizi (Firenze, Italy)
Visit Galleria dell'Accademia (Florence, Italy)
Visit Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna (Rome)
Visit Germany
Visit Giant's Causeway
Visit Grand Central Terminal in New York
Visit Grand Prismatic Spring in Wyoming
Visit Grazer Kunstverein (Graz, Austria)
Visit Hallgrímskirkja
Visit Hallstatt
Visit Hammer Museum (Los Angeles)
Visit Hang Son Doong cave
Visit Hawaii
Visit Hayward Gallery (London)
Visit Hershey PA
Visit High Museum of Art (Atlanta)
Visit Hobbiton
Visit Hyde Park
Visit ICA Boston (Boston)
Visit Indianapolis Museum of Art (USA)
Visit International Center of Photography (ICP) (New York)
Visit Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art (Chicago)
Visit Iran
Visit Ireland
Visit Italy
Visit Japan / during cherry blossom season / in autumn /and eat sushi / and eat deep-fried maple leafs / eat sakura
Visit Juliet's Balcony in Verona, Italy
Visit Karnak temple
Visit Kenya
Visit Kyoto, Japan
Visit Lake Tekapo
Visit lake Wanaka
Visit Land of oz -  Beech Mountain, North Carolina
Visit Lapland
Visit Las Pozas, Mexico
Visit Lenbachahus Museum (Munich, Germany)
Visit Les Invalides
Visit Loch Ness
Visit Loch Ness in Scotland
Visit London
Visit Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
Visit Luxor Temple
Visit Machu Picchu
Visit MAD Museum the Museum of Arts and Design (New York)
Visit Madame Tussaud’s
Visit Mall of America MN
Visit Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art
Visit Matsumoto castle
Visit Mexico's Mummy museum in Guanajuato
Visit Milford Sound, New Zealand
Visit MoMA PS1 (New York)
Visit Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
Visit Musée du Louvre (Paris)
Visit Museo Reina Sofia (Madrid)
Visit Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Visit Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Visit MUseum MOderner Kunst (MUMOK) (Vienna, Austria)
Visit Museum of Applied Art (Vienna, Austria)
Visit Museum of Bad Art (MOBA) (Somerville, USA)
Visit Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (MCA)
Visit Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD)
Visit Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami (MOCANoMi) (Miami)
Visit Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art (Ontario, Canada)
Visit Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Visit Museum of Funeral Carriages (Barcelona, Spain)
Visit Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft (Holmavik, Iceland)
Visit Museum of Man (San Diego)
Visit Museum of Sex (New York City)
Visit Museum of Transportation (St. Louis)
Visit my state capitol
Visit Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque
Visit National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Visit National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico City)
Visit National Museum of Health and Medicine (Silver Spring, MD)
Visit National Museum of Mexican Art (Chicago)
Visit National Museum of Scotland (Edinburgh)
Visit National Palace Museum (Taiwan)
Visit Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany
Visit New Museum (New York)
Visit New Zealand
Visit New-York Historical Society
Visit Niagara Falls
Visit Norway
Visit Okinawa
Visit Oscar Wilde's tomb
Visit Palace of Versailles
Visit Paradise Wildlife Park
Visit Paris
Visit Peru
Visit Petra -  Jordan
Visit Phallus Museum (Reykjavík, Iceland)
Visit Philadelphia Museum of Art
Visit Pompeii
Visit Prague
Visit relatives abroad
Visit Reykjavik
Visit Reykjavik Art Museum
Visit Rhode Island School of Design RISD Museum
Visit Robben Island Museum (Cape Town, South Africa)
Visit Rome
Visit Rome
Visit Rubell Family Collection (Miami)
Visit Salem
Visit Salzburg, Austria
Visit San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)
Visit Santorini, Greece
Visit Scotland
Visit Seattle Art Museum
Visit Seljalandsfoss
Visit SITE Santa Fe (Santa Fe)
Visit Skaftafell National Park
Visit Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (Washington, D.C.)
