
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Find my soulmate

It really isn't difficult. It's actually very easy and simple. But you might not want to do the work...

1) Get happy with who you are. You don't have to change at all, in any way, because your soulmate wants YOU, just the way you are. The fat, ugly, crumpy, unfit, sourpuss besserwisser, or what ever name you call yourself when you feel you aren't worthy. You just have to be OK with who you are. If you don't want to live with you, you can't believe anyone would.

2) Get active. Of course it's possible that your soulmate finds you - there is this story of a woman who was dreaming of an active, handsome and fit man, but she never left her house unless she absolutely had to. Her friends was trying to fix her up, trying to get her become more active, but she wouldn't. Then, one day, her dream man dropped from the sky... he was a parachuter and the jump went a bit wrong, so he fell into her garden. They liked each other the first sight, started discussing, and one thing lead to another, and they got married and have lived happily ever after. I mean... it happens. But the chances of it happening grow, if you increase the amount of people you meet.

So - get active in the areas of life, occupations, hobbies, you are interested in, and could imagine doing with your soulmate. I met mine at Tolkien society :-D

About 1/5 meet their spouse at internet; through dating sites or just social media.
About 1/5 meet their spouse through friends. Your friend's friend (or sibling's friend) might be your soulmate.
About 1/4 meet their spouse at school or work
About 1/8 meet their spouse at a bar or nightclub
About 1/10 meet their spouse at an event - sport, church, concert etc.

3) Learn to talk with anyone. Talk with everyone.

How to identify your soulmate

4) Ideas for first dates:

If they are your soulmate, they'll find you when they are free.
And if you happen on a person who lies about their status, get rid of them immediately you find out they lied. It doesn't matter if they are separated or "the marriage is over" or "they are taking time off", or "in an open relationship", or what ever. If he/she can't wait until they are 100% available and not cheating on someone, you don't want to be with him/her, BECAUSE YOU WILL BE NEXT.

Also, "falling in love" means that you find the other person attractive and want to have sex with them. It doesn't mean you "love" him/her or that he/she is your soulmate or you "are in love". It doesn't excuse anything, it doesn't justify anything, it's not reason enough to do anything (except, PERHAPS, to have sex). It doesn't mean you have found your soulmate. One important question to ask here is if you want to see them happy even if it meant that you are unhappy or if you want to see yourself happy even if it meant that they are unhappy - meaning that you want them to be with you, stay with you, choose you always, inspite of the options. If you can be sincerely happy about them finding their soulmate when that person isn't you, and smile and congratulate them on their wedding day, even when your heart breaks, then you love them. If you would sabotage the wedding because you are 100% certain of that they would be happier with you, then you don't really love them.

BUT - it is very much possible to learn to love someone.

Most arranged marriages "succeed", because there is a trick in being in a successful relationship. It is "make it work". Don't consider divorce an option. It is possible to make EVERY ASPECT OF A MARRIAGE work with a person who isn't your dream spouse or soulmate. Millions of people do it every day. And might be that in the end, you realize this person WAS your soulmate after all.

(Unless there's violence involved in the relationship. Then staying in it is not an option, how ever much it is possible to "fix" it. People who use violence; physical, mental, psychological, social, economical, any kind, on people, especially friends and family, should not be in a relationship.)

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Visit Every Country Of The World

As for now, there's about 200 countries in the world:

