
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Hell Week

Erik Bertrand Larssen has written a book called Hell Week, where he applies his experiences.
The idea, to put it shortly, is to get up earlier, go to bed earlier, and give your all every waking minute. So, I'm giving it a try.

One of the things on my "bucket list" is to complete a goal every day for a year, like ZombieGirl did.
I am using the Hell Week to get it going.

The difficult part with this is to remember a couple of things:
* It's COMPLETE a goal, which means that I can do it in steps spread over several days, like if I do something every day of the month, or have a movie marathon, or chew through a list of books or something like that.
* Any goal will do. It doesn't need to be something spectacular and amazing, it's enough to do something small, like learn a card trick or cook something.
* Done is better than perfect. This means, that if I bake something, it doesn't need to be well baked. It doesn't need to look good. I don't need to succeed, just follow the recipe and try.

So... ZombieGirl has done it. It's just to do what she did, and get it done. :-D

First 10 days:

I am not going to volunteer in any dash, or go to Oregon, but I would like to have "tjejmilen" on my achieved goals... It's some 7 months until that event, so nicely time to train.
So C25K it is. I need to put the training plan on the calendar so that I can mark it done this year.
I suppose I need to start it by walking 5K every day, and then just working on getting the speed up.

Making fudge sounds like a good idea, but on my list I have "bake through the Daring Bakers' challenges", so I think I should take recipes from that list.

Now, I have several movies on my to watch list, and it takes only a couple of hours to watch a movie, so that I can do when I don't come up with something else to do.

Another thing to do is to do something I fear every day. - or at least once a week.

One thing I would like to add to my list is to learn to enjoy fish. But, there are more "important" things there. I want to get back to reading books, for example, so I need to start reading at least an hour every day.

Thursday, January 3, 2019


My sister had a wonderful idea. Complete 4 goals this year.
It can be anything.
what is your best quality, what are your talents, do something to make you better, to embrace that quality.
Which sense would you like to improve or embrace?
Is there something that has been on your "I wish..." list or "to do" list since forever?
Pick a list, any list from listchallenges and complete it.
Learn to do something, learn a new hobby

Some inspiration: ZombieGirl's Complete a goal every day for a year
It doesn't need to be complicated, difficult, take the whole day etc. Just try some food you have never eaten before. :-D

10 things I want to do in February

My problem is two-fold.
1) I want to do something big and amazing and epic and challenging. I don't just want to read the 10 books everyone should read or eat something new once a week. I want to change the world and do... something big and amazing and... :-D
2) I never finish anything, I don't stick to anything. I know exactly HOW to do anything, I know I can learn anything, I know nothing is impossible. I just... don't do it. I have no tenacity, perseverance, commitment. None what so ever. The only thing I can be trusted to do is anything that doesn't require me to do anything. You can trust I will stay in a relationship forever, because leaving it would require me to do something. You can trust I could stay in bed 24/7, because leaving it would require me to do something. Anything else.... nope. I mean... I can't even rip a calendar page every day. I probably wouldn't eat very much if I lived alone.

I would LOVE to do a 365 blog. I wanted to make a 365 blog with peacocks, like Noah Scalin's Skull-a-day.
I would love to do a 365 self portrait challenge.
I would love a "make something every day of the year"
I would really love it if I was that kind of a person. I'm not.

I made myself an Autumn bucket list. It's totally achievable. I am fully capable of doing everything on the list. I am very fond of it. I think it's a really nice list. So after I had made it, I decided I would do one for each season. Bah.

I started a 101 things in 1001 days challenge. I don't think I managed to do any of the things, and I stuck with it for... a week, perhaps?
I did a 50 before 50 challenge. I'll be 50 in April. Have I done anything on the list? Nah.
I love lists like that.


Like... I have this dream. I want to make all 8 Pagan holidays as big as Yule. I have even done the time management list about that! I mean, there are 52 weeks in a year. That is 6 1/2 weeks for each holiday. That's 4 weeks before and 12 days of the holiday and then a couple of days between for rest. There already is a very solid traditions of advent celebration, "December daily", "Elf on the Shelf", family traditions for December, Twelfth night and all that stuff. The only thing one needs to do is to replace all the Yule specifics with the other holiday specifics. I have even done that already! I know the colors and symbols and activities for each holiday and all that jazz, and it would be so easy! All it takes is FOR ME TO JUST DO IT! But, no. 20 years of planning and dreaming, and last year we didn't celebrate even Christmas! Eh.

I have tried to create lists on the things I actually do, but what it resulted with was that I stopped doing even those things. :-(
I used to walk 5K every day, come rain, come shine. I decided I would up it to running 5K every day. I started the C25K program. The first day I did it... I couldn't even run a minute. I could run like 10 seconds. There is no "run 10 seconds and walk 20 minutes" plan, so... I didn't do even that. Now, I was still walking the 5K, but then things happened and I stopped.
I used to yoga every morning. So I decided to up it a little, and add two more moves, to get somewhere with my dream of splits, and - I stopped.
I used to read with gusto. I decided to start reading these "100 books everyone should read" lists, and... I haven't read a book for years. (yeah, I have, but whereas I used to read at least a book every week, now I read at most a book a month. Usually not even that.)
I'm really good with languages. I love languages, and I learn quickly. But - nope.
I have an opinion on everything and I write long and well about it. So I started a blog about my opinions on everything. Have I updated it? No. The last 5 years I have managed to blog 10 times or less. Yay me!

So... how could I improve my persistence?
So - the goal is very much worth it.
Have I ever persisted? Once. It lead nowhere. I kept on doing something for more than a year, and all it got me was... mental breakdown. I really wanted something and I couldn't get it. The more I tried, the more it resisted, and when I gave up, it went away alltogether. It was really devastating, and not rewarding in any way. But... I did it. I don't know how.