Visit Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York)
Visit somewhere recommended by Atlas Obscura
Visit South America
Visit St Peter's Basilica
Visit State Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Visit Stockholm
Visit Stonehenge
Visit Switzerland
Visit Sydney
Visit Tanzania
Visit Tate Britain (London)
Visit Tate Modern (London)
Visit Tenement Museum (New York)
Visit Tenerife, Spain
Visit Thailand
Visit the Alps
Visit the Amazon rainforest
Visit the Aquidaba River
Visit the Arc de Triomphe
Visit the Bloody Tower
Visit the British Museum
Visit the Callanish Standing Stones
Visit the Caribbean
Visit the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.
Visit the Chester Winter Wonderland
Visit the Colosseum in Rome
Visit the Crystal Palace -  Spain
Visit the Cursed Island Poveglia
Visit The Drawing Center (New York)
Visit the Dunluce castle in Ireland
Visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo
Visit the Fairy Pools
Visit the Forbidden City
Visit the French Quarter, New Orleans
Visit the Galapagos Islands
Visit the Ghibli Museum
Visit the Greek islands
Visit the Harry Potter Experience in London
Visit The Hirshhorn Museum (Washington, D.C.)
Visit the Holy Land.
Visit the Houses of Parliament
Visit the Icelandic Phallological Museum
Visit the Isle of Skye
Visit the Jigokudani Monkey Park
Visit the Jurassic Coast
Visit the Komodo National Park
Visit the Kyoto Imperial Palace
Visit the Lake District
Visit the Latin Quarter in Paris
Visit the Louvre
Visit the Louvre In Paris
Visit the Maldives
Visit The Mattress Factory Art Museum (Pittsburgh)
Visit The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Visit the Mtoni Palace Ruins
Visit the Multnomah Falls
Visit The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH)
Visit The Museum of Jurassic Technology (Los Angeles)
Visit The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (New York)
Visit 'The Mystery spot' Santa Cruz
Visit The National Art Center, Tokyo
Visit the Natural History Museum
Visit the Netherlands
Visit the Norwegian fjords
Visit the Orkney Islands
Visit the palace of Versailles
Visit the Pamukkale Hot Springs, Turkey
Visit the Panthéon
Visit the Parisian Catacombs
Visit The Phillips Collection (Washington, D.C.)
Visit the places that inspired Pokemon regions
Visit the pyramids
Visit the red light district in Amsterdam
Visit the Richard III exhibition
Visit the Rockefeller Center
Visit the Rocky Mountains
Visit the Roman Colosseum
Visit the Royal Observatory
Visit the Salar de Uyuni salt flats
Visit the senate and the house of representatives to see how congress really works.
Visit the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
Visit The Simone Handbag Museum (Seoul, South Korea)
Visit the southern hemisphere
Visit The Studio Museum in Harlem
Visit the Taj Mahal
Visit the temple of Wat Rong Khun
Visit the Titanic exhibition in Las Vegas
Visit the Titanic Museum, Belfast Ireland
Visit the USA
Visit the Valley of the Kings
Visit the Vermilion Lakes
Visit the Victoria and Albert museum
Visit the Waitomo glowworm caves
Visit the walk of fame
Visit the waterfalls at Erawan National Park
Visit the White House
Visit the Wisteria flower tunnel, Japan
Visit Thingvellir National Park
Visit Times Square
Visit times square
Visit Titanic Museum (Belfast, Ireland)
Visit Tokyo National Museum
Visit Torture Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Visit Trafalgar Square
Visit Uluru
Visit United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Visit Vatican Museums
Visit Venice
Visit Versailles
Visit Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A)
Visit Victoria Falls
Visit Vik, Iceland
Visit Vitra Design Museum (Weil am Rhein, Germany)
Visit Walker Art Center (USA)
Visit Washington D.C.
