
Monday, October 7, 2013

Grow an abundant herb garden

1) Plan your garden.
Which herbs do you wish to include to your herb garden? 

2) Find out the specific demands of the herbs you chose. 
Some like rich soil, some don't. That information is readily available on-line, all you need to do is to find it.

3) You need to get some land. 
The "land" doesn't need to be on the ground, it can be in pots and containers. One can have a "herb garden" on the windowsill.
See that you prepare the soil for each plant, as you found out in the previous step.

4) You need to get the plants. 
You can grow them from seeds, or buy them as plants. Both ways are good. You can even plant the herbs you buy from a food store.
There are several seed companies on-line, where you can buy your seeds. You can also support a local garden store, and buy the seeds and/or plants from there. (Yes, you can buy some seeds, and some ready-rooted plants. And you don't even need to get everything you want from the same place. You might have friends with a garden who can give you some seeds or plants.)

5) Plant the herbs
Herbs are a good way to start gardening, because most of them are very tolerant.
If you have a pot garden and start with seeds, you can plant the seeds straight into the pot, but it might be better to start the seeds in specific seed pots. You can make them out of egg shells or TP rolls or newspaper, if you don't have any starting pots. Just remember that newspaper dries very, very quickly, so you need to check your pots at least twice a day, as they shouldn't get dry.
You also need to label your plants, so that you know what is in the seed pots. One can make plant labels from ice cream sticks... or from bamboo skewers with a flag. Now, most plant labels become slightly unreadable with time, so it might be a good idea to dye or paint the wood. If you start with some 4-5 plants, you can easily dye the skewers to five clearly different colors, like red, yellow, green, blue and purple. 

6) Take care of your plants.
Water them, fertilize them, take care of them, as they want to be taken care. Which you learned by step 2. 

Et voilà! You have a herb garden.

This is The Herbgarden.

Now, how abundant it is depends on how much you planted, and what you need. Your "abundant" might not be the same as my "abundant".

Also, it's a good idea to start slowly. Have 1-5 pots to begin with. Not a pot or two for every herb there is in the world. That's a bit of "överkurs" as they say in Sweden. ("supplementary studies", but that doesn't carry the understanding. Doing more than can be expected. Way more...)

Another thing, if this is the absolute very first time you do anything that resembles growing plants, you need to start with learning the basics of gardening. Even though one do that (like most other things) by doing, you need to know what a pot is, what a seed is, what a rooted plant is and how to plant seeds. Herbs are a good way of starting gardening, as I already said, because most of them are very tolerant, hardy, and can take some abuse, like the common mistakes an absolute beginner makes.

Also, plants are a bit like pets, except that you can't really take them with you when you travel. So if you plan on traveling during the summer (or while you have living plants), you need to get a "plant sitter", who can come and water your plants. If you have some specific plants that cannot just be watered together with the rest, you need to have special information.


Here's a printable garden notebook
free printable seed starting log and pest and disease log
 - I have never had any problems with pest and disease, perhaps because I don't think garden should be free of insects, even aphids, and my plants don't need to be perfect... but maybe you'll have. Who knows. Read the Findhorn Gardens, and apply their methods to your garden. It really helps to speak with God and nature spirits. [Whether they exist or not... ;-)]
Free gardening planner printables

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