1 Afghanistan
2 Albania
3 Algeria
4 Andorra
5 Angola
6 Antigua and Barbuda
7 Argentina
8 Armenia
9 Australia
10 Austria
11 Azerbaijan
12 Bahamas
13 Bahrain
14 Bangladesh
15 Barbados
16 Belarus
17 Belgium
18 Belize
19 Benin
20 Bhutan
21 Bolivia
22 Bosnia and Herzegovina
23 Botswana
24 Brazil
25 Brunei
26 Bulgaria
27 Burkina Faso
28 Burundi
29 Côte d'Ivoire
30 Cabo Verde
31 Cambodia
32 Cameroon
33 Canada
34 Central African Republic
35 Chad
36 Chile
37 China
38 Colombia
39 Comoros
40 Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)
41 Costa Rica
42 Croatia
43 Cuba
44 Cyprus
45 Czechia (Czech Republic)
46 Democratic Republic of the Congo
47 Denmark
48 Djibouti
49 Dominica
50 Dominican Republic
51 Ecuador
52 Egypt
53 El Salvador
54 Equatorial Guinea
55 Eritrea
56 Estonia
57 Eswatini (fmr. "Swaziland")
58 Ethiopia
59 Fiji
60 Finland
61 France
62 Gabon
63 Gambia
64 Georgia
65 Germany
66 Ghana
67 Greece
68 Grenada
69 Guatemala
70 Guinea
71 Guinea-Bissau
72 Guyana
73 Haiti
74 Holy See
75 Honduras
76 Hungary
77 Iceland
78 India
79 Indonesia
80 Iran
81 Iraq
82 Ireland
83 Israel
84 Italy
85 Jamaica
86 Japan
87 Jordan
88 Kazakhstan
89 Kenya
90 Kiribati
91 Kuwait
92 Kyrgyzstan
93 Laos
94 Latvia
95 Lebanon
96 Lesotho
97 Liberia
98 Libya
99 Liechtenstein
100 Lithuania
101 Luxembourg
102 Madagascar
103 Malawi
104 Malaysia
105 Maldives
106 Mali
107 Malta
108 Marshall Islands
109 Mauritania
110 Mauritius
111 Mexico
112 Micronesia
113 Moldova
114 Monaco
115 Mongolia
116 Montenegro
117 Morocco
118 Mozambique
119 Myanmar (formerly Burma)
120 Namibia
121 Nauru
122 Nepal
123 Netherlands
124 New Zealand
125 Nicaragua
126 Niger
127 Nigeria
128 North Korea
129 North Macedonia
130 Norway
131 Oman
132 Pakistan
133 Palau
134 Palestine State
135 Panama
136 Papua New Guinea
137 Paraguay
138 Peru
139 Philippines
140 Poland
141 Portugal
142 Qatar
143 Romania
144 Russia
145 Rwanda
146 Saint Kitts and Nevis
147 Saint Lucia
148 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
149 Samoa
150 San Marino
151 Sao Tome and Principe
152 Saudi Arabia
153 Senegal
154 Serbia
155 Seychelles
156 Sierra Leone
157 Singapore
158 Slovakia
159 Slovenia
160 Solomon Islands
161 Somalia
162 South Africa
163 South Korea
164 South Sudan
165 Spain
166 Sri Lanka
167 Sudan
168 Suriname
169 Sweden
170 Switzerland
171 Syria
172 Tajikistan
173 Tanzania
174 Thailand
175 Timor-Leste
176 Togo
177 Tonga
178 Trinidad and Tobago
179 Tunisia
180 Turkey
181 Turkmenistan
182 Tuvalu
183 Uganda
184 Ukraine
185 United Arab Emirates
186 United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
187 United States of America (50 states)
188 Uruguay
189 Uzbekistan
190 Vanuatu
191 Venezuela
192 Vietnam
193 Yemen
194 Zambia
195 Zimbabwe

Also the dependent territories.

American Samoa
British Virgin Islands
Caribbean Netherlands
Cayman Islands
Channel Islands
Cook Islands
Faeroe Islands
Falkland Islands
French Guiana
French Polynesia
Hong Kong
Isle of Man
New Caledonia
Northern Mariana Islands
Puerto Rico
Saint Barthelemy
Saint Helena
Saint Martin/ Sint Maarten
Saint Pierre & Miquelon
Turks and Caicos
U.S. Virgin Islands
Wallis & Futuna
Western Sahara 

And the questioned areas that consider itself a country but haven't yet been recognized internationally

Republic of Kosovo
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Republic of South Ossetia
Republic of Abkhazia
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Republic of Artsakh
Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
Republic of Somaliland

Also the micronations