Visit Westminster Abbey
Visit Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
Visit WIELS Museum (Brussels, Belgium)
Visit Yosemite National Park
Visit Zanzibar
Visit Zermatt, Switzerland
Visit Zion National Park
Volunteer abroad for a month
Volunteer abroad for a week
Volunteer and stay at the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand
Volunteer at the Olympics
Volunteer at the orangutans’ orphanage in Borneo
Volunteer for American prairie reserve
Volunteer in a third world country
Volunteer in Africa

Walk across Abbey Road in London
Walk across Blue Moon valley, China
Walk across Forum Romanum
Walk across Mt. Nimbus, Canada
Walk across stone path in Newcastle, Northern Ireland
Walk across the sand to Mont St Michel
Walk across the Shibuya crossing in Tokyo
Walk across the Simpson Desert in Australia
Walk Across Tower Bridge
Walk all the stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower
Walk along "A track winding back to and old fashioned Shack on the road to Gundagai"
Walk along a black sand beach
Walk along China Wall (Halls Creek, Western Australia)
Walk along Dorset Coast, England
Walk along Glass Beach (Fort Bragg, California)
Walk along l'Avenue des Champs-Elysées
Walk Along Monaco's F1 Grand Prix Route
Walk along Shell Beach Sanibel Island, Florida
Walk along the Abraham Path following in the footsteps of the prophet Abraham 4,000 years ago
Walk along The Avenue of the Stars and see the statue of Jacky Chan (Hong Kong)
Walk along the Great Wall of China
Walk amongst the Pinnacles Desert (Cervantes, Western Australia)
Walk around Bodie Ghost Town, California
Walk around New York City all night.
Walk around Stonehenge
Walk barefoot across Northern California's glass beach
Walk between two continents
Walk down a Victorian pier
Walk down Jacracanda Street, Sydney, Australia
Walk down Pirates Alley, New Orleans
Walk down Portugal’s Inverted tower
Walk down the steps to the sea - Amalfi Coast, Italy
Walk down the world’s steepest street, in New Zealand
Walk in the 39 mile Avon Walk for Cancer
Walk in the Amazon Jungle
Walk in the Guoliang Tunnel in the Taihang Mountains, China
Walk in the Serengeti
Walk in the wilderness of Maria Island
Walk into the fake pool in Japan
Walk like an Egyptian
Walk Mount Hua in China
Walk on a black sand beach
Walk on a Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand
Walk on an ancient road in Rome
Walk on Glass Beach in California
Walk on Malaspina Glacier
Walk on the Bolivian Salt Flats
Walk on the glass floor of the CN Tower
Walk on the pink sand beach in Bahamas
Walk on the Salt Flats in Bolivia
Walk on The Walk of Faith, China
Walk on the York Wall (York, England)
Walk on Waianapanapa Black Sand Beach
Walk our most beautiful beach at Wineglass Bay
Walk Paris at midnight and be inspired as the great authors were
Walk the Awa’awapuhi Trail Kauai, Hawaii
Walk the beaches of New Zealand
Walk the Capital City Trail Melbourne
Walk the Central Park's Literary Walk New York
Walk the Eagle Creek Trail
Walk the Freedom Trail With my Family
Walk the Freedom Trail with my family
Walk the Giuseppe Momo Spiral Staircase (Vatican City)
Walk the Glass Walkway at China's Tianmen Mountain Park
Walk the golden gate bridge
Walk the Great Wall of China
Walk the halls of abandoned Fairview Training Center, Oregon
Walk the haunted corridors of Eastern State Penitentiary-PA
Walk the Heaven's Trail
Walk the Hollywood Boulevard
Walk the Inca trail
Walk the Kakoda Trail in Papua New Guinea
Walk the Las Vegas Strip
Walk the Las Vegas Strip at night
Walk the Skywalk at the Grand Canyon
Walk the Tiger and Turtle walkable roller coaster in Germany
Walk the wave in Arizona
Walk through a rainforest in the rain
Walk through a Temperate Rain forest
Walk through Crack in The Ground, Oregon
Walk through Hitachi Seaside Park in Japan
Walk through Ice Castle Silverhorne, Colorado
Walk through Japans tunnel of lights
Walk through Keukenhof Garden, Amsterdam
Walk through skaftafeli - Iceland
Walk through the Tree Tunnel, Meath, Ireland
Walk through the wisteria tunnel (Fuji Gardens, Japan)
Walk through 'Tunnel of Love' - Kleven, Ukraine
Walk up Mount Snowdon
Walk up the Statue Stairs, Kyoto, Japan
Watch a geyser erupt
Watch a high school American football game in USA
Watch a play at Shakespeare's Globe theatre
Watch a Shakespeare play in Stratford
Watch the changing of the guard at Buckingham palace
Watch the Eiffel tower light up at night
Watch the launch of the space shuttle.
