
Sunday, February 10, 2019

The 64 Arts Of The Kama Sutra (not sex)

The 64 Arts Of The Kama Sutra are:

1. Singing

2. Playing a musical instrument

3. Dancing

4.  A combination of singing, using musical instruments and dancing

5. Writing and drawing

6. The Art of Tattooing

7. Adorning an idol with flowers

8. The art of spreading flowers on a bed or on the ground

9. Coloring fabrics, nail and body with colors from plants

10. Fixing colored glass tiles on floor

11.The art of making a bed

12. Producing music by striking glasses of water

13. The art of storing water in reservoirs
I think this should be udaka-ghata, which does NOT mean "art of storing water", but "art of splashing water on ground", "Splashing and squirting with water", "the art of splashing water around and swimming at the ghat"

14. The art of picture making and decorating

15. Making rosaries, necklaces, garlands

16. Tying turbans

17. Stage playing

18. The art of making ear ornaments

19. The art of making perfumes

20. Proper care of jewels, decorations and ornaments

21. Magic (sorcery) (Aindra Jala - magic, sorcery OR juggling?)

22. Manual skills (sleigh of hand)

23. Cooking (culinary skills)

24. Making combination drinks and flavored drinks i.e.– lemonades, sherbet etc

25. Tailoring and sewing

26. Making handicrafts e.g.– parrots, flowers etc. from thread

27. Skills to solve riddles, puzzles and covert speeches

28. The skill of Antakshari (a singing game were one must start with the letter with which other person’s song ended)

29. The skill of imitating natural sounds

30. Reading, chanting and intoning (this is most likely the ability to recite books and verses from memory)

31. Mastering tongue twisters

32. Skills at martial arts (the skills to use sword, stick, bow and arrow)

33. Skill to reach logical conclusions based on given facts

34. Carpentry

35. Architecture

36. Knowledge about gold, silver and gems

37. Chemistry (knowledge of properties of materials)

38. The art of coloring jewels or beads

39. Knowledge of mines

40. Gardening

41. The art of cock fighting (getting cocks, quail or rams to fight and make the fowl/animal victorious)

42. Teaching parrots or starlings to talk

43. Applying perfumes on body and hair

44. Understanding of code language
(this could be sign language, a language of letters and fingers for those who cannot hear)

45. Spoonerism (purposefully interchanging position of letters of words while speaking)

46. Knowledge of languages

47. Knowledge of making flower chariots

48. Knowledge of making mystical graphics, spells and charms and ways to avoid spells

49. Mental exercises

50. Composing poems

51. Knowledge of dictionaries and vocabulary

52. The art of impersonation

53. Impersonation of materials i.e.– make common things appear fine rare substances (make cotton appear to be silk)

54. Knowledge of gambling

55. Using mantras (enchantments) to take away others’ possession

56. Skills in sports and games

57. The art of social conduct, paying respect and sending compliments

58. Knowledge of war, arms and army deployment

59. Knowledge of gymnastics

60. The skills of knowing a person’s real character from his conduct

61. The skill of reading and composing verses

62. The skills of enjoying arithmetic puzzles

63. Making artificial flowers

64. Making images with clay

“A public woman, endowed with a good disposition, beauty and other winning qualities, and also versed in the above arts, obtains the name of a Ganika, or public woman of high quality, and receives a seat of honour in an assemblage of men.She is, moreover, always respected by the king, and praised by learned men, and her favour being sought for by all, she becomes an object of universal regard. The daughter of a king too as well as the daughter of a minister, being learned in the above arts, can make their husbands favorable to them, even though these may have thousands of other wives besides themselves.If a wife becomes separated from her husband, and falls into distress, she can support herself easily, even in a foreign country, by means of her knowledge of these arts. Even the bare knowledge of them gives attractiveness to a woman, though the practice of them may be only possible or otherwise according to the circumstances of each case.A man who is versed in these arts, who is loquacious and acquainted with the arts of gallantry, gains very soon the hearts of women, even though he is only acquainted with them for a short time.”
Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana

Now, some of this loses in translation: there's the 64 transcendental arts, which seems to be the same list, or mostly the same, but it's a bit different

Also, I don't have the slightest idea was kaucumara is.
"The next in line is Kumara the one we all know for he is the one who takes the rawness out of the soil and moulds it into thing of utility" - potter.
"the secret sexual teachings - on aphrodisiac and seduction"
"preparation of sorcery and recipes expounded by Kuchumara (kaucumara yoga) "
"kaucumara-yogah, the art of disguise"