Watch the sunset in Santorini
Watch turtles hatch and scramble to the sea
Wear a bikini to a Mediterranean beach
Wear mouse ears at Disney
Whale watching
White water raft in Colorado
Wild Pacific Trail Canada
Wisteria tunnel at Kawachi Fuji gardens, in Kitakyushu | Japan
Witness an authentic Hawaiian wedding
Witness Mexican Day of the Dead festival in Mexico
Witness the last post at the Ypres war memorial
Witness the running of the bulls (San Fermin) in Pamplona, Spain
Witness the Serengeti migration
Witness Tibetan monks destroy a sand mandala
Work abroad
Work for a month at a winery—like, in the fields, growing grapes—in California or France wine counry.
Write a story while traveling

Yell "Andy's coming!" to a Toy Story character
Yell as loud as I can in the Sydney Opera House
Yell something French off the top of the Eiffel Tower

Zorb in Auckland, New Zealand, where it was invented. (One cannot really say it was invented per se, as similar ways of rolling down a hill were used before that, but the guys in NZ were the first to call their thing "Zorbing")

Drink a homemade orange redpepper vodka shot at Vernadsky Research Base bar and leave your bra
Drink at a dive bar
Drink at an ice bar
Drink at the Guinness Brewery in Ireland
Drink at Zero de Conduite Bar in Paris (Baby bottle bar)
Drink beer from Svalbard Bryggeri (World's northernmost brewery) at Barentz Pub & Spiser at Radisson Blu Polar Hotel on Spitsbergen (world's northernmost pub)
Drink great, traditional Scottish ale at Old Forge Pub, mainland Britain's most remote pub
Drink Guinness at Farren's Bar (Ireland's most northerly pub in the sunniest place in Ireland)
Drink Kölsch beer in Cologne
Get a Miller High Life can from the gumball machine at the Brooklyn Tavern
Go to the Birdsville Hotel outside tourist season and eat at a beer garden
Have a drink at Christian's Bar in the Middle of the South Pacific Ocean, Adamstown, Pitcairn Island
Have a Drink at the 'Clinic Bar' -  Singapore
Have a Drink at the 'H.R Giger Bar' - Switzerland
Have a drink at The Inn at Whitewell
Have a drink on a roof top over looking a city - Bangkok Moon Bar
Have a Margarita in Margaritaville
Have a Meal and a Pint at the "Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem" - England's Oldest Inn (Nottingham, England)
Have a meal at Kayabukiya Tavern and be served a beer by a macaque monkey waiter (Utsunomiya, Japan)
Have a pint in The Porterhouse in Temple Bar, Dublin's first pub brewery
Have a pint of Guinness at the source (Guinness storehouse, Dublin)
Have an icy-cold beer and ribeye steaks at Daly Waters historic pub
Munch on delicious canapés and order a cocktail at Burma Bar at the Four Seasons in Chiang Rai
Take a bottle of Tres Cordilleras beer to enjoy it at El Mirador while watching the sun set in the Pacific ocean
Epic brewery tour at main street brewery

Top 50 American Roadside Attractions

100 Things to Do Before You Die (in